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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Sorcerer & reaper mode

    Is it compatibile? If so on what level is most effective?
    I did managed complete some r4 solo, but it feeling like pain. I am not sure if its due recently champion changes or just weak class.
    As lowbie I am using every possible boost but strugling in many tasks.

    As i tried r1 or r2 isnt that terrible. But also I have to take care about spell pool in some quests.
    But run r3+ becoming nightmares.

    1.) as lowbie using robe because there arent any arcane augm. item on leather armor. (or i dont own it)
    All time blured, maxed sheltering, 33 ac but suffering terrible hits from about 40 to 120 on r6.

    2.) spell demage feel weak on higher skulls and if sorc doent kill fast it is dead.
    I have awesome dps items like +14% old canith crit item, Reveler's Regalia, Robe of Duality, Spell power 150+, And curently I am lvl6. And my hp is close 300 and sp about 700. My evo is about 30.
    So maybe it need change strategy and focus more on cc. Maybe webbing but it isnt compatibile with fire sevant.

    And fire sevant should be slayer king in skeltons stuff. But seems it doesnt work anymore in ddo.
    Glad see here any advice thx.

  2. #2
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    sorc is fine
    soloing reaper @ 3+ skulls in low levels means you're doing great
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  3. #3
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Youre doing better than I am
    I manage reaper1 at level with cleric hire
    If you're interested,
    See blue dragon in sorc
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  4. #4
    Community Member adrian69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tebaco View Post
    Is it compatibile? If so on what level is most effective?
    I did managed complete some r4 solo, but it feeling like pain. I am not sure if its due recently champion changes or just weak class.
    As lowbie I am using every possible boost but strugling in many tasks.

    As i tried r1 or r2 isnt that terrible. But also I have to take care about spell pool in some quests.
    But run r3+ becoming nightmares.

    1.) as lowbie using robe because there arent any arcane augm. item on leather armor. (or i dont own it)
    All time blured, maxed sheltering, 33 ac but suffering terrible hits from about 40 to 120 on r6.

    2.) spell demage feel weak on higher skulls and if sorc doent kill fast it is dead.
    I have awesome dps items like +14% old canith crit item, Reveler's Regalia, Robe of Duality, Spell power 150+, And curently I am lvl6. And my hp is close 300 and sp about 700. My evo is about 30.
    So maybe it need change strategy and focus more on cc. Maybe webbing but it isnt compatibile with fire sevant.

    And fire sevant should be slayer king in skeltons stuff. But seems it doesnt work anymore in ddo.
    Glad see here any advice thx.
    Yeah, you either need to focus on Prismatic Spray and instakilling when you can and debuffs or helpless/CC with a back to the other when the other is out.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    What I have found is that using more of your SLA's with full power and minimizing your use of memorized spells that cost more can go a long way in reducing your spell point use. I've even used versions without Meta's turned on. Instead I maximize spell power from gear which is something that is easier to do with Cannith Crafting as an option.

    The key for me was figuring out the Cost of SP to Damage output and realizing that many situations I had time for 2 casts that was cheaper then a single cast fully powered. This doesn't mean you shouldn't have a "big" hit option, just that if you can minimize how often you use the "big" hit vs multiple good hits can go a long way in stretching your spell point pool. One big difference with higher Reaper modes is that doing the "gather/nuke" option is much more dangerous and this was a big factor in Spell Point conservation at the Elite and lower levels.

    Even if you feel that you are doing ok with meta settings on full, I still recommend having hotbarred versions without all the bells and whistles for those times when that is enough damage to finish the job. Big numbers are great but when you only needed 1/2 that damage it starts eating into your spell point pool.

    But I do agree with others, having a "helpless" option can also go a long way in increasing your damage output. Even an option that simply slows/stops mobs like web can go a long way in reducing incoming damage and give you more time for multiple damage spell casts at a lower cost.

    Another thing to look at is your meta magic usage.

