Extremely increased slots of bank are so nice, but It came with a critical problem. It's bad to arrange.
As the game getting old, It has been giving us a bunch of items that we can hardly remember what they were, where they were. but We were simply able to identify what they're, arrange where they're. tab 1 for the items I use currently, tab 2 for consumable items, tab 3 for the item I'll use after TR, tab 4 for the item I want to just keep, tab 5 for the item I can use later. It was simple.
But the problem came now. 100 items as not arranged in bank slot? Oh, How can people arrange the items. consumable, jewelry, armor, weapon, low-level and high-level things... into just one tab? Seriously, I'm not sure people will be really happy with that new bank system. having many slots is nice, but You wasted convenience away. That's why I don't like shared slots very well.
Putting a search bar isn't best way. I see that thing like "I think people will be enough as putting a search bar. They can feel convenient enough from this." meh. some may, but not me. It works only when you know the name.
I hope you can find better convenience for better arrangement as people feel less annoy.