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  1. #61
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cantor View Post
    This is exactly why not many people are taking this challenge seriously. Heroic pasts are not a big except for very specific builds like DC casting, many completionists don't even take the feat on some builds. Epic pasts on the other hand bring a lot to the table, I wouldn't even try to tank without lots of divine and martial pasts. A DC caster will need several heroic pasts. The vast majority of power is in knowledge, build, and gear; not heroic past lives.
    Ok ++ Thanks!

    I have about 2 or 3 alts I want to be DC casters... Ill keep that in mind if I find time for them. I will keep them, but for now most of my time is for the main to catch up at last. I got to have one perfectionist toon (which will eat most of the play time up, but he is worth it!). I got every prestige there is, but a few classes just do much better with DCs... wizards, bards... Ill have to decide which can still cast without DCs and which need em.

  2. #62
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    It is dependent on my faith that it is worth while to make a first life toon to level 30 because I dont got time to TR this collection. (the only toon I am gonna be TRing is my main toon, I dont care to TR my Alts to compound grinding, one is enough)

    Who ever does it doesnt matter. The faith does.

    I dont care if I am wrong. It does not matter to me one bit. The faith does! Without it, I won't invest time in those toons anymore.

    A thousand people can say I am wrong. I wont even blink. I know without a doubt I am not alone regarding time, life, constraints, TRing alts is too taxing, taking them to level 30 is enough when I already am TRing one toon 40 times and then 40 more in epics.
    Faith is belief in things unseen. You are demanding proof; that is not faith.
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  3. #63
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    No demands.

    I am keeping my pure prestiges anyways. That collection is too cool. Having access to any class in epics I want with capstones... nice.

    80 to 90% time to main toon. I bet with that little 10 to 20% time in the alts, they will still be all level 30 by the time the main is all done.

    As to the challenge... Im down for it myself.

    But it isnt important now as it won't alter what happens to my alts. I am keeping some, losing others, but bringing it down to 42. 42 to a good number :P

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cantor View Post
    A DC caster will need several heroic pasts. The vast majority of power is in knowledge, build, and gear; not heroic past lives.
    Even a DC caster can be competent without heroic past lives. My Crowd Control Build which makes use of them has an Enchantment DC of 111, a first life build would loose (-3 INT and -2 DC) because of past life feats, still putting them at a respectable 108ish. Power creep has advanced so far that even on DC casters past lives have become a side note, and while a nice bonus, they're far from necessary anymore. With +2 Quality bonuses, +4 Insightful bonuses, +4 Legendary bonus, +6 Reaper AP bonus, and other new abilities the +1 provided by a past life has become almost inconsequential. When a DC over 50 was a lot those past lives really mattered, nowadays gear is the limiting factor, and most first life characters would need a good amount of time before they could obtain all the required gear to hit such a DC.
    Last edited by Odysseus2011; 02-16-2017 at 09:42 AM.
    Afunkymunky/Drkivorkian, Helter Skelter on Ghallanda

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  5. #65
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Poorly written, or not, I am sure that at least one guild (if not more) is planning a first-life saga straight outta Korthos. R10 from Harbor on up the list for no other reason than to do it (and maybe post in Achievements). They will be veteran players with twink gear and a good cooperative synergy. Finally, they may or may not even acknowledge the existence of your null hypothesis.
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  6. #66
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    I think all this discussion is hilarious. Why are people debating? If you think this is worthless, ignore it. Accept the challenge or don't accept the challenge. lol

  7. #67
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    I'm tempted to close this thread due to obvious trolling throughout, but it - seems - like a few folks actually want to discuss this topic? I'm not sure what the actual point of any of this thread is; after all subjective opinions don't really need to be proven. That said, if someone wants to do a first-life challenge on Reaper 10 and use this thread to talk about it, I guess that's fine?
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  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    I'm tempted to close this thread due to obvious trolling throughout, but it - seems - like a few folks actually want to discuss this topic? I'm not sure what the actual point of any of this thread is; after all subjective opinions don't really need to be proven. That said, if someone wants to do a first-life challenge on Reaper 10 and use this thread to talk about it, I guess that's fine?
    Re-written, the OP could have set a serious challenge. Which dungeons can be completed on R10 by 1st life toons? Then a discussion on whether it has to be done at level, or if you can run them up to 6 levels higher at the Reaper level cap. Then do you allow BTA gear, or just what can be bought on the AH? Or even just what you collect as you level. BTA would probably be required for anything R5 and above.

    A more realistic challenge would have been R10 at level being completed by a group of 1st life toons.

    But ultimately it was used as some sort of weird whinge (about what Im honestly not actually sure).

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    I'm tempted to close this thread due to obvious trolling throughout, but it - seems - like a few folks actually want to discuss this topic? I'm not sure what the actual point of any of this thread is; after all subjective opinions don't really need to be proven. That said, if someone wants to do a first-life challenge on Reaper 10 and use this thread to talk about it, I guess that's fine?
    why wouldn't that be fine?

  10. #70
    Community Member Pyyro_del_Drago's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dex80 View Post
    why wouldn't that be fine?
    The aforementioned trolling throughout.
    CANNITH player. Recently returned to the game after 2 years, proudly back with Skunkworks my old crew. Finally hit completionist after 6 years on Pyrau (2017)!! Have 10 other epic characters across all play styles, some TRs.

