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  1. #1
    Community Member Feralthyrtiaq's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default DEVS: What the heck are you thinking with this?

    The topic of Character Level vs Quest Level vs Bravery Bonus vs Max Character Level in party to get NO Reaper XP bonus.

    YOU are really screwing the game community.

    IF you wanted us to run UNDER level you should have said as much and added an under-level regular XP bonus IN ADDITION TO the 0 RXP penalty.

    AS a result LFMs and grouping as a whole is pretty GD borked right now.

    ESPECIALLY trying to do a chain like Threnal where the levels from part to part change to the point where everyone has to be level 8 or less to run the chain with NO REAPER XP PENALTY

    CLEARLY...despite the level of intelligence and education required to pull off a game like DDO, you seem to FAIL at understanding YOUR player base/customer as a whole when it comes to your decisions designing REAPER.

    JUST admit that you effed up and don't know how to fix it so REAPER can be played for no RXP penalty at the same levels regular Elite Bravery Bonus applies.

    Many others on this forums have stated the same thing...several times over.

    My inclination is just to bad mouth you, cast aspersions on your ancestry and all that. This comes from a place of EXTREME frustration trying to play your game as "intended", trying to enjoy Reaper quests and the challenge they bring.

    BUT SERIOUSLY you didn't just add a you triple/quadrupled down with the RXP penalties, running quests under-level and non-scaling champion buffs. Champs are great...YOU SHOULD HAVE CONSIDERED THE NUMBER OF BUFFS YOU GAVE GD CHAMPS IN LOW LEVEL QUESTS.

    FFS.....I can see evidence that y'all care and have the technology to do some amazingly fun things with this OLD GAME. HOWEVER, GD it....I just gotta shake my head in disbelief and confusion at the thought process which CLEARLY demonstrates that y'all are not playing with a full deck and the elevator does not go all the way to the top when it comes to COMMON EFFING SENSE.
    Last edited by Feralthyrtiaq; 03-07-2017 at 05:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Bolo_Grubb's Avatar
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    Reaper bonus or penalty should follow the Bravery bonus system
    Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
    BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
    Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier

  4. #4


    you can run a quest on elite & reaper & get huge regular xp. Therefore regular xp is no longer an issue for leveling. Rather, for folks running for reaper trees, it is all about reaper xp which challenges you to run it essentially at level and even under level.

    I agree thag it is confusing and splits people up even more but one can always skip reaper.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Powerhungry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feralthyrtiaq View Post
    The topic of Character Level vs Quest Level vs Bravery Bonus vs Max Character Level in party to get NO Reaper XP bonus.

    YOU are really screwing the game community.

    IF you wanted us to run UNDER level you should have said as much and added an under-level regular XP bonus IN ADDITION TO the 0 RXP penalty.

    AS a result LFMs and grouping as a whole is pretty GD borked right now.

    ESPECIALLY trying to do a chain like Threnal where the levels from part to part change to the point where everyone has to be level 8 or less to run the chain with NO REAPER XP PENALTY

    CLEARLY...despite the level of intelligence and education required to pull off a game like DDO, you seem to FAIL at understanding YOUR player base/customer as a whole when it comes to your decisions designing REAPER.

    JUST admit that you effed up and don't know how to fix it so REAPER can be played for no RXP penalty at the same levels regular Elite Bravery Bonus applies.

    Many others on this forums have stated the same thing...several times over.

    My inclination is just to bad mouth you, cast aspersions on your ancestry and all that. This comes from a place of EXTREME frustration trying to play your game as "intended", trying to enjoy Reaper quests and the challenge they bring.

    BUT SERIOUSLY you didn't just add a you triple/quadrupled down with the RXP penalties, running quests under-level and non-scaling champion buffs. Champs are great...YOU SHOULD HAVE CONSIDERED THE NUMBER OF BUFFS YOU GAVE GD CHAMPS IN LOW LEVEL QUESTS.

    FFS.....I can see evidence that y'all care and have the technology to do some amazingly fun things with this OLD GAME. HOWEVER, GD it....I just gotta shake my head in disbelief and confusion at the thought process which CLEARLY demonstrates that y'all are not playing with a full deck and the elevator does not go all the way to the top when it comes to COMMON EFFING SENSE.
    Agree with most of this except the 'champs are great part'.
    Fear reapers spawning in inaccessible locations with a stacking dot that goes through walls - just poor design. My solution?- I no longer run reaper. It's not worth the frustration.
    Champions?- NTY - No one likes getting hit with a 97 point, 10 second poison dot (so no save, no resistances apply) - in A LEVEL 13 QUEST....I remember when a level 13 quest was actually a level 13 quest - now it's inflated to an unknown level by champs
    (Combat): You are hit by your knockdown.

  6. #6
    Ultimate Uber Completionist Dalsheel's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    +1 to the OP.
    Argonnessen - Death N Taxes
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  7. #7
    Community Member Feralthyrtiaq's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Powerhungry View Post
    Agree with most of this except the 'champs are great part'.
    Fear reapers spawning in inaccessible locations with a stacking dot that goes through walls - just poor design. My solution?- I no longer run reaper. It's not worth the frustration.
    Champions?- NTY - No one likes getting hit with a 97 point, 10 second poison dot (so no save, no resistances apply) - in A LEVEL 13 QUEST....I remember when a level 13 quest was actually a level 13 quest - now it's inflated to an unknown level by champs
    I feel your pain and have a bone to pick with those multi-stacking, non-dispellable DOTS and the Slow Guard on the reapers. ESPECIALLY in lower level quests.

    Champions need some work. No...A LOT of work. There should be a scaling factor for champs based on quest level. Both on number of buffs AND the amount of damage their on hit effects do.

    There should be SOME kind of save against the slow guard or slow effect. AT THE VERY LEAST make us stop and drink a Haste pot to dispel it for crissakes.

    Also, BREAK ENCHANTMENT...It removes Divine Punishment (or at least used to) RIGHT? Why not allow it to remove REAPER and CHAMP DoTs and Debuffs!


    However, the Devs could "corrupt a wish style" allow Dispel Magic and Greater Dispel to affect the debuffs and DoTs...Abjuration Specialists FTW

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