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  1. #21
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by permabanned View Post
    so let me see if i understand the premise of your "challenge" correctly:

    You say alts are dead, and you can no longer enjoy 69 of your 70 characters because of reaper. If however, someone (not you) defeats a reaper 10 skull quest on a first lifer - and proves it to you - suddenly alts are alive and you can then enjoy your other 69 characters?

    You got it!!!


    (except I am willing to help try. Just if I SEE it happen.)

    Tempest Spine (a free one) a Raid

    and one other

    a 6 man team... a mean one... What Goes Up or so

    Take down a 12 man raid and a 6 man really tough quest on reaper 10. That is the challenge. I will join either or. I got toons all over. If the team wins... my thoughts about first life alts will change. Otherwise... they will continue to seem like dust piles are burying them to a wee wee game :P
    Last edited by Wonedream; 02-15-2017 at 06:57 AM.

  2. #22
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    I issue a challenge and everyone thinks its a debate :P


    Not gonna debate anything in this thread.

    You can judge me and tease me all you want.

    It doesnt change the challenge.

    And I dont care about pugging my now useless and boring alts to try to get them reaper.. why?

    Im too busy playing one toon only now. I don't have a second to spare for alts. And yes, my main toon is farming reaper.. and no, I wouldn't use it for this because it has TRd and is disqualified.

    If anyone thinks I care about my alts... your right, which is why I am pointing out what I am and trying to make them worth while.

    So, it looks like instead of trying to beat the challenge already people are trying to make excuses and divert the thinking. Cute, but that does NOT beat the challenge.

    I think you are TOO SCARED to even try :P
    SO if....

    You are not able to complete R10 on alts, but if...
    Others can complete R10 on their alts, then...
    That makes your alts now worth playing and magically you have the time to play them if those conditions are met?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    I think you are TOO SCARED to even try :P
    Scared of a video game?
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  3. #23
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    Me or not me. Doesn't matter. Just want to see if its possible. Gotta make sure there is a verification process, no cheating!!!

    Tempest Spine is the Raid part, What Goes Up is the 6 man part. If these two quests are defeated, it proves alts got powers, or good playing or whatever. It will restore my faith that my alts are worth polishing off, and yes, magically I will have time (interest) to keep using them. Until then I am only playing my Main, and even if, I will still really focus on my main, but I will also play my alts up to level 30 for fun (which with that many alts... can take a long time.. been working on them for a long time already).

    So or so I got to get my main caught up, just because like so many, I do want to have a finished toon and from my perspective by the time its finished I will have fun running the hardest stuff and kicking its ass the best I can. My alts would still be fun to switch up when I felt like it, as I wouldn't feel the time would end them to a lame final. In order for playing alts to be fun, they got to have a final state that is still efficient, get them primed and have fun with them. But TRing alts when I already got my main to worry about means I will just be taken them to level 30 or 40 or 50 if level cap changes like that. TRing my main alt is fun, but also takes a long long time. I would like both my main and my alts to seem like I can enjoy them without needing to break my back to get both.

    Honestly, I just cant TR my alts, even if I had 3 or 4, it would run into another long process.

    Is this making sense? I am not trying to get all fussy, just sharing how human brains work, mine included. I have read enough comments from others around in other places to know I am not alone in seeing alts as dust covered hopeless bait for grinding hours and hours to either catch up, or taken them up once to see they suck when they get there.

    Right now... if I could make a video to catch the famous jumping death toon animation to represent symbolically the life of an alt... I would. (Oh, if they beat the challenge... I would throw in a res after the famous jumping death animation... then have it kill whoever killed it... which I think would sum up the life of an alt quite well. They do still win, and I have made some really tough alts)
    Last edited by Wonedream; 02-16-2017 at 08:16 PM.

  4. #24
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    This challenge is to PROVE that

    A) Alt toons with 1 life put in them are never going to be worth much, and can not keep up with the content of power creep.

    B) Alt toons with 1 life, good gear, a solid build, can still be worth playing and polishing to the top, because they can still handle the hardest content the game has to offer.

    The problem. It takes too much time to build a good toon to invest time building 2. Some people do it, but they pay a price for that, losing a lot of time in their life, maybe they had nothing else to do. But most of us have lives! We are not going to spend 5 years making a good toon, then 5 more for another, after spending 5 years on a toon, most of us will by then stay on that toon, and never consider another. MOST.

