The Orb and the Insignia come in all 4 elements.
This stuff pretty much invalidates slavers gear. LoL.
A wise man once said that if you don't know the answer to something there is no shame in simply saying "I don't know."
Well new static raid gear probably should be better than customizable quest loot from two updates previous.
Remember when a +6 stat item at lvl 20 was cool?
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High Rollers Alts: Brighton, Compleat, Aggrotech
+5 to Sexterity Alts: Ruffintumble, Soulmistress, Spellmann
Its interesting that one of the items is all about Acid builds which pretty much nobody runs anymore.
Does this mean they are going to take another look at Sorcs? Or has a dev wasted a lot of time?
If these items are raid items, it does not invalidate as much; as raids are not as accesible as regular quests.
U32 Slavers is still best in slot. U33 and U34 were not updates with much new loot (I don't count Tower of Frost as worth the effort in my opinion) so I really don't see this as being a valid point.
A wise man once said that if you don't know the answer to something there is no shame in simply saying "I don't know."
not even close.
decent stand alone items. nice unique bonuses especially for melee.
The items are decent and some will accentuate existing gear, many work nicely with the slavers items and the slavers set.
None of these replace or trump slavers.. good fillers until slavers is set'ed out.
the ring that gives the profane bonus will be a nice pickup for those that didn't ,or cant run abbott..
All in all nice loot drops and a decent variety pack of good mix and match loot.
Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)
Proud leader of The Forgotten Creed of Argo. long live PNP & Gary Gygax immortalized.
Main: Alumut of Argonnessen
Or the gloves with +2 profane bonus. Good for max attribute spell types though doesn't replace the litany combat bonus for damage dealers.
The new items probably do give new maximums where they can be slotted in to make those with slavers and shroud set bonuses have tougher choices for some builds. I'd count non-stagnation of gear a good thing but I also don't see invalidation.
Casual DDOaholic
This item seems very similar to Legendary Dashing Gloves. Just an observation.
Dashing Gloves can be slotted with an Anthem augment. This makes the gloves better and the best part is, THEY'RE NOT A RAID ITEM!
Symphony needs to be a LOT better considering it's a RAID item. They can start by adding +79 (or similar) Insightful Resonance. Maybe even add +23 (or similar) Quality Resonance.
Last edited by Steve_Howe; 03-08-2017 at 06:50 PM.
Steve Howe was voted "Best Overall Guitarist" in Guitar Player magazine five years in a row (1977–1981) and in 1981 was the first rock guitar player inducted into the Guitar Player Hall of Fame.
Azure, Cobalt, Cerulean.
Made me think about Magic of Incarnum. I'd really love to play a Shifter Totemist.
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Well idk once again no radiance option
and with no end game and an endless heroic wheel to grind
Devs really need to start developing more new heroic raids
Don't you think
Damonz Cannith
Slavers is all about customization. It will likely need to be remade after fitting in new raid gear.
this stuff would crush any other item in the game just having the clothing would be perfect