We are just a few months away from our 2nd Annual Munchkin Summer Games (previously known as the Halfling Summer Games). So there is still time to get your halfling or gnome ready for the games.
We will start the first weekend in June and as always we have picked 10 Fridays to run our raids. Our raids as always have a sign up period for those who want to reserve a spot early that week. The reserve list goes up on Monday's and stay up until Thursday evening. Friday we always put up the reserved LFM about 30 minutes before the first raid and then open up the rest of the spots at 10 minutes before the first raid. Since we have added so many more raids this year the 2nd and 3rd raid will start within 20 minutes after the raid before hand ends. During this 20 minutes there will be a reserved LFM for those who reserved spots for those raids and then shortly before the raid it will open up to fill any open spots.
Below is our upcoming summer schedule for this year. We will start at 7 pm central time for our raids this year. All raids are on Friday nights. Also note that the schedule is subject to change if we get a new raid in the game and get it ready in time to add to the schedule.
June 2nd
Demon Queen 2 (EH/EE) Level 20+ (Already have DQ 1 ran before the raid please)
Titan Nude (HE) Level 14+
Reaver (HE) Level 16+
June 9th
Chronoscope Nude (EH/EE) Level 20+
Vault of Night 5 & 6 (EH/EE) Level 20+
June 16th
Vault of Night 5 & 6 Nude (EN/EH) Level 20+
Tempest Spine (LN/LH) Level 24+
June 23rd
Tempest Spine Nude (HE) Level 14+
Shroud (LN/LH) Level 24+
June 30th
Shroud Nude (HE) Level 18+
Fall of Truth (EH/EE) Level 20+
July 7th
Hound (LN/LH) Level 24+
Vision of Destruction (HE) Level 20+
July 14th
Master Artificer (EH/EE) Level 20+
Lord of Blades (EH/EE) Level 20+
July 21st
Tower of Despair (HE) Level 20+
Defiler of the Just (EN/EH) Level 24+
July 28th
Fire of Thundar Peak (EH/EE) Level 24+
Temple of the Deathwyrm (EH/EE) Level 24+
August 4th
Mark of Death (EN/EH) Level 24+
Caught in the Web (EH/EE) Level 24+
As always difficulty mainly depends on the party at the time. We may even look into possible reaper mode with some of these. We look forward to all the fun we have in store this year and hope you will join us for this grand adventure.
Please do note for those worried about bravery bonus we do have someone with a ship that will allow you to pause bravery bonus for the sake of the games.
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