Is it compatibile? If so on what level is most effective?
I did managed complete some r4 solo, but it feeling like pain. I am not sure if its due recently champion changes or just weak class.
As lowbie I am using every possible boost but strugling in many tasks.
As i tried r1 or r2 isnt that terrible. But also I have to take care about spell pool in some quests.
But run r3+ becoming nightmares.
1.) as lowbie using robe because there arent any arcane augm. item on leather armor. (or i dont own it)
All time blured, maxed sheltering, 33 ac but suffering terrible hits from about 40 to 120 on r6.
2.) spell demage feel weak on higher skulls and if sorc doent kill fast it is dead.
I have awesome dps items like +14% old canith crit item, Reveler's Regalia, Robe of Duality, Spell power 150+, And curently I am lvl6. And my hp is close 300 and sp about 700. My evo is about 30.
So maybe it need change strategy and focus more on cc. Maybe webbing but it isnt compatibile with fire sevant.
And fire sevant should be slayer king in skeltons stuff. But seems it doesnt work anymore in ddo.
Glad see here any advice thx.