View Poll Results: Reflecting on This Years Anniversary

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  • The anniversary and gifts helped create a sense of excitement this year

    17 17.00%
  • Great butI chose xp or commendations

    21 21.00%
  • The anniversary and gifts added nothing this year

    6 6.00%
  • The anniversary and gifts were disappointing a missed opportunity

    56 56.00%
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  1. #61
    Community Member nomaddog's Avatar
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    I'm just still trying to figure out how the anniversary and gifts disappointed a missed opportunity? Maybe because there is a lack of punctuation?
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  2. #62
    Community Member AbyssalMage's Avatar
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    Honestly the rewards were horrible but I ended up taking the CoM's and accepting that SSG simply failed on the cake (One cake per toon would have been excellent, even with horrible choices). This was a "swing and miss while throwing your bat into the stands knocking out your grandma who's there to support you" kinda miss.

    The Anniversary Party is a fail to me too. I didn't do it last year and so I was excited to do it this year. Now it's a chore and I am halfway done (thankfully) because the insanity of the damage NPC's do is ridiculous. Not to mention the bugs!!! I have 295 HP's (before rage, which I need to go buy some pots, thank you post ) and took a 125 Lightning Bolt while held, dead. No double damage, even with 50% extra damage, I don't die mathematically. But the game decided that my HP's were below 0 (-87 to be precise)! The NPC's actually deal more melee/range damage than spell damage, which makes me like shaman a lot more when they decide to cast and not throw

    So, no, it was a fail on both fronts.

    As a side note: I have seen about 4 to 7 people around the chapter house so people are running it on Ag.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    This^ in so many words is how you say time and feedback on Lammania are wasted.

  3. #63
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Not answering your poll sorry.

    The fact we have a game is reward enough.

    Thanks to all of the staff since day 1.

    Last year, I took part in the anniversary event, got caught up in the hyperbole and probably made a few disparaging remarks. AND REGRETTED IT if I did.

    I ran the event before it was taken down, and had FUN. Didn't care about the loot.

    We are lucky to have what we have with DDO. THAT is our true anniversary present.

  4. #64
    Knight of Movember
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    Quote Originally Posted by AbyssalMage View Post
    Honestly the rewards were horrible
    *shrug* I thought the rewards were fine - it had a good spread of loot for new / casual players to some harder to get loot for vets. In addition, you had the choice of xp and commendations. Were all the items raid loot? No, but it wasn't a tenth anniversary either. Some things are rare occurrences and some more common.

    Quote Originally Posted by AbyssalMage View Post
    ... and accepting that SSG simply failed on the cake (One cake per toon would have been excellent, even with horrible choices). This was a "swing and miss while throwing your bat into the stands knocking out your grandma who's there to support you" kinda miss.
    This has been explained, including by Cordovan on the last DDOCast, they wanted to do 2 per server but the tech does not exist for them to do that.

    As for 1 per toon, the problem is BtA loot suddenly being ever present as you run into players churning through player creation to make characters to collect the rewards and then delete the characters. Not exactly ideal.
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  5. #65
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HAL View Post
    I still don't understand your reference. I don't recall anything from the Daily Dice that "delivers" one item per server. You are allowed to roll on the interface once per server. The DDO store where you use the coupons is a third-party application so I can't see how the "per server" implementation from the Daily Dice could be expanded to that.

    You mention "Anniversary rolls" but the current system doesn't have "rolls" and I doubt that players would prefer RNG over a list they can choose from. Maybe that's not what you meant but I can't figure it out.
    "Congratulations! You rolled (1-100) and won an 11-year-old Cake."

    Very simple. Use the Daily Dice framework to present Cake once per server (or any other event present with any desired frequency). No need for store codes. In fact, it could also be used to deliver the weekly freebie from the Store, but that would defeat the purpose of the weekly Store freebie, which is to get players to open the Store UI. XD
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tscheuss View Post
    "Congratulations! You rolled (1-100) and won an 11-year-old Cake."

    Very simple. Use the Daily Dice framework to present Cake once per server (or any other event present with any desired frequency). No need for store codes. In fact, it could also be used to deliver the weekly freebie from the Store, but that would defeat the purpose of the weekly Store freebie, which is to get players to open the Store UI. XD
    I don't agree that changing the Daily Dice programming to be used for something completely different is "very simple". And I also don't agree that making this change and then spending a lot of time testing it is a good use of the developers' time in order to pacify players with free gifts. I would rather they spend that time making new playable content.