    So the problem is that alts are becoming pointless I say.

    This test is to either prove or disprove me!

    Take 1 life toons only... beat a raid and a well known challenging reaper 10 quest... slavers or so... one of those "it took us 6 hours, 1000 scrolls, all our best toons, but we did it" quests, not some chumpy easy one.

    Get your best losers ready to win... to prove alts aren't a lost cause!

    Oh, and someone's gotta make a video of this sorrow attempt to disprove me.. so I can laugh when you all get killed so badly, run out of scrolls, and feel the toll of your pride breaking as you committed yourself to trying to disprove me and now your loser toon is dying and your will is breaking... Please make a video!!!

    Ill even join if you want, I got plenty of 1 life toons ready to go, you name the server... Im already there with level 20 waiting to make it happen. I will join in the pain and try my best. That is entirely optional.

    If you lose I laugh.

    If you win I smile. Because that would validate a reason to keeping up with first life toons. I just dont have the energy or time to TR them at all, I got children, responsibilities, and a life like normal people and don't have time to make my collection shine. And if it can't keep up with the end game challenges (reaper 10 epics), it aint shining. Since it isnt much fun collecting a bunch of not shining losers, I wont bother. But if they do shine, if they can beat the reaper 10, if they are NOT all absolutely doomed to trivial mediocre stuff while mains are enjoying the most epic fights and they will just have to miss out... then they are still worth playing and I will keep my collection and polish it off.

    Also, the results of this challenge can be used in future debates. It will provide objective evidence to support or abolish my claim!
    This is so futile imho. Sad Story, but sorry.
    "It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"

  5. #25
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    So you think someone should put effort to build a first life character on a optimum build and force other 11 people to do that /for the raid purpose, then those 12 people should be forced to farm daily reaper xp in lowbies on skull 1 on a fast to complete quest, do some gear foo with cannith crafted gear, get some slavers completed heroic gear with their mains and invest cookies/clickies/pots to prove you A unknown invidual that it is doable?

    It is doable, really doable, but i doubt anyone will put that much effort to prove you are wrong, why would people do that?
    Game was designed with the invention of tr and invention of epic reincarnation and icoconic reincarnation to favor a 1 main playstyle, epic shroud brought alts a bit for mats but this game was primarly focused on 1 character /many loot alts playstyle.

    I can guarantee you that its doable, but i will also guarantee that noone will put effort into doing this.
    Now if you offerd me and people i could maybe force to do this around 5000 tp each, then yes we have a deal, because that is minimal ammount of investment you need to do for the time it will take us to prove you wrong.
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    There is no shortage of content in this game for the weakest 5% of players.

    For most content, they have three difficulties designed solely for them, Casual, Normal and Hard.

  6. #26
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    No. No one should. No one has to. Don't do it!

    Certainly don't waste a week preparing for this. Surely there are plenty of one life toons already available.

    And if no one has the guts... it is fine with me. I understand. Others will too!

    Unfortunately... no one gets to Valhalla if they are afraid to try :P
    Last edited by Wonedream; 02-15-2017 at 07:36 AM.

  7. #27
    Community Member PermaBanned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post

    You got it!!!


    (except I am willing to help try. Just if I SEE it happen.)

    Tempest Spine (a free one) a Raid

    and one other

    a 6 man team... a mean one... What Goes Up or so

    Take down a 12 man raid and a 6 man really tough quest on reaper 10. That is the challenge. I will join either or. I got toons all over. If the team wins... my thoughts about first life alts will change. Otherwise... they will continue to seem like dust piles are burying them to a wee wee game :P
    So wether or not you can enjoy 69 of your 70 characters isn't dependent on your play experiences, it's dependent on somebody else's...

    I don't often say this, but you really are doing it wrong.
    I would still like to see... Something that tests character versatility and player adaptability rather than character focus strength and quest knowledge.
    I play the quests for the content of the quests not just as an XP/min merry-go-round.
    Actual play experience is worth infinitely more than theorycrafting...

  8. #28
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    It WAS dependent on my faith that it WAS worth while to make a first life toon to level 30 because I dont got time to TR this collection.

    (Edited to past tense because my alt pure prestige collection is cool no matter what any one thinks!!!)
    Last edited by Wonedream; 02-16-2017 at 08:18 PM.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    It is dependent on my faith that it is worth while to make a first life toon to level 30 because I dont got time to TR this collection.

    Who ever does it doesnt matter. The faith does.

