i have a lvl 13 pally, S&B, would it be worth it to spend feats getting bastard or kopesh, as opposed to me just going with vorpal longsword?
i have a lvl 13 pally, S&B, would it be worth it to spend feats getting bastard or kopesh, as opposed to me just going with vorpal longsword?
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.
ok, so which one, bastard or kopesh?
It depends... 8)
If you want build around THF feat/enh chain and produce glancing blows - use bastard.
If you like good crit profile and use crit proc build - use khopesh.
not a THF, so i'm thinking khopesh, is bastard not good for fighting w/shield?
Check out the Water Khopesh from the Cannith Challenges, it's very very good
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BSword/DAxe perform glancing blows and THF feats work with them as long as you aren't fighting with 2 weapons. So Shield and BS benifit. But khopesh would be a better choice if you don't have the THF feats planned for the build and just want to do more damage to a single target for a cost of 1 feat slot.
On a Paladin I'll usually swing a great axe, falchion, etc... taking THF feats up through late heroics taking the chalice and defender enhancements. Then I'll reset chalice and switch to defender and vanguard w/ Bastard and sheild for later levels. But doing that uses 3 feats that you might prefer to spend other ways.
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.
khopesh pros: better crit profile than other 1H weapons (16-20/x4 with Holy Sword + Imp Crit:Slash feat).
bastard sword (or dwarven axe) pros: glancing blows apply to your attacks, but you have to invest in the THF feat chain to max them out. Note that the light damage from KotC cores will apply to glancing blows as well.
B.swords have a couple of good named options like Spinal Tap and Nightmare. D.axes have the advantage of benefiting from Headman's Chop.
There are several threads for S&B pallies wherein we discuss weapon options.
Last edited by unbongwah; 03-09-2017 at 10:30 AM.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.