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  1. #1
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    Default opinion about new bank system

    Extremely increased slots of bank are so nice, but It came with a critical problem. It's bad to arrange.

    As the game getting old, It has been giving us a bunch of items that we can hardly remember what they were, where they were. but We were simply able to identify what they're, arrange where they're. tab 1 for the items I use currently, tab 2 for consumable items, tab 3 for the item I'll use after TR, tab 4 for the item I want to just keep, tab 5 for the item I can use later. It was simple.

    But the problem came now. 100 items as not arranged in bank slot? Oh, How can people arrange the items. consumable, jewelry, armor, weapon, low-level and high-level things... into just one tab? Seriously, I'm not sure people will be really happy with that new bank system. having many slots is nice, but You wasted convenience away. That's why I don't like shared slots very well.

    Putting a search bar isn't best way. I see that thing like "I think people will be enough as putting a search bar. They can feel convenient enough from this." meh. some may, but not me. It works only when you know the name.

    I hope you can find better convenience for better arrangement as people feel less annoy.
    Last edited by Targal; 03-08-2017 at 06:45 AM.
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  2. #2
    Community Member changelingamuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Targal View Post
    It works only when you know the name.
    Not to mention the fact that many unique items have the same name--for example named items that come in different versions at different minimum levels.

  3. #3
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    With the new system, they can modify one spot to handle arrangement, and it should trickle down to both at the same time. So I am fine without drag to order with more slot potential and search now and get ordering options later.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seikojin View Post
    With the new system, they can modify one spot to handle arrangement, and it should trickle down to both at the same time. So I am fine without drag to order with more slot potential and search now and get ordering options later.

    putting ordering options will be nice... sort by level, type - jewelry, armor, weapon and so on... check box that only shows available to equip. That'll be reasonable enough.
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  5. #5
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    If they let you sort by ML, I'm sold. That's all I need.

    As Targal said filtering like the alternate inventory with item types is awesome too.

  6. #6
    Community Member SerPounce's Avatar
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    The idea of the character banking turning into the unorganizable pile that is the shared bank is really worrying. I'm frankly slightly embarrassed by how much it's stressing me thinking of all my carefully organized banks getting thrown into piles. It's like the idea of someone going into my house and throwing all my stuff into heaps that I can never reorganize.

    I get that the shared bank interface is a lot easier for the devs to deal with on their end, but it's really terrible to deal with as a player IMO. I've long hoped that they would go the other way, and allow me to organize the shared bank. I only have 50 shared bank slots because I can't bare to use the thing for more than a transfer station and some stuff I want to have constant access to on multiple toons (xp pots, mirrors of glamorizing, etc). If I could organize the shared bank into inventory like squares I would buy all the available space.

    Please don't do this to the character bank. Please.


  7. #7


    I don't like it, it is just not useful.

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  8. #8
    Community Member changelingamuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seikojin View Post
    With the new system, they can modify one spot to handle arrangement, and it should trickle down to both at the same time. So I am fine without drag to order with more slot potential and search now and get ordering options later.
    But they're not doing that. This change was specifically motivated by the fact that it allows them to add more storage space to the character bank UI without doing a lot of additional, new, from-the-ground-up coding work.

    There was no developer comment on all the complaints when this change was originally mentioned in the producer's letter and no developer comment on all the complaints that are being made now. Some player comments keep saying, "just make sure you can search by ML or drag-and-reorder or sort in X, Y, or Z way"; but the change is happening specifically so they can add space without taking on a lot of new coding. Otherwise, the developer statement about this change wouldn't be 'The character bank UI is being made to work like the shared bank UI.'; it would be 'The character bank UI is being made to work like the shared bank UI except it won't be bad in X, Y, and Z ways'.

  9. #9
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    It is likely we will be pulling the new character bank from Update 35, and will not bring out an updated UI with additional bank space until we resolve at least some of the community's concerns over it.
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  10. #10
    Community Member changelingamuck's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    It is likely we will be pulling the new character bank from Update 35, and will not bring out an updated UI with additional bank space until we resolve at least some of the community's concerns over it.
    Thanks, that's a big relief. I know UI changes and inventory management aren't 'glamorous'/'sexy' attention-getting projects like new races or classes. But this is the sort of UI change that amounts to one line of text in release notes that most people wouldn't pay attention to until it went live and then after it went live the backlash would be phenomenal. There hasn't been any change to this game made that's been more worrisome to me than this downgrade of the UI/inventory management has been... How big the damage numbers are for some characters spitting fire or the number of '+'s in some past lives are issues that pale in comparison to losing basic inventory management functionality...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    It is likely we will be pulling the new character bank from Update 35, and will not bring out an updated UI with additional bank space until we resolve at least some of the community's concerns over it.
    Phew, Thanks. It's just bad to arrange, but having many slots is still nice.
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  12. #12
    Community Member Renvar's Avatar
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    The best bank would be a single window with columns for:

    Icon (as current, with quantity on stackables)
    Item Name (as current)
    Item Type (Weapon, Shield, Armor, Bracers, Gloves, ..., Collectible, Scroll, Ingredient, Gem, Potion, Cookie)
    Binding (BTA, BTC, Unbound)

    You should be able to sort by any column. You should be able to search for an item by name, Item Type, or ML.