    But at least I now understand what you meant, thanks.

  7. #67
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    The important thing is that some people were dissatisfied with the Anniversary present, 2 per account limit, and/or quest. People may criticize or even condemn their opinion but they have every right to have one and to express it. /shrug

    I don't think dissatisfaction was the prevailing opinion in game, however I do think a little more effort to handpick a few more rewards aimed at veterans and possibly a couple more totally new items in the Anniversary quest rewards might have left more people content than otherwise.

    Surely the goal is to have content customers, excited and eager to log in and play? No one can please everyone all of the time. But its obvious there could have been improvements with a little more effort or time.

    Anyways even if the Anniversary present was underwhelming to me, I am enjoying myself in the Anniversary quest.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
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  8. #68
    Community Member AbyssalMage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hafeal View Post
    *shrug* I thought the rewards were fine - it had a good spread of loot for new / casual players to some harder to get loot for vets. In addition, you had the choice of xp and commendations. Were all the items raid loot? No, but it wasn't a tenth anniversary either. Some things are rare occurrences and some more common.
    Other than the Bastard Sword from ToEE and the Staff from Reaver, the loot was all common/uncommon. So two rare items total. The XP token, yeah, that felt like another "Troll" by the development team (although it seems many players took it /shrugs).

    This has been explained, including by Cordovan on the last DDOCast, they wanted to do 2 per server but the tech does not exist for them to do that.

    As for 1 per toon, the problem is BtA loot suddenly being ever present as you run into players churning through player creation to make characters to collect the rewards and then delete the characters. Not exactly ideal.
    And explain to me how this matters? They could have placed BtC tags on cake rewards. They could have given out cake to all characters created before the anniversary went live preventing new characters from receiving them.

    I am positive that they have done one cake per character created before the anniversary and you had to log into that character to receive it. I am pretty sure they gave "free loot" out once from cake/event that was BtC even though there was some loot that was normally BtA or trade-able.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    This^ in so many words is how you say time and feedback on Lammania are wasted.

  9. #69
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hafeal View Post
    *shrug* I thought the rewards were fine - it had a good spread of loot for new / casual players to some harder to get loot for vets. In addition, you had the choice of xp and commendations. Were all the items raid loot? No, but it wasn't a tenth anniversary either. Some things are rare occurrences and some more common.

    This has been explained, including by Cordovan on the last DDOCast, they wanted to do 2 per server but the tech does not exist for them to do that.

    As for 1 per toon, the problem is BtA loot suddenly being ever present as you run into players churning through player creation to make characters to collect the rewards and then delete the characters. Not exactly ideal.
    The tech for per server distribution already exists. It is the Daily Dice.
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by AbyssalMage View Post
    Other than the Bastard Sword from ToEE and the Staff from Reaver, the loot was all common/uncommon.
    Not everyone grinds so if you're basing your idea of commonality on farming these items, that has no merit for what is probably most of DDO. SSG can look at the metrics and see exactly how many players have each of these items. There are many that I don't have and am interested in.

    So many vets on the forums are eager to claim that Turbine / SSG don't know what they are doing and yet it is the vets that have zero idea what is happening with the 90% of DDO players that don't post on the forums. But SSG does know...

  11. #71
    Community Member nokowi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HAL View Post
    So many vets on the forums are eager to claim that Turbine / SSG don't know what they are doing and yet it is the vets that have zero idea what is happening with the 90% of DDO players that don't post on the forums. But SSG does know...
    Down with vets!
    Last edited by nokowi; 03-01-2017 at 11:49 PM.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tscheuss View Post
    The tech for per server distribution already exists. It is the Daily Dice.
    Having a tool that cold potentially (we don't know the details of the tool) be changed to distribute something other than a dice roll is not the same as actually having a tool to do that already. We have seen how changing code in one part of the game can have unforeseen effects on other parts of the game, so who knows if it would be worthwhile or even possible to attempt to change this code.

