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  1. #101
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Slavers is all about customization. It will likely need to be remade after fitting in new raid gear.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  2. #102
    Community Member jakeelala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Handaxes are special: Swashbuckling adds +2 range, no multiplier. (They're normally 20x3.) So while they are both competence bonus, the fighter +1 multiplier "stacks" by virtue of swasbuckling not modifying the multiplier at all.

    There is exactly one handaxe in the entire game with an improved crit profile: Axe of the Unseen Blow. But it's ML14, and has lame effects, so it's not great as an endgame weapon.

    A niche build concept, to be sure, but this is a killer weapon for that niche build.

    EDIT: Of note is that light picks are in a similar boat: +1 range, no multiplier from swashbuckler. (Normally 20x4.) But there are no improved crit profile named light picks in the game, so you can only reach 16-20x5 with light picks using the same concept. That's still pretty darn good, though.
    Thanks, yeah. I'm so focused on Throwing that I just assumed Handaxes got the same crit multi throwing axes did.

    My mistake.
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  3. #103
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    Default Item Effects

    A serious question for the Devs on item effects and especially their naming now. I see that we seem to be collecting various iterations of names of the same effects that seem or should all be identical. Is there a reason you are creating traps, gotcha's and bugs by making new every few updates rather than reusing what you already have?

    What I mean by this is in specific are things like Speed XV and Speed +30 that should be and appear to be identical and yet are essentially the same thing? Or there is Riposte that comes in plain versions, Riposte VIII or now Riposte +8 (which seems missing the guard effect now and doesn't seem to be different from the current Parrying other than a name). I know in the past Riposte guard effects have been lag inducing at times and if you are removing the guard is there any real reason to keep reusing the name if it's not going to be different than Parrying or is the description just wrong? Are you seeking to just keep the flavor of the name and not make it distinctive. I suspect it is WAI that the Saves/AC bonuses from both Parrying and Riposte are the same channels?

    I will also say that some of the newer unique effects are interesting like Qualify Mystic Diversion... Interesting that neither regular equipment nor insightful are possible to have but that just leaves options for future updates. I like that a new effect like that is coming into the game but it makes gearing oh so much more complex.
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  4. #104
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avantasian View Post
    If your itemization system cannot handle lateral loot progression that does not invalidate the previous endgame update's loot then it is a bad system and needs to be fixed.
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  5. #105
    Founder Krell's Avatar
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    A good variety of items. I don't see much power creep but I do like having a bigger variety of items with things like speed 15 and sheltering. I don't see me swapping any end gear items out on my main. An extra attribute point or a very small amount of PRR or spell power isn't worth what I'd trade. It will be good for some alts though. It would have been nice if light armor had been included. It seems odd to have everything but light armor. Also it seems like it was update 27 since we got a good selection of named weapons. Maybe saving for the expansion?

  6. #106
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krell View Post
    Also it seems like it was update 27 since we got a good selection of named weapons. Maybe saving for the expansion?
    Sentient Weapons.

    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  7. #107
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    Default im a monk and half that stuff i would love to have

    this stuff would crush any other item in the game just having the clothing would be perfect

  8. #108
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasparion View Post
    Builds should not be fixed by loot. They should be fixed by updates to the build

    How many MMOs have new gear being sideways to old gear, rather than upgrades?

    My guess would be: All of the MMOs that dont last long.

    Especially since this is raid loot, which should be the ultimate prize in the game. Not loot which can be gathered (very slowly I will grant) by running 3 LN dungeons over and over and over and over and over.
    DDO at the 20 cap went for quite a while with mostly sidegrades, and it made sense from a business perspective too. You'd want to buy all of the packs to get access to the Fens set you wanted, plus the ToD ring, plus the eSOS from VONs, plus Shroud and/or LoB weapons for various niches, plus the few good Sands items.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  9. #109
    Pale Fox
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Handaxes are special: Swashbuckling adds +2 range, no multiplier. (They're normally 20x3.) So while they are both competence bonus, the fighter +1 multiplier "stacks" by virtue of swasbuckling not modifying the multiplier at all.

    There is exactly one handaxe in the entire game with an improved crit profile: Axe of the Unseen Blow. But it's ML14, and has lame effects, so it's not great as an endgame weapon.

    A niche build concept, to be sure, but this is a killer weapon for that niche build.

    EDIT: Of note is that light picks are in a similar boat: +1 range, no multiplier from swashbuckler. (Normally 20x4.) But there are no improved crit profile named light picks in the game, so you can only reach 16-20x5 with light picks using the same concept. That's still pretty darn good, though.
    All named weapons with an extended crit range got theirs extended by 1 during the Feat:Improved Critical change that was done by Sev.
    (I think it was done by Sev as he commented about it.)
    This handaxe now has an extended crit profile (without being Keen), it should be 18-20 to follow the rules set by Sev.

  10. #110
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    Disappointed to see there is no light armour. 2 docents, a heavy and a medium but no light. Sad panda is sad. I'm not angry, just disappointed.

  11. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    DDO at the 20 cap went for quite a while with mostly sidegrades, and it made sense from a business perspective too. You'd want to buy all of the packs to get access to the Fens set you wanted, plus the ToD ring, plus the eSOS from VONs, plus Shroud and/or LoB weapons for various niches, plus the few good Sands items.
    You also wanted silver flame potions /that was all necro packs back then, abbot that had some amazing gear, even titans was run because chatering ring was a must slot for tanks, then there is chrono etc etc etc.
    IT was definitely designed better for buisness and for fun for players.
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    There is no shortage of content in this game for the weakest 5% of players.

    For most content, they have three difficulties designed solely for them, Casual, Normal and Hard.

