The Orb and the Insignia come in all 4 elements.
This stuff pretty much invalidates slavers gear. LoL.
A wise man once said that if you don't know the answer to something there is no shame in simply saying "I don't know."
Well new static raid gear probably should be better than customizable quest loot from two updates previous.
Remember when a +6 stat item at lvl 20 was cool?
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Its interesting that one of the items is all about Acid builds which pretty much nobody runs anymore.
Does this mean they are going to take another look at Sorcs? Or has a dev wasted a lot of time?
We don't only build for the builds that exist.
We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.
The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.
If your itemization system cannot handle lateral loot progression that does not invalidate the previous endgame update's loot then it is a bad system and needs to be fixed.
Yup Gonna stop worrying about farming Slavers
and farm the new raid instead
Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier
Yes, along with new effects, slightly better effects on items with either a direct penalty or just no/few other stats or simply new ways to aquire similar items. A raid does not need to offer 5 BiS items to every character to be run, 1-2 is enough.
Loot was designed in that way for a very long time and it kept content relevant for years instead of months.
Last edited by Avantasian; 03-07-2017 at 05:57 PM.
If these items are raid items, it does not invalidate as much; as raids are not as accesible as regular quests.
U32 Slavers is still best in slot. U33 and U34 were not updates with much new loot (I don't count Tower of Frost as worth the effort in my opinion) so I really don't see this as being a valid point.
A wise man once said that if you don't know the answer to something there is no shame in simply saying "I don't know."
That's a fair point, but the problem is that some builds are so far behind adding a decent item for them just isn't enough. Especially if it's only something you get at or near cap after having to level there without it.
I agree with the other poster mentioning lateral loot progression. Having items with more enduring value would be be great. That way we wouldn't find ourselves looking at these new items only to think in six months something better will come along so I'll update my gear every second cycle instead.
As for Slavers items, please allow us to unslot gems and deconstruct them for materials. Make a dopant-like item with a low drop rate in-game and put it up for sale in the store too. A five piece set is a big investment, and it would add a lot of value to that pack if we could redeem items useful to our current builds into something we can use when we regear due to other gear changes or reincarnation.
Last edited by blerkington; 03-07-2017 at 06:50 PM.
Last edited by Zeleron; 03-07-2017 at 06:47 PM.
The items are okey and i see in some senses it could stand in for slavers gear for a 1 item to 1 item. in the end slavers will win though. but as a stand in its decent..
I personally are missing to see some cool items that can go into the slots where there is currently less good items, Like goggles , helmets, Cloak. And yes i do see some of em in the new quests some would find usefull. but in most cases they are not easy to swap in due to CC items wouls have the +7 insight bonus. And with a slavers set. you have limited slots to have that else where.
personlly no items in the new quests that have any benefits for my build.
Make some insightfull stats bonuses to Gloves / Cloak / Helm / Trinket / goggles. ANd the items would be very nice.
O and could that well rounded Profane bonus not also come on some of those items. it would be golden.
But some will find theese items usefull iam sure.
Deltabravo I have come here to FROG things up!
Builds should not be fixed by loot. They should be fixed by updates to the build
How many MMOs have new gear being sideways to old gear, rather than upgrades?
My guess would be: All of the MMOs that dont last long.
Especially since this is raid loot, which should be the ultimate prize in the game. Not loot which can be gathered (very slowly I will grant) by running 3 LN dungeons over and over and over and over and over.
Last edited by Jasparion; 03-07-2017 at 06:51 PM.
you know, some of this gear may be far more viable if we had updated augment gems. these have been so out of date for so long that offering blue and green slots on the same items MIGHT be nice, if you needed more than 3 items to have anything remotely useful what so ever.
Take PRR for example. I challenge anyone to claim this is a useful augment not only in heroics, but in epics im going to laugh at you if you think it's worth slotting at all. Lootgen is far better in this regard by a large margin. false life augment, ok not terrible (in heroics). same for moderate fort. vitality still good in heroics but the cost is a lot more extreme than traditional augments. beyond that you get 1 dc for yellows at lvl 16. by then you are literally about done with heroic all together. fear immune, blind, deathblock. other than that nothing is useful. loot gen over rules all the spell powers and even potency nowadays.
So for epics we get golems heart, meteoric *dont need in heroic at all*, and draconic soul gem. did i miss anything worth my time?
What im saying is please update the augment system because adding in new 'shiny slots' with nothing to justify it, is counter productive. I don't dislike this new list, it offers options. Also for once it doesn't completely derail all older named items for once. I like that. I simply ask that you SERIOUSLY consider redoing Augment Gems to be viable once again. Why are the DR gems lvl 20 when you can literally have a dr breaker at lvl 1????? this is just 1 example of what i mean. often times as a melee in heroics im going ok i *want*, dont *need*, 3 items tops with slots for blind immune, deathblock and mayyyyybe fear immune?
*edit* a friend pointed out the rust one for epics. Deconstructor iirc is what it's called. And then the all mighty Masters Gift of course is solid. good call.
my point is: i have 3 gear items in heroic that have 2 slots each. 6 slots for heroic. what could u possibly use that is actually useful for augments. now imagine this. i have 8 items, with 2 slots each. what 16 augments will you possibly find useful? you wont. same for epic.
In my honest opinion maybe many of these augment gems shouldn't be a ML at all but more scale like everything else that they are slotted into????? prr goes up by level *crafting table for example*. same with dc's etc. Just tossing that out there
Last edited by -D_Rock-; 03-07-2017 at 07:13 PM.
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