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  1. #1
    Community Member Talon_Oakenleaf's Avatar
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    Jul 2009

    Default ddo points did not get delivered

    I purchased some points from the store 9 days ago and still have not received them. Has anyone else had this problem? Yes I submitted a ticket to standing stone games 9 days ago and another one 2 days ago. I have my receipts for the purchase from pay pal and the money did come out of the bank. I tried talking to a dev in game and they said they could not help me. I sent a pm to cordovan just before this one but he was not online. Not sure if there is anything else I could do. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    I have noticed a few posts over last week from people with similar isues with purchases not being delivered, apparently it is an issue with Paypal and SSG, where the payment is going through normally but the purchase is not registering SSG side or something like that.

    Anyhow, there is a reason, and you are not alone, as to when it will be straightened out, that is another matter.

  3. #3
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    SSG has decided to ignore complaints of this nature. I just escalated my dispute with Paypal since they have refused to contact me in any fashion. That's pretty much the only way to get any response I believe at this point.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Talon_Oakenleaf's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    As much as I hated Turbine, I do have to say that 3 days was the longest I have ever had to wait for them to answer a ticket. Considering the fact that I have spent real money on a service that Standing Stone Games provides I do not think it is too much to ask for a response. If I didn't love ddo I would stop playing it, as it stands I will not play another standing stones game and they have now lost my business for future games. Its sad really, all they needed to do was respond to the ticket saying something like "we are looking into this problem and hope you will understand that it will take some time to fix it." Maybe I would be a little less upset.

  5. #5
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Talon_Oakenleaf View Post
    As much as I hated Turbine, I do have to say that 3 days was the longest I have ever had to wait for them to answer a ticket. Considering the fact that I have spent real money on a service that Standing Stone Games provides I do not think it is too much to ask for a response. If I didn't love ddo I would stop playing it, as it stands I will not play another standing stones game and they have now lost my business for future games. Its sad really, all they needed to do was respond to the ticket saying something like "we are looking into this problem and hope you will understand that it will take some time to fix it." Maybe I would be a little less upset.
    At least you could get a ticket in. I PMed SSG directly as the support site won't load properly. Completely ignored. Tried contacting them through Pay Pal. Completely ignored. Now they can try to ignore the Federal Trade Commission and my state Attorney General's office.

    I wonder how many others are now no longer going to buy anything from SSG, since they refuse to provide any semblance of support at all? They broke the store in regards to paypal; it was no more a third party issue than Elton John is a straight bassist for a death metal band. It was an SSG issue, they tried to bury it and ignore it, and when it hit the media, tried to deflect it. Meanwhile far too many people are still waiting on either the points/ViP they paid for or a refund.

    Why in the world would anyone continue to give money to a company that has proven themselves to be so completely dishonest and corrupt?
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