    Two Meta's that are commonly over used are Heighten and Quicken. Heighten being one of the biggest offenders because using it when it is not needed in that it does not improve the chance to land the spell, or keeping it on and having mobs save even with the DC higher. This takes observation skills. Quicken is often used on spells to prevent them not being cast, but there are many times when either there is no need to make a concentration check or you would have succeeded a concentration check.

    I advise each person to examine their own use as playstyle and even level/difficulty can effect "best".

    But I did want to say being able to solo R4 is still telling me for the most part you are doing fine. Which is why I simply provided possible Spell Point saving areas as you indicated that was an area you noticed was weak.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    But I do agree with others, having a "helpless" option can also go a long way in increasing your damage output. Even an option that simply slows/stops mobs like web can go a long way in reducing incoming damage and give you more time for multiple damage spell casts at a lower cost.
    Yes some pastlifes on other classes learned me other spells. So now I play sorc bit different. Indstead of picking only nuking/buffing spells, I pick nuking/buffing/utility/insta killers.
    There are plenty options what to take and how to use it. But I am still pretty confused and unsure if some spells are wise choice or not.
    As great mob stopper i see spell daze monster. That I would reccomend for every sorc. There are plenty of quest where u need pull lever and maybe some strong mob is around and it is champ with deadward. So wise choice is skip him with daze and pulling lever..
    Another good spell is Phantasmal Killer that just help clear ugly mobs for few spell points.
    I will probably put thouse spell list after longer experimenting in my own thread under sorc class.
    Generaly speaking playing sorc in reaper mode need past lifes, gear and knowledge.
    Knowledge can be shared, gear can be crafted, past lifes is grind. Past lifes mainly because +3dc to some schools and +9 spell penetration. +9 Is large number that cant be more or less suppled by gear or gear swapping or enhancements tweaking. +3 Is about that if sorc havent it than he run r1/r2 because on r3/r4 he will miss this badly that he find yourself early with empty blue pool and spent in quest much more time.

  7. #7
    Community Member Miow's Avatar
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  8. #8
    Community Member Feralthyrtiaq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miow View Post
    Yes. For soloing Reaper quests (and for partying up (if your party can stand it) you get a lot of mileage from charm as CC and charmed mob DPS (most mobs do not have the damage mitigation we do so are especially susceptible to champ attacks). <3 Symbol of Persuasion on my FVS and Lock (in addition to Create Thrall, Dominate Person, Dominate Monster, Charm Monster Mass).

    Ideally I feel like I'd build with Spell Pen, G. Spell Pen, SF Enchant, GSF Enchant, PL Wiz, Heighten and Maximize for non-human. I would trade out GSF Enchant for Completionist if available or Force of Personality for convenient Will Save bump.

    Those Charms though....Magically Delicious

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Miow View Post
    The way it works in reaper is basically a double benefit. Mob damage is massively increased with higher skulls, yet they do nut suffer from the damage reduction that applies to players. Their HP remain unchanged compared to elite difficulty.
    In short - any mobs hitting each other will kill each other pretty quickly. The higher the skull level, the better this works (disregarding that your charm spell need better DCs of course the higher you go).
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  10. #10
    Community Member Bloodskittle's Avatar
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    Default Full spec to Charm?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    The way it works in reaper is basically a double benefit. Mob damage is massively increased with higher skulls, yet they do nut suffer from the damage reduction that applies to players. Their HP remain unchanged compared to elite difficulty.
    In short - any mobs hitting each other will kill each other pretty quickly. The higher the skull level, the better this works (disregarding that your charm spell need better DCs of course the higher you go).
    What level does this start being an effective strategy?

    What are your thoughts on a full charm build? Using Charm and Hold to passive aggressively get through quests seems like an amusing strategy that would potentially require minimal self heals.
    Viamel ~ Lava Divers

  11. #11
    Community Member Phil7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam-u-r-eye View Post
    sorc is fine
    soloing reaper @ 3+ skulls in low levels means you're doing great
    awww so cute <3

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