    Do that and you have a great storage system.
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  13. #13
    Community Member SerPounce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    It is likely we will be pulling the new character bank from Update 35, and will not bring out an updated UI with additional bank space until we resolve at least some of the community's concerns over it.
    Thank you. I get why you guys want to do this. The shared bank is more flexible and easier to deal with on your end, but it just isn't the solution to the lack of space in the character bank. I don't know what's feasible and what isn't in terms up upgrades to the bank, but this would be a straight downgrade, not just "not the upgrade we'd dream of."

    Maybe sell the Kundarak favor upgrades in the store? That way TRs can have all their blank space right away. Not much, but it's something.


  14. #14
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    For my vote I can put up with a giant list that UI is if you add a level range search to go with the by name. Adding the by slot ability or type would be nice since the bank has quite a few slots and it is so easy when going through that list to miss what you are truly looking for. I assume the change was to make adding storage easier and I am all for that. Given the new Racial Reincarnation is bypassing the whole TR cache thing I can see that changes need to be made to the banking UI. I just hope it can be done in a way that the OCD in folks can be managed decently.
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  15. #15
    Community Member NXPlasmid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDOTalk71 View Post
    The best bank would be a single window with columns for:

    Icon (as current, with quantity on stackables)
    Item Name (as current)
    Item Type (Weapon, Shield, Armor, Bracers, Gloves, ..., Collectible, Scroll, Ingredient, Gem, Potion, Cookie)
    Binding (BTA, BTC, Unbound)

    You should be able to sort by any column. You should be able to search for an item by name, Item Type, or ML.

    Do that and you have a great storage system.
    THIS! even just sorting by min level would be soooo sooo BIGLY HUGE and GREAT!

  16. #16
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SerPounce View Post
    ... I'm frankly slightly embarrassed by how much it's stressing me thinking of all my carefully organized banks getting thrown into piles. It's like the idea of someone going into my house and throwing all my stuff into heaps that I can never reorganize....
    *Chuckle* I can see that.


    I'm seeing pluses and minuses to this new thing - and really not sure how I'm gonna feel about it at hands-on time. I, too, have come to have certain organizational OCDs with my bank spaces. There will need to be a LOT of sorting options to overcome that.
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  17. #17
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    *Chuckle* I can see that.


    I'm seeing pluses and minuses to this new thing - and really not sure how I'm gonna feel about it at hands-on time. I, too, have come to have certain organizational OCDs with my bank spaces. There will need to be a LOT of sorting options to overcome that.
    I'm not an incredibly organized person, and even I group my armors together, my weapons together, etc. Thankfully, my hubby hasn't already bought a lot of extra character bank spaces something like this would make him take a break for awhile because he has real OCD issues. I've seen his bank tabs organized by type (like I do) then by level, with everything down to the very last slot organized so he knows its exact location. He's the guy that TRs and immediately is unhappy at the clutter of the TR cache and takes out whatever he can to begin reorganizing. Believe me, when he misplaces something he will postpone playing until its found. This can mean logging onto multiple characters to track down the errant item. *sigh*
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  18. #18
    Community Member Zzevel's Avatar
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    How about just ad the ability to PIN items so they come up on the top of first page every time...
    Wait, can you hear it? Is it? The worlds smallest vio..nah... nevermind... it can't be, its too small..

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by DDOTalk71 View Post
    The best bank would be a single window with columns for:

    Icon (as current, with quantity on stackables)
    Item Name (as current)
    Item Type (Weapon, Shield, Armor, Bracers, Gloves, ..., Collectible, Scroll, Ingredient, Gem, Potion, Cookie)
    Binding (BTA, BTC, Unbound)

    You should be able to sort by any column. You should be able to search for an item by name, Item Type, or ML.

    Do that and you have a great storage system.
    We bugged Coco during the dev session yesterday on Lama with our dislike of the shared bank interface and our wants for all 3 bank interfaces to be closer to the character inventory (and with more sorting options). He responded that the devs have heard our problems with the shared bank interface being applied to character bank and are going back to the drawing board, but they are somewhat hamstrung as there's a large compute overhead with all the options our character inventory gives if it also applied to the banks. Not sure if that's client/server communication bottleneck or server hashing algorithms/etc. Plus they're probably stuck with a bunch of code layers that try to make bank operations atomic (non-dupable).

    Personally I'd be fine with the current shared bank system if it had sort options of (alpha, gear level, bind type) and a sort button that grayed out for 10-20s after each use. My use would be "type of sort", hit sort, scroll for item. A separate drop down that was gear type based to display would also be nice: [All, Jewelry, Clothing, Weapons, MISC] which could also have a 20s gray-out.

    Adding that sort of interface or at least sort/search options to the TR Cache would also be great. If nothing else - wish they would pre-sort the TR Cache based on item level at the one time initial creation.

    Second tier wishes would be including a means to move ~25 items of TR Cache to Inventory as well as Inventory Page to Character/Shared Bank.
    Last edited by Gratch; 03-09-2017 at 01:53 PM.
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  20. #20
    Community Member Powerhungry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by changelingamuck View Post
    There hasn't been any change to this game made that's been more worrisome to me than this downgrade of the UI/inventory management has been... ...
    Disagree - one word...
    Worst thing to have ever hit DDO
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    Check box upon quest entry would have solved this

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