Rather than pile on a post about "sacks of HP in Reaper" or "is kiting the same thing as cheesing" I thought I would start a new post on the extremely small chance that a Dev might read it and think about how to incorporate it into future game plans.
1) Scaling up mob HP or blanket reductions in character DPS is not a fun solution to the problem of "Challenge".
2) Reducing self-healing by itself is not a good means to encourage group play and teamwork.
3) Fundamentally rebuilding the game engine isn't going to happen so hordes of mobs will still cause lag.
A) Provide quests that have paths for Brute Force as well as Teamwork gameplay.
B) Encourage people to run quests at or below quest level rather than far above quest level.
C) Fun for all.
- Provide in quest mechanisms that require coordination and teamwork but can reduce the effective HP of bosses. As an example of how this might work, imagine Legendary Tempest Spine. For those that have run this on any degree of Reaper, the Stormreaver turns into a monster sack of HP that randomly murders characters in a wide swath around him with little to no chance to survive. We are all familiar with gathering the runes to place into the urns to reduce the Stormreavers defenses at the end, but what if rather than placing these runes once the party had the option of leaving members behind to "protect" on-going rituals that increased the Reavers vulnerability to damage. Thus, the party could make one trip to gather each rune and plan on Brute Forcing through the Reavers defenses or send parties back to maintain rituals that made the Reaver easier to kill. This gives the option of brute force but also allows the opportunity for a group to work together to make the completion something other than a simple beatdown.
- Rather than reduce self-healing to the point of useless, allow self-healing to work normally. This can be countered by allowing Reapers to amp up all mobs in a radius around them. Plague reapers could add bane damage to all mobs nearby, Carnage could give armor piercing and improved crit multipliers to surrounding mobs, and Fear reapers could cause increase mob attack and movement speeds. Attempting to force players into healing each other reduces fun, especially for people who would rather pay attention to the mobs rather than to the parties HP bars (like me).
- You've set up penalties for over-level play in Reaper now but you haven't made it worthwhile for people to challenge themselves by running it under level. Rather than another source of XP inflation, why not give percentage increases to named item drop rates when quests are run under level? Maybe +2% for each level under (+4% if run on Reaper) the quest level to a max of +10% (+20% on Reaper) named drop rate for running items under quest level.