Trying to get on the lamannia server and launcher gets stuck at 33% Connecting to patch server
Trying to get on the lamannia server and launcher gets stuck at 33% Connecting to patch server
Lammania was supposed to close back down sometime yesterday.
Assuming it actually did, that is why you cannot get in.
seems like everytime i try to get on this happens , is there a way to track when it's up or down??
Its generally announced here on the forums when it will be up.
The announcement for this preview is here.
Just keep an eye on the forums. I also periodically check the Dev Tracker to see what their latest posts are.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
The lamannia dev tracker is generally more useful for this since they rarely announce lamannia opening in the regular forums.
Also the ddo chronicle usually mentions when it is open, though you still have to find the dates yourself.