ok so the challenge is tempest spine and wgu is that correct?.
now is that epic or heroic?.
if epic will destiny's be aloud and twists?.
what about epic past lifes?. after all its still a first life build?.
are there any other things allowed or not?.
your friend sil
oh i forgot, does level of character mean anything or does it not matter?.
Last edited by silinteresting; 02-15-2017 at 04:51 PM.
Epics! Definitely has to be Epics! Level... has to be within reaper limits I guess :P EE REAPER 10 as hard as it gets!
No past lives, no epic past lives, no heroic past lives. First life never TRd toons!
And to the one saying they accepted the challenge... I got level 20+ warlocks on Thelanis, Orien, and Cannith! (all first life, no TRs in them) All ready to go... sorry I don't have warlocks on other servers if that is a problem... and no, I won't grind any more alts out, the whole point of this to me is that is a waste of time, so take what I got if you want me tagging along. I am more then happy to help do my best!
Aslo, using only warlocks will only validate warlocks... too many people have pointed out how much a difference there is to warlocks and other classes.
You can make a party of all warlocks, it fulfills the requirements of this challenge... but it wont provide impressive results for anything other then... warlocks! :P
In order to create strongest impression that all toons are still worth something, the best you could do is to NOT use the same class twice! If you want, you can, but such pickiness doesn't help the unpicked.
Last edited by Wonedream; 02-15-2017 at 09:08 PM.
This idea that any character should be able to run the most extreme of the extreme content with no real difficulty is contradictory to the entire purpose of creating an uber difficulty. The DDO community has been coddled over recent years because the most difficult challenges were stupidly easy, if you've even ventured onto the achievement forums in the past year you'll know that most records were how fast one could solo LE anything. Now that the difficulty has been ramped up people are suddenly complaining that they can no longer run their weak alts through the most challenging content. This is the way it should be, now reaper is not perfect but the idea that every build should be able to pwn the most challenging difficulty is directly contradictory to the purpose of reaper.
Now I'm not gonna take you up on your challenge to show that a first life character can contribute in Reaper 10 (Since I only have 2 characters with 4 and 25ish lives, and I don't really feel like making a new character to specifically address this one forum rant.) However I don't really believe that a first life character is dead on arrival in Reaper 10. The game has progressed to a point where past lives are not demanded to run Reaper. Having the completionist feat does not mean your character is ready to run Reaper 10, and not having it doesn't mean your character is incapable of running Reaper 10.
My main character is Afunkymunky on Ghallandra, he's got something around 25 Past Lives and when reaper went live I was halfway through a TR, my guildmates wanted a crowd control mage for Reaper 10 so I decided to TR him into one, even though I've played him as a Shuricannon/Monkcher for several years now. Once level 30 his Enchantment DC will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 111, now someone might say that no first life character could get a DC anywhere close to this but the reality is that yes they can. The only bonuses I get from all my past lives are: +2 Int (Completionist), +1 Int (Epic Completionist Twist), and +2 DC (Active Wiz/Bard PL). Every other effect that would somehow increase my DC can be obtained by anybody regardless of the number of Past Lives they have, and a 108 Enchantment DC will be more than enough to make your wizard competent in Reaper 10.
Most characters who have a multitude of past lives also have a TR cache crammed to the brim with loot that many first life characters do not have, this more than anything is why they out perform first life characters. Go ahead and make a first life wizard if you need Crowd Control in Reaper 10, but don't expect to reach level 30 and then instantly be able to waltz into the most challenging of content, you will need to spend a lot of time refining your feats/action points/gear before you are Reaper 10 ready, characters with a multitude of lives have spent a lot of time doing this and as such should have a distinct advantage over a character who just hit level 30 for the first time and only has one capped ED.
Last edited by Odysseus2011; 02-16-2017 at 01:50 AM.
Afunkymunky/Drkivorkian, Helter Skelter on Ghallanda
Epic Ring of Spell Storing--https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...+spell+storing
It's a first life character I don't care what server I am on. As I said bring the 5 other people making sure all the other roles are covered - tank, trapping, cc, instakill, dps and I will contribute just fine on my first life healer which I described below. A new server is even better because it proves a 1st life character can contribute without leveraging gear and goodies obtained by other characters.
Personally I don't think you need any warlocks to complete 10 skull reaper but if you want to bring players playing warlocks it is fine as long as they can properly complete the other roles. I hope at least one has arti or rogue levels for trapping.
I thought you were saying in your post 1st life characters were useless. If I misunderstood and you are instead saying your 1st life characters are useless I have no basis to dispute that.
Blasting warlocks are good for lower skull reapers - I am not sure they bring much to the table for 10 skull except unlimited free super low dps. Too much dps for a blasting warlock comes from epic abilities and those are not sustainable in 10 skull reaper on a build with such a small spell point pool.