    I dont care if I am wrong. It does not matter to me one bit. The faith does! Without it, I won't invest time in those toons anymore.
    As i said give us a 5 k tp reward per char in party, and we will do it.
    Otherwise none will bother.

    I mean, i need to get something out of this as well.
    I have nothing personally against you, but honestly i have no benefits from proving you wrong, if i had some psyhical benefits (like tp for example) then sure, il put effort into it
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    There is no shortage of content in this game for the weakest 5% of players.

    For most content, they have three difficulties designed solely for them, Casual, Normal and Hard.

  10. 02-15-2017, 07:58 AM

  11. 02-15-2017, 08:00 AM

  12. 02-15-2017, 08:06 AM

  13. #30
    Sovereign Vorpal Halfling of Supreme Good scipiojedi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    This challenge is to PROVE that

    A) Alt toons with 1 life put in them are never going to be worth much, and can not keep up with the content of power creep.

    B) Alt toons with 1 life, good gear, a solid build, can still be worth playing and polishing to the top, because they can still handle the hardest content the game has to offer.

    The problem. It takes too much time to build a good toon to invest time building 2. Some people do it, but they pay a price for that, losing a lot of time in their life, maybe they had nothing else to do. But most of us have lives! We are not going to spend 5 years making a good toon, then 5 more for another, after spending 5 years on a toon, most of us will by then stay on that toon, and never consider another. MOST.

    So the problem is that alts are becoming pointless I say.

    This test is to either prove or disprove me!

    Take 1 life toons only... beat a raid and a well known challenging reaper 10 quest... slavers or so... one of those "it took us 6 hours, 1000 scrolls, all our best toons, but we did it" quests, not some chumpy easy one.

    Get your best losers ready to win... to prove alts aren't a lost cause!

    Oh, and someone's gotta make a video of this sorrow attempt to disprove me.. so I can laugh when you all get killed so badly, run out of scrolls, and feel the toll of your pride breaking as you committed yourself to trying to disprove me and now your loser toon is dying and your will is breaking... Please make a video!!!

    Ill even join if you want, I got plenty of 1 life toons ready to go, you name the server... Im already there with level 20 waiting to make it happen. I will join in the pain and try my best. That is entirely optional.

    If you lose I laugh.

    If you win I smile. Because that would validate a reason to keeping up with first life toons. I just dont have the energy or time to TR them at all, I got children, responsibilities, and a life like normal people and don't have time to make my collection shine. And if it can't keep up with the end game challenges (reaper 10 epics), it aint shining. Since it isnt much fun collecting a bunch of not shining losers, I wont bother. But if they do shine, if they can beat the reaper 10, if they are NOT all absolutely doomed to trivial mediocre stuff while mains are enjoying the most epic fights and they will just have to miss out... then they are still worth playing and I will keep my collection and polish it off.

    Also, the results of this challenge can be used in future debates. It will provide objective evidence to support or abolish my claim!
    Your fallacy is your premise that if you cannot do Reaper 10 quests then there is no point to that character. I will say it now - I am 99% certain I will never do Reaper 10 - and I'm ok with that. I LIKE playing 30 different characters and TRing. Alts are where the game is at. Your premise that you built the whole challenge around is flawed and that's why no one is taking you up on it - there is nothing to prove. Whether alts can or can't do Reaper 10 has nothing to do with whether or not alts are valid.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Working for free makes it very difficult to spend money on swords.
    YouTube Channel
    -My main is Jobus on Khyber but I do play my alts regularly -

  14. #31
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    The problem I see with the Premise of this challenge is that it is intended to prove if a First Life Character group is capable of Doing Reaper 10. But is intended to prove if alternate characters are capable of doing Reaper 10.

    This seems to indicate that all First Life characters are Alts, and All Alts are First Life characters. Something that is not true.

    The value of an alternate character is defined by the player.

    Some players like myself have been playing multiple alternate characters since '06 so the "5 years to work on" has long been completed. None of my characters are Completionist not even what I consider my main character. But they all have a number of past lives some more then others. They all have raid gear, they all have crafted items (not all from the same series/systems), they all are at or flirting with Plat Cap

    Basically in a nut shell this is a test of if a First Life character with gear can complete Reaper 10. Failure will prove that you will need more time investment then what is achieved from 1 to 30, Success will prove you don't need as much investment as some think is required.
    Last edited by Enoach; 02-15-2017 at 11:02 AM.