  12. #112
    Ultimate Lord of Shadows Dreppo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LightBear View Post
    All named weapons with an extended crit range got theirs extended by 1 during the Feat:Improved Critical change that was done by Sev.
    (I think it was done by Sev as he commented about it.)
    This handaxe now has an extended crit profile (without being Keen), it should be 18-20 to follow the rules set by Sev.
    Most named items got extended, but not all. I know of at least one example that didn't (Cranium Cracker).

    One of the reasons cited by the devs for the crit changes was to give them finer control in loot design going forward. A range expansion of 1 would not "automatically" be a range expansion of 2. So for this new handaxe I doubt it's a mistake, more likely they felt this was just the right amount of expanded range to achieve the desired power level.

  13. #113
    Community Member count_spicoli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -D_Rock- View Post
    you know, some of this gear may be far more viable if we had updated augment gems. these have been so out of date for so long that offering blue and green slots on the same items MIGHT be nice, if you needed more than 3 items to have anything remotely useful what so ever.

    Take PRR for example. I challenge anyone to claim this is a useful augment not only in heroics, but in epics im going to laugh at you if you think it's worth slotting at all. Lootgen is far better in this regard by a large margin. false life augment, ok not terrible (in heroics). same for moderate fort. vitality still good in heroics but the cost is a lot more extreme than traditional augments. beyond that you get 1 dc for yellows at lvl 16. by then you are literally about done with heroic all together. fear immune, blind, deathblock. other than that nothing is useful. loot gen over rules all the spell powers and even potency nowadays.

    So for epics we get golems heart, meteoric *dont need in heroic at all*, and draconic soul gem. did i miss anything worth my time?

    What im saying is please update the augment system because adding in new 'shiny slots' with nothing to justify it, is counter productive. I don't dislike this new list, it offers options. Also for once it doesn't completely derail all older named items for once. I like that. I simply ask that you SERIOUSLY consider redoing Augment Gems to be viable once again. Why are the DR gems lvl 20 when you can literally have a dr breaker at lvl 1????? this is just 1 example of what i mean. often times as a melee in heroics im going ok i *want*, dont *need*, 3 items tops with slots for blind immune, deathblock and mayyyyybe fear immune?

    *edit* a friend pointed out the rust one for epics. Deconstructor iirc is what it's called. And then the all mighty Masters Gift of course is solid. good call.

    my point is: i have 3 gear items in heroic that have 2 slots each. 6 slots for heroic. what could u possibly use that is actually useful for augments. now imagine this. i have 8 items, with 2 slots each. what 16 augments will you possibly find useful? you wont. same for epic.

    In my honest opinion maybe many of these augment gems shouldn't be a ML at all but more scale like everything else that they are slotted into????? prr goes up by level *crafting table for example*. same with dc's etc. Just tossing that out there
    This big time. Instead of ****ing out loot that invalidates the previous updates stuff you could have offered useful augments in this raid and bingo people would have run it. NEver thought i'd say it but we need feather of the sun back for loot making. THe loot for the last many updates has been very uncreative and uninspiring IMO!!
    Khyber IN BAD COMPANY Longand Drunkmage Sexyheals Fullforce

  14. #114
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    I just have one thing to say:

    Insight Incite . . . either the best or the worst item effect EVAR.
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  15. #115
    Community Member nokowi's Avatar
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    Disappointed to see items with doublestrike have to also have incite.

    You can have distant diversion, but nothing with top stats for melee. Who needs diversion the most? melee

    No Intelligence options for rogue. No reaper bonuses for melee int build. I thought the purpose of allowing dex to assassinate was to have more options, not less...

    I would really prefer if you went back to the Stormhorns random ability where I can get a version of gear that actually fits my wants.

    Legendary Lizardfolk gloves of accuracy should be offered with melee and ranged diversion.

    Gauntlets of the aggressor should have a version with diversion instead of incite (and a different name!)

    Assassinate Dex item should have an Int version. It's unclear why you switched assassin to Dex and abandoned Int.

  16. #116
    Community Member Eryhn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WanderingGrump View Post
    A serious question for the Devs on item effects and especially their naming now. I see that we seem to be collecting various iterations of names of the same effects that seem or should all be identical. Is there a reason you are creating traps, gotcha's and bugs by making new every few updates rather than reusing what you already have?

    What I mean by this is in specific are things like Speed XV and Speed +30 that should be and appear to be identical and yet are essentially the same thing? Or there is Riposte that comes in plain versions, Riposte VIII or now Riposte +8 (which seems missing the guard effect now and doesn't seem to be different from the current Parrying other than a name). I know in the past Riposte guard effects have been lag inducing at times and if you are removing the guard is there any real reason to keep reusing the name if it's not going to be different than Parrying or is the description just wrong? Are you seeking to just keep the flavor of the name and not make it distinctive. I suspect it is WAI that the Saves/AC bonuses from both Parrying and Riposte are the same channels?

    I will also say that some of the newer unique effects are interesting like Qualify Mystic Diversion... Interesting that neither regular equipment nor insightful are possible to have but that just leaves options for future updates. I like that a new effect like that is coming into the game but it makes gearing oh so much more complex.
    yeah, this.

    you just sorta unified effects descriptions for current and new loot with the Cannith Crafting Pass, now whats all this weirdness?

  17. #117
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    Im not sure this invalidates slavers gear totally, I will have to look more carefully to see if it all fits together nicely.

    I think more likely it means i need to grind slavers more so that when i get a couple of these pieces I can put together a new gear set.

  18. #118
    Uber Completionist Astarii's Avatar
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    This gear will Rock!
    I'm Canniths Vileone, a 3x Completionist Heroic, Iconic & Epic ("Uber Completionist"). A collector of pets, and a seeker of treasure. If you need anything, help or just want to chat, send me a tell.

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