Looking for a robe from ToEE. need it to complete my +20 ranged power set. anyone got anything? been farming for a LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG time and still nothing. let me know what you got and if we can work out a deal. thanks
Looking for a robe from ToEE. need it to complete my +20 ranged power set. anyone got anything? been farming for a LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG time and still nothing. let me know what you got and if we can work out a deal. thanks
Sprulok pure monk// Magnetik 12 monk/6rngr/2ftr thrower//Bllaak Stabbath Warlock (work in progress) Ghallanda server---Officer of the Captain's Crew
I have a fire robe. I've been looking for TOEE light armor, preferably electric, acid, or cold, and I'd be happy to trade my robe for one of those.