So... no wings? Really? None? Not even a catch-all palate swap from DI?
(and no Dragonborn prefix for the Races forum either... specists!)
They have the technology.... you just need to run a reaper quests until your eyes bleed for your wings (that won't quite look right because they lack scales):
Hmmm... that's probably too much reaper XP for sane humans. I'd push for cosmetic dragonborn-fitting scaled wings as one of the Ravenloft Expansion Legendary Pack promo items. Hmmm... though with Ravenloft they should be dracolich wings I think.
Casual DDOaholic
Good point, I'll put the Races subforum tag on my to-do list. Think I need to do Gnome, too.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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I've now added Prefixes for both Gnome and Dragonborn.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure during one of the livestreams it was stated that the reason Memory of Flight has no visible wings was due to a licensing issue. You can still use the wings from Draconic Incarnation though, but I'm inferring that the licensing issue was involved with giving wings to Dragonborn specifically.
I'd love the winged tiefling variant from Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide when DDO has tieflings. Aasimars would also be awesome, though they can fly only for one minute per rest.
Viaerna Do'Urden