- I'm really not liking the "Teleport you somewhere" thing that you've been doing with a lot of quests lately. At the very least on the splash screen include a map of the game world with an X where we're headed so that it at least feels connected to the quest. I mean is this place a few hours north of stormreach? Other side of the planet? Where am I going?
- TIL I've been pronouncing Aqueduct wrong. Thanks a lot Monty Python.
- I enjoyed the visuals of the quest a little bit more that the Newcomers. I think the outside areas in The newcomers severely detracts from the overall enjoyment of that quest though.
- The levers for the second magical barrier make no sense as to why they're just cropping out of random blocks. Maybe make them a little more centralized so it looks like the cultists have fortified and are defending them instead of it looking like some ancient Giant sub contractor said "Not my job" and flung them up wherever.
- The Aqueducts are fun. It would be nice if the water was more dangerous though. Even on reaper they barely tickle.
- The lever section in the last area is blargh. Having to unlock the levers one at a time adds absolutely no value to gameplay and makes the quest more tedious then it needs be.
- The voice acting is good and comes at places you'd expect it.
- The NPC placement is meh. I'd like to see some semi-rare optional named placed throughout. One that can randomly spawn in one of the three initial levers, one at the two lever area, maybe one or two in the aqueduct sections? Some variety in NPC's would be nice too. As it stands it's the same two cultists with a random scorrow (for some reason).
- The dragon encounter could use stronger knockbacks to make the electrified water actually a threat, provided the water was made into an actual threat as well.
Overall I don't see myself running this quest often. While it's visually appealing, the xp is still pretty low for how far you have to run (big quest) and there's nothing terribly memorable about it. If the aqueducts were a bit more of a challenge to navigate with NPC's wailing on you it might be more fun.