  13. #73
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HAL View Post
    Having a tool that cold potentially (we don't know the details of the tool) be changed to distribute something other than a dice roll is not the same as actually having a tool to do that already. We have seen how changing code in one part of the game can have unforeseen effects on other parts of the game, so who knows if it would be worthwhile or even possible to attempt to change this code.
    Daily Dice offer one free silver/gold(vip) roll per 'day'/'week' per server. We do know that it distributes XP gems, stat tomes, potions, plat and more. It hardly needs changing code to make it work for controlled distribution of Cake; just produce an instance with different variables (e.g. 1-100 yields one result, itemID= cake, Free rolls =2, Free roll reset = next year, Paid roll cost= 1000000 AS).
    If you understand coding, then this is easy to understand. If you do not understand coding, then maybe you can think of it in terms of pre-algebra and substitution; just change what goes inside the box. If math is not your thing, then try a baking analogy: a sheet pan that holds 2 dozen cookies will still hold 2 dozen cookies whether they are chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin. You don't have to change the pan to bake a different cookie.

    It's not like we are talking about old game code here. Daily Dice code is as new as the heartbreaking loss of our previous forum. RIP DDO lottery.
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  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tscheuss View Post
    Daily Dice offer one free silver/gold(vip) roll per 'day'/'week' per server. We do know that it distributes XP gems, stat tomes, potions, plat and more. It hardly needs changing code to make it work for controlled distribution of Cake; just produce an instance with different variables (e.g. 1-100 yields one result, itemID= cake, Free rolls =2, Free roll reset = next year, Paid roll cost= 1000000 AS).
    If you understand coding, then this is easy to understand. If you do not understand coding, then maybe you can think of it in terms of pre-algebra and substitution; just change what goes inside the box. If math is not your thing, then try a baking analogy: a sheet pan that holds 2 dozen cookies will still hold 2 dozen cookies whether they are chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin. You don't have to change the pan to bake a different cookie.

    It's not like we are talking about old game code here. Daily Dice code is as new as the heartbreaking loss of our previous forum. RIP DDO lottery.
    I do understand coding, but if you understand the difficulties that the developers have had changing DDO code, you will understand that it may not be that simple.

  15. #75
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HAL View Post
    I do understand coding, but if you understand the difficulties that the developers have had changing DDO code, you will understand that it may not be that simple.
    I don't really think of post-MotU utilities as DDO code.
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  16. #76
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    Default Why take the time to earn party favors?

    Arent Anniversaries suppose to be a Big Deal? I am a part-timer, so a couple 100,000 xp cakes was fine. Bu the rest of the stuff? Got three No Worries for my Fighter, Paladin, and Cleric. All my other toons get... nothing.... First Light has the black "broken" lines over it, Severlins Iron fist the same.

    So my Bard, Ranger, Favored Soul, Artificer, Wizard, Druid, Monk get... nothing.

    Unless I want to grind out 3-4 party favors per 20-30 minutes to get a piece of cosmetic gear.

    Would hope DDO would take some note from LOTRO when it comes to festivals/anniversaries. Its like night and day.

  17. #77
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    I wound up with 100K XP on my main and the 10 Comms on my secondary, Steel's Coffee and level 5, 10 and 15 versions of No Worries for early TR activity. I consider it a success overall however I'm not going to keep grinding the Anniversary Party because there's only so much Jeets anybody can take in a short period of time.

    I would grind some more if I thought I'd leave the party with Malicia or if I could get a cosmetic of her outfit.

  18. #78
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KoobTheProud View Post
    I wound up with 100K XP on my main and the 10 Comms on my secondary, Steel's Coffee and level 5, 10 and 15 versions of No Worries for early TR activity. I consider it a success overall however I'm not going to keep grinding the Anniversary Party because there's only so much Jeets anybody can take in a short period of time.

    I would grind some more if I thought I'd leave the party with Malicia or if I could get a cosmetic of her outfit.
    I'm working on just that for my Anniversary Event:Ideas for next year! suggestions thread. Its not easy because Malicia has a shorter waist and more buxom body than the PC I'm using and I had to repaint my character's body to be without the leather underwear to begin. I suspect that may be an issue for the devs too.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
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  19. #79
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Now that I'm finished with it. I realize the real reason the devs are reluctant to make a Malicia cosmetic is because they may not want a rendition of the Rocky Horror Picture Show in DDO.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
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  20. #80
    Knight of Movember
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tscheuss View Post
    The tech for per server distribution already exists. It is the Daily Dice.
    That's not what Cordovan said.

    Leaving that aside, Daily Dice is not the same tech as giving things per server.
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