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Thread: Inferno Shot

  1. #1
    Community Member Infinitedrift's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Inferno Shot

    In situations where you battle creatures that are immune to fire, this ability is useless. In some cases, it's even detrimental if fire can heal the enemy. So, I propose the following idea:

    Inferno Shot changed to "Imbue Shot" and functionality changed

    It does the same type of damage as the imbue does.

    Imbue shot = fire if fire arrows
    ice if ice arrows
    acid if corrosive arrows
    electric if electric arrows
    poison if paralyze arrows
    untyped or psionic if terror arrows

  2. #2
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    This could definitely be an interesting idea. However, do you intend for it to continue to be a DOT, or do you want it to be just solid damage?

    If damage, then it'd have an effect like:

    Your next attack gains a benefit based on its current imbue:

    Elemental Arrow Imbue (Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid, Force):

    Double imbue dice (3d8 -> 6d8 for one attack)

    Non-elemental Arrow Imbue (Paralyzing, Terror, Banishing, Smiting):

    Deal damage based as if you were using an imbue with a base 1d4 damage, and your arrow applies its vorpal effect. This damage is Bane typed.
    (With all four imbues, three of which are just elemental damage, you do a base of 7dx damage. With this effect, you'd do an extra 7d4 bane damage, and applies its vorpal effect)

  3. #3
    Community Member Infinitedrift's Avatar
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    Jul 2013


    I hadn't actually thought about it that deep. I just thought it was silly to have an ability that is useless against fire creatures, etc, and could use some more utility. As a dot, the damage is a super slow buildup though, which does make one question why to even spend the sp on it. I think your idea might be a good one too; Devs would have to do the math on dps, but I'm sure anyone would rather have the actual ability as a dps equivalent of the dot with damage front loaded so that it could be useful against mobs that don't have millions of hp

  4. #4
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    TBH, the real power of inferno shot right now isn't the DOT, it's the fact that when you fire inferno shot, it does fire damage equal to a tick of the flame on impact.

    That means with 20 stacks, your inferno shot adds 20d6 fire damage, which, while not scaling, is still okay.

    It really shines when used for non-bow weapons, since it doesn't have any requirements. 4-5 hits of 2d6 fire damage with a shuriken is worth 1 ap.

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