Greetings Sarlona,
I'm a returning player after a 4 year or so break and have been back into the game for about 3 weeks now.

Back when I was playing 4 years ago, I had to limit myself to soloing quests because I couldn't totally dedicate myself to a group when running quests. So there was a lot of "be right back, helping my kid.." and so forth. On many occasions I would come back and find myself kicked out of the group. Although some groups were understanding, I do not like to be an inconvenience to others.

So I have a few windows of playtime where I could dedicate myself to group raids.

  • Happy Hour Quest Runs - 4pm to 6pm central time on weekdays
  • Late nights (after 11pm central) on Fridays and Saturday nights

So I'm looking for a guild that would accept me that are pretty active during those time frames. My Ranger is still pretty squishy at level 30 so I'm in the process of gearing him up. I'm mostly looking to run Legendary Shroud for the greensteel weapons. Thanks.