  11. #71
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    It is just a challenge. I made it under the perception my alt collection was all going down. I worked out a plan to keep a good deal of my collection anyways... must... keep... pure prestiges at least!

    Now I can't go back in time and not do it. So, in some minds whether they are aware of it or not, the question of "is it possible" is now there. Some say off course, others say no way.

    Personally I don't know if it can be done.

    But I must warn anyone willing to try... be prepared for more pain then ever in a quest! Be ready for many scrolls. And please know what you are getting yourself into.

    This isn't an easy challenge. Its about as hard as it gets. Maybe I should have said by level, but I don't think it will matter much when doing Tempest (tempt-test) or WGU... lvl 30 is fine by me.

    I don't want to debate or argue. I like all of you! Sometimes I get worked up, I was a bit worked up there with the thought that all that time I spent might have been one big poo. Maybe the hype got to me.

    I will say this too, ANY guild that pulls this off... will have impressed me more then all other guilds. That is just me though, but it would in my mind stand as one of the greatest accomplishments and achievements possible. It would show almost perfect team work, coordinated efforts, determination, preparation, and most important victory! This is the sort of stuff that is legendary!

  12. #72
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seere View Post
    This thread made me log into DDO for the first time in years :P (Once a year or so I sift through forums of the various MMOS I have played and caught wind of this "reaper" difficulty tonight)

    Good lord, took me 20 minutes to find my password/username.

    I was here back when the cap was level 10 and Tempest Spine was exciting, people died.

    So ah, this reaper thing, does it feel like how the game was when it released? Doable but full of close calls? I have come back to play off and on over the years, but the game was not keeping me entertained beyond about 6 months, at which point I run away for 2+ years.

    Might have to fire up the account out of curiosity.

    Trying all this on a first lifer sounds interesting

    (also, I have the capability to produce decent quality videos)
    Reaper is great. I LOVE IT! One of the BEST updates ever I think. I am having FUN, and no one can deny it when I say I am having fun.

    Reaper 1 is a great challenge. Your quest might end up much worse then Elites, might not... depends on reaper randomness.

    Reaper 10 is far beyond the challenges this game had when it was first released. Let me put it this way... welcome to your worst hellish nightmare! I am not talking about Diablo Hell Mode... this makes that looks like baby dance! No... if you don't know what I mean... try it and find out

  13. #73
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Okay... this one broke me...



  14. #74
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    I'm tempted to close this thread due to obvious trolling throughout, but it - seems - like a few folks actually want to discuss this topic? I'm not sure what the actual point of any of this thread is; after all subjective opinions don't really need to be proven. That said, if someone wants to do a first-life challenge on Reaper 10 and use this thread to talk about it, I guess that's fine?
    The original point of the thread is invalid because I am KEEPING all my pure prestige alts and happy with it. (okay.. will remake a few of them that I feel could have been better. Like my Radiant Servant... why didn't I make her human when I could have??? That healing amp... on the tier 5 tree... ticking from my center out... giving 100 hps a tick... why did I not add more to that by not being human???) (and... should have made my Bulwark fighter a blade forged... now I got to get it right.. right?... I can't think of a more awesome Bulwark Defender then Bladeforged.. so yes, I will +1 heart it to a pure fighter to keep my pure presige collection... pure )

    At this point, the challenge is interesting. I even think some people are interested even when they say they are not.

    I would bet real money I am so confident, that the results of a success would be very interesting to everyone suddenly. "how did they do it... let's see video and learn"

    (which has nothing to do with WHO issued a challenge, if an issue was made, or any of that. I get no credit for this. But people will understand it is a challenge nontheless, and I would definitely be studying the video they make if it happens.)
    Last edited by Wonedream; 02-16-2017 at 07:41 PM.

  15. #75
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    Default First lifers can r10!!





  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by SSirMichael View Post





    I agree with someone in the video who said that your run was reminescent of DDO in the very early days, when often times you had to avoid, sneak, and selectively draw aggro in order to survive some quests.

    Thanks for making, it was an enjoyable watch!

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by SSirMichael View Post




    I was just gonna bring you up... R-Wings on first lifer. Played many high reaps with you.
    Sarlona: Thrundrack, Fizzix, Swyft______(alts x20)

  18. #78
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    Exclamation First lifers can reaper 10!!

    Quote Originally Posted by ssirmichael View Post

    moved to: Youtube (ddo knights) & rumble (ddo knights)

    *enjoy, be safe, & cya in ddo (sarlona)


    drop the mic!!

    Ssir- michael

    next challenge - r1o on hc!!!! Muhahahaha (first lifers only, of course!)

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by scut207 View Post
    I was just gonna bring you up... R-Wings on first lifer. Played many high reaps with you.
    Thank you brother! I remember you! Tak's bud! You both rock! Be safe & cya in the game!

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ereshkigal View Post

    I agree with someone in the video who said that your run was reminescent of DDO in the very early days, when often times you had to avoid, sneak, and selectively draw aggro in order to survive some quests.

    Thanks for making, it was an enjoyable watch!
    Thank you brother for watching & enjoying it! We are a bunch of old school / addicted gamers. (Dragniel has a completionist by the way!) And our Ranger / Tianis also TR's.
    Me and Vinoe just haven't yet, Vince might one day on an Alt. But I NEVER will! #TrollFace

    Be safe & cya in the game! PEACE!!!!

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