  15. #32
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    Are you serious?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    This challenge is to PROVE that

    A) Alt toons with 1 life put in them are never going to be worth much, and can not keep up with the content of power creep.

    B) Alt toons with 1 life, good gear, a solid build, can still be worth playing and polishing to the top, because they can still handle the hardest content the game has to offer.
    This bit was confusing. It seemed self-contradictory for a second before I realised that there was meant to be an 'either' in there.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    So the problem is that alts are becoming pointless I say.
    You had a suspicion that alts were 'pointless', because you thought that it might not be possible for a character on its first life to do literally everything in the game.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    Take 1 life toons only... beat a raid and a well known challenging reaper 10 quest... slavers or so... one of those "it took us 6 hours, 1000 scrolls, all our best toons, but we did it" quests, not some chumpy easy one.

    Get your best losers ready to win... to prove alts aren't a lost cause!

    Oh, and someone's gotta make a video of this sorrow attempt to disprove me.. so I can laugh when you all get killed so badly, run out of scrolls, and feel the toll of your pride breaking as you committed yourself to trying to disprove me and now your loser toon is dying and your will is breaking... Please make a video!!!
    So, instead of actually trying it yourself, you challenge others to do it for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    Ill even join if you want, I got plenty of 1 life toons ready to go, you name the server... Im already there with level 20 waiting to make it happen. I will join in the pain and try my best. That is entirely optional.
    While going, 'Fine, if I have to, I'll try my own challenge.'

    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    If you win I smile. Because that would validate a reason to keeping up with first life toons. I just dont have the energy or time to TR them at all, I got children, responsibilities, and a life like normal people and don't have time to make my collection shine. And if it can't keep up with the end game challenges (reaper 10 epics), it aint shining. Since it isnt much fun collecting a bunch of not shining losers, I wont bother. But if they do shine, if they can beat the reaper 10, if they are NOT all absolutely doomed to trivial mediocre stuff while mains are enjoying the most epic fights and they will just have to miss out... then they are still worth playing and I will keep my collection and polish it off.
    Then you say, if I can't do everything in the game on all of my different characters, then I will just give up on every character except one, because I can't grind them all, because I have a life (and you don't, nyer nyer nyer nyer nyer). If I can, I'll just go on like I am.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    Also, the results of this challenge can be used in future debates. It will provide objective evidence to support or abolish my claim!
    And then you 'allow' something that likely would have happened anyway, because you're so 'fair'.

    Throughout all this, you scatter random insults and provocations. I have absolutely no idea why you did this, because it makes you seem sadistical and probably made some people not want to do your challenge just out of spite.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post

    Just as I thought.

    The silence says it all.

    Reluctance. Doubt. Uncertainty.

    No one stepping up to announce how they can do it.

    It hasnt been but a few hours now, but unless I say nothing I wager this thread would sink into oblivion as no one has the balls to take the challenge.

    Why is that?

    Because Alt Toons are dead, useless, pointless, and incapable of beating a good reaper 10 quest, even with gear and all!

    I bet if I dont say anything this thread will still be quiet by tomorrow, but if I do, some nerk is gonna feel the need to sabotage me saying it, so if I throw that in there it might deny them the pleasure.

    And I will add this...

    BOK BOK BOK BOK BOK BOK (chicken dance) BOK BOK
    And when no one replies, for reasons I can well understand, you declare that it's impossible to do it, for reasons I cannot understand, while throwing in yet more insults and provocations.

    I'm not even going to start on the myriad grammar problems, because, unlike your attitude, those might not be your fault.

    My question to you is not 'Is it possible?', but 'How the hell did you possibly think this would help?' You thought of a hypothesis, and you devised a test. So far, so good. Unfortunately, you then proceeded to mess up the details of the test, the logic behind it, any possible incentive for doing it out of sympathy for you, and the grammar. Your challenge doesn't even make sense! As PermaBanned put it so well, I will quote them in the hope of finally hammering this concept into your skull:
    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    So whether or not you can enjoy 69 of your 70 characters isn't dependent on your play experiences, it's dependent on somebody else's...

    I don't often say this, but you really are doing it wrong.

    Oh, and I'll take a page out of your book:

  16. #33
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    Let me put it this way...

    I want to LOSE this challenge!!!
    What makes you think anyone cares?

  17. #34
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    I was trying to provoke people into doing the challenge..

