I wonder if your DDO 'UserPreferences.ini' file has become corrupt?
I know in the past if I deleted the text under the section [User_1] in that file it would correct a similar login issue (relating to one server). I think occasional the 'LastPlayed' timestamps get corrupted and the game gets confused.
For example using file: UserPreferences.ini (within /Dungeons and Dragons Online/ folder - same one where your DDO screenshots go depending upon your OS)
It should be safe to delete that specific text under the UserName line, and the game will rebuild those login lists when you you login to a specific world. Your list will look slightly different (i.e. Worlds/times listed) but you just need to delete ALL those text lines entirely which are below UserName. Taking care you only delete those lines and not other sections then save the file.
Then try running the DDO client as normal, you possibly won't need to reboot the PC first, after saving the file changes but it never harms.
Do NOT delete [User_1] or UserName=your_login_name of course your own login name will be there not the place holder in my example.
Of course make a backup copy of the file first and ONLY delete the lines I've mentioned. I cannot guarantee it will work but know in the past I've done similar when I've had login issues with one specific server only but know the Server was functional and it successfully resolved the issue.