Necro warlocks are solid despite having a lower DC because they have 2 unique spells that go against a will save while still having a solid DC against fort saves if the character has all the past lifes and gear. A wizard is still king of DC casting though with the higher spell pen and DC potential which makes specializing in multiple schools much more viable.
I actually layed out a 1st life build in this thread that contribute just fine to a 10 skull reaper party and it wasn't a warlock
Dwarf 17 cleric / 3 fighter - Con Based - Healing focused for reaper 10 outlined very minimally in an earlier post.
Last edited by slarden; 02-16-2017 at 02:28 AM.
Pretty much summed up your whole thread with your own statement.
Anyone with skill that was extremely interested could go try it out for themselves instead of wasting space in the forums.
Let's see your results and video of your best attempts.
I'll be glad to join after - and yes I'm extremely interested in what you can do. If you can't contribute the kind of factual information you yourself request in your own thread, then you are a hypocrite.
Set a baseline for us.
Honestly I would take you up on the challenge, I think
Not sure what the exact terms of the challenge are.
- First Life - Ok, got that. 32 pt. Build is very doable
- Reaper 10 - Ok, more questions below.
- Record the video evidence - Ok, not really liking that requirement. Screen shots work though. And other logistics pose many problems.
Now my questions.
- Must play 1 through 30 on Reaper 10? If so, no thanks.
- At level, +1 or more above level ok, as long as you get rXP? Not really sure where you want to draw the line. Most seem to be doing "as long as your within 0 to 2 levels of base quest (i.e. BB range)."
- Everyone in party 6 must be 1st life? Again, finding 6 people would be doable, I think, but then you have to go on the honor system. 12 seems very difficult.
- Not all adventures are created equal. You would have to set parameters on "milestones" (i.e. adventures) you want to check to see if your theory works/doesn't work. More to the point, my guess is you will have failures at some level ranges while you have success at others? How do we conclude if the overall experiment is a success/failure in these cases?
These are just off the top of my head. I'm sure if you want me to flesh things out, I can think over it for the next 72 hours to provide more insight into your "challenge." Personally it doesn't sound too fun which is the only reason I play DDO.
Second thing. Off the top of my head. Party make-up.
Cleric - Main Healer/Rezzer
Druid - Back up healer/CC/SLA DPS
Wizard - CC, Back up healer
Sorcerer - CC, Back up healer, SLA DPS
Rogue mechanic - CC, Back up healer, DPS
Ranger (or Monk) - CC, Back up healer, DPS
Basically a party with three goals in mind. Heal through the damage. Avoid the damage as much as possible. Deal damage as far as way as possible, thereby avoiding as much damage as possible.
Cleric and Druid can both use Heavy Armor. Rogue and Ranger (or Monk) can layer their defenses very high, even on a first life. Wizard and Sorcerer are basically the two "Weak Links" on a first life yet grow to hold their own weight as they gear up.
This thread made me log into DDO for the first time in years :P (Once a year or so I sift through forums of the various MMOS I have played and caught wind of this "reaper" difficulty tonight)
Good lord, took me 20 minutes to find my password/username.
I was here back when the cap was level 10 and Tempest Spine was exciting, people died.
So ah, this reaper thing, does it feel like how the game was when it released? Doable but full of close calls? I have come back to play off and on over the years, but the game was not keeping me entertained beyond about 6 months, at which point I run away for 2+ years.
Might have to fire up the account out of curiosity.
Trying all this on a first lifer sounds interesting
(also, I have the capability to produce decent quality videos)
Last edited by Seere; 02-16-2017 at 03:36 AM. Reason: Attempted to correct redundant redundancies.
I think the limits should be 1st life epic with epic feats and twists.
but then i don't understand TR past life enhancements.
and why it has much if any benefit.
for instance i have a tr'd cleric which gets extra turning from past life correct?
well how does turning ability help a new life of a fighter?
maybe if i multi-class the new life or take divine epic destiny class feats and obtain the ability to use divine enhancements it may boost this?
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-My main is Jobus on Khyber but I do play my alts regularly -
I am happy!
I spent all night working out my Alts, what to do with them, how to justify their existence... etc!!!
I am going to keep all my pure prestige classes whether they suck or not, and do my best with them. The multis go bye bye... all but 2. This brings my collection down to 42. 2 multis, 1 Main, 39 pretiges.
I will just accept that they won't ever handle the biggest challenges...
Unless this challenge itself is beating!
If no one does it, I am fine, either way I just like my prestige collection too much to toss it. Having a Capstoned Assassin when I feel like sneaking up to things.. or a capstone archmage.. etc...
It is an interesting challenge. I would like to help.. Ill use one of my prestige classes! :P
This is exactly why not many people are taking this challenge seriously. Heroic pasts are not a big except for very specific builds like DC casting, many completionists don't even take the feat on some builds. Epic pasts on the other hand bring a lot to the table, I wouldn't even try to tank without lots of divine and martial pasts. A DC caster will need several heroic pasts. The vast majority of power is in knowledge, build, and gear; not heroic past lives.