A few small things I've noticed with the new dragonborn models.
The hands/wrists on the females have a pixel or two gap in the binding of the texture where the model portions meet, meaning there's a visible transparent gap that you can see through.
The male's also had this on one of their ankles, not sure which. Just seems like a little bit of vertex/texture/alignment is off.. Otherwise, they look pretty darn good overall. Clipping isn't as bad as I would have expected, and I wanna really give a super thumbs-up to the team for really pushing the look and style.
Proper clawed hands, digitigrade feet, and the frills/tines/etc. Beautifully done and honestly more than I could have hoped for given DDO's age. The only thing that would make it any better would be a tail, but I imagine that was a bigger technical limitation than anything. Great work!