I've decided that it is. There's no detailed list of bonuses and penalties to reaper xp in the xp report, so it really just comes down to how you choose to look at it. I find this way to be much more palatable.
So it makes a big difference. Back then Shroud wasn't the only raid being run. Many players had alts for different things. GS was considered end game and leveling twink gear.
Hound was common for tank, bard for puppies, healers for group and puppies, dps.
VOD for healers, hagers, dps, WF tank, trapper.
VON 6 for healers, bard for fascinate, dps, hagers.
TOD for healers, light monk, fleshy and WF tank, dps, shadow kiter if they couldn't stand there.
Chronoscope for healers, DC casters, tank, dps.
I think you get the point.
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
There is a bit of a timeline issue. Shroud became available when the max level of a character was 16/18. This was prior to Reincarnation. I agree the ingredients outside of the Power Shards and Cleansers being bound to account did give those that had multiple characters more incentive to run on their alternate character because the group needed a "healing type", "roguish type" or even more dps.
However, it was the addition of TR and Level 20 that made Green Steel even more valuable as it was available to a character at level 11 and 12, which was available before some of the Raid items for that were regularly run.
You are correct most people had multiple characters during this time for these raids, this is because most at this time already had multiple characters.
Hm, spit on all those people who grinded ePLs for their alts? Sounds... bad?
Argonnessen - Death N Taxes
Main: Dalsheel, Paladin - Triple everything
Alts: Elralia, Wizard - Retired for now // Nesnibtan, Undecided - Currently on the TR-Train
Making it less time consuming to obtain in game removes the potential for monetization of grind mitigating mechanics. People defended the gas price trap of TR XP so staunchly that it wont surprise me when reaper XP pots, reaper XP tomes, and Reaper XP boxes, or similar items, get added to the store.
You have the direct quotes in this thread that players want to spend money to play many alts, combined with the mistaken idea that reaper will prevent them from doing this.
Instead of buying tomes for all, they can buy their way through reaper rewards.
Those that want to play their way through content without spending money can do so as always.
Pretty much everyone on these forums can't make an argument about others not having a life.
Of course you believe the way you play is correct and the way others choose to play is wrong. It's typical of the forums.
I know quite a few great players than maintain many alts. Great players destroy everybody else with only 90% character power - because they know how to play and build a toon.
I know many on the forums that claim things are impossible that are routinely done.
Almost any post on the forums that begins with "xyz" is impossible has a 99% chance of being wrong.
Yours included.
Those that can't go on with life without having every reward on 12 toons in a video game may need to spend some time to think about who really needs a life. Be careful with your accusations about others.
Last edited by nokowi; 03-27-2017 at 06:06 PM.
So you think you have a life.
What would you say your play time is per week on average?
I think the issue here isn't the truth of my statement, but the fact that you are defining "no lifer" as someone who spends a lot more time than you personally play.
I would define "no lifer" as someone who plays one day on the weekend (~6-10hrs) and an average of 12 hours during the week. Anything more than that and you're no-lifing it.
Yep, should also make an epic past life, cost 6m exp to match an epic destiny sphere regardless of actual level.
Why not make an alt, one character can't be all builds. Your build is what would make them different. No one has the time to develop more than 1 character as it's become, these things need to be made account wide.
To paraphrase the great George Carlin: Anyone who plays less than me is a casual. Anyone who plays more than me has no life.
Sure, given roughly equal intelligence, but it has a lot less to do with the characters they are playing than who's playing it. If they were to swap characters that gap really wouldn't narrow all that much.
About the only way to really narrow that gap is to dumb the game down to the point where there really isn't anything for the new player to learn that the old player already knows.
I've always felt this way. Bravery should always have been based on base quest level or been named something else, like "run two levels later on elite bonus". As there is nothing very brave about running at-level quests, even if they generally are the tougher at-level quests.
lol the bolded part is so ironic coming from some like you that just accused anyone with more alts than you having no life. You made the statement anyone that has more alts than you has no life not me. Don't project your nonsense of defining "no lifer" to me. I never made any defintion.
I average about 12 hours per week although less so now. I play more when I am one of my "sabbaticals" which I take frequently to refresh but I also have more time then. I also have a wife and grown kids, a successful career with the monetary awards that come from it. I focus on other hobbies 3 nights per week and part of the day one weekend day. I usually spend a few hours at the beach every week. I exercise 10 hours per week on top of my daily bike rides into work. I consider it to be a very full and balanced life. What I don't do is spend much time watching tv or movies except when playing DDO I tend to multi-task by catching up on netflix series. Some part of my ddo time is playing with real life friends.
And I manage to do all this with some physical limitations that don't allow me to do everything possible in DDO.
The issue isn't people having more alts than you lacking a life - it's that you want things handed to you easier and you use this lame and false excuse to justify it.
Last edited by slarden; 03-27-2017 at 11:46 PM.
Last edited by Sam-u-r-eye; 03-28-2017 at 12:58 AM.
Back in the day, people could run multiple alts and swap roles around to fit into group. Now, it's all about 1 char and all DPS.