    At this point, nah, no provocation needed. I won't freak out or anything if now one cares or takes the challenge.
    Last edited by Wonedream; 02-16-2017 at 08:20 PM.

  18. #35
    Community Member Renvar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    I issue a challenge and everyone thinks its a debate :P


    Not gonna debate anything in this thread.

    You can judge me and tease me all you want.

    It doesnt change the challenge.

    And I dont care about pugging my now useless and boring alts to try to get them reaper.. why?

    Im too busy playing one toon only now. I don't have a second to spare for alts. And yes, my main toon is farming reaper.. and no, I wouldn't use it for this because it has TRd and is disqualified.

    If anyone thinks I care about my alts... your right, which is why I am pointing out what I am and trying to make them worth while.

    So, it looks like instead of trying to beat the challenge already people are trying to make excuses and divert the thinking. Cute, but that does NOT beat the challenge.

    I think you are TOO SCARED to even try :P
    A real challenge has a reward. There is no reward here for the people who complete the challenge. Offer some TP Codes or Otto's boxes or something. Maybe then someone will decide it is worth their time. Otherwise, nobody is going to test a theory you are unwilling to test yourself. Nobody cares about your thoughts on the value of alts or proving anything to you. Personally, I have my own goals and theories that I test in game on my leisure time. As others have said, you want to test your theory? Do it yourself.

    P.S. No need to post the results. I don't really care. My opinion of the value of my alts has nothing to do with whether they can complete 10 skulls anything.
    Asheras - Velania - Renvar - Ventarya - Officer of Lava Divers - Khyber

  19. #36
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    I don't care that you don't care. Thanks for caring enough to tell me you don't care!!!
    Last edited by Wonedream; 02-16-2017 at 08:21 PM.

  20. #37
    Sovereign Vorpal Halfling of Supreme Good scipiojedi's Avatar
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    So let me get this straight - If someone does complete the challenge then this will:
    1) motivate you to keep playing your alts
    2) portray SSG in poor light that their most difficult challenge can be overcome without grinding the game

    If we try and fail, this will:
    1) Prove your suspicion that all your alts are useless because you deem it important to be able to play Reaper 10 with all your toons all the time

    I for one don't want to see if anyone can succeed because I like living with rose-tinted glasses on thinking that SSG did a good job with Reaper.

    Or - you just want to see a bunch of people fail and wipe because you think it's funny. I was tempted to attempt the challenge but I still die in elite on first life toons so I can't even begin to stoop to think I could do Reaper 10.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Working for free makes it very difficult to spend money on swords.
    YouTube Channel
    -My main is Jobus on Khyber but I do play my alts regularly -

  21. #38
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    This is really just a challenge.

    You can try to turn it into something else.

    Challenge remains whether you care or not.

  22. #39
    Community Member archest's Avatar
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    Everyone that plays the game buys content?
    FTP : reaper is capped at level 20 no epic,
    only a past life buff

    which a past life cleric htr to a fighter is really WORTHLESS to a fighter.

    so leveling past 20 leave's a portion of players behind.
    and ridiculed to pay to play. lol

    ok so they buy epics and a few packs........

    yet still level to 30 1st life is basically worthless,weak and limited as well.
    so you spend another year leveling ETR for past life?

    with everyone capped at 30, and several quest at 32+

    I find it hard to play any quest with a 1st life above 1 level without repeatedly needed to be raised.

    I think the point is not to solo, but to play in a party and use each others strengths .

    I find players in a hurry to gain xp to catch up and not really playing the quest.

    The ease in riding alone for xp from daily runs is for what.............. your 3rd ETR .

    how many character slots have you got......

    Level 20 1st life is not a small feat. it may be weak character because of the vets how have run though this.

    I don't know but the epic add's 10 levels to a character to level 30.
    A level 30 character should be able to run every Reaper 10 skull quest with a balanced of 6 party members.

    I don't understand the benefit of ETR or past life feats.

    There are different player objectives in using the time they have to play the game and it seems most content is played more as a race to the top than content.

    disheartening to level a character to 30 and have someone comment your toon is a POS ..................... when they are ETR 3 times.

  23. #40
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by archest View Post

    disheartening to level a character to 30 and have someone comment your toon is a POS ..................... when they are ETR 3 times.

    No one is gonna call my toon a POS!!! Not when Im done with it!!! :
    Last edited by Wonedream; 02-16-2017 at 08:22 PM.

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