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  1. #1
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    Default First Life Reaper 10 Challenge

    This challenge is to PROVE that

    A) Alt toons with 1 life put in them are never going to be worth much, and can not keep up with the content of power creep.

    B) Alt toons with 1 life, good gear, a solid build, can still be worth playing and polishing to the top, because they can still handle the hardest content the game has to offer.

    Take 1 life toons only... beat a raid and a well known challenging reaper 10 quest... slavers or so... one of those "it took us 6 hours, 1000 scrolls, all our best toons, but we did it" quests, not some chumpy easy one.

    Get your best losers ready to win!

    Oh, and someone's gotta make a video of this attempt or victory. Verification purposes naturally. Don't be that guild that planned this all out, spent hell and time doing it, then forgot to prove it beyond all shadowy doubts by not making a video!

    Ill even join if you want, I got plenty of 1 life toons ready to go, you name the server... Im already there with level 20 waiting to make it happen. I will join in the pain and try my best. That is entirely optional.

    Also, the results of this challenge can be used in future debates. It will provide objective evidence that it is possible!

    Edited to reflect just a challenge and stay focused on that and not something else.
    Last edited by Wonedream; 02-16-2017 at 08:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    Just as I thought.

    The silence says it all.

    Reluctance. Doubt. Uncertainty.

    No one stepping up to announce how they can do it.

    It hasnt been but a few hours now, but unless I say nothing I wager this thread would sink into oblivion as no one has the balls to take the challenge.

    Why is that?

    Because Alt Toons are dead, useless, pointless, and incapable of beating a good reaper 10 quest, even with gear and all!

    I bet if I dont say anything this thread will still be quiet by tomorrow, but if I do, some nerk is gonna feel the need to sabotage me saying it, so if I throw that in there it might deny them the pleasure.

    And I will add this...

    BOK BOK BOK BOK BOK BOK (chicken dance) BOK BOK

  3. #3
    Community Member PermaBanned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    This challenge is to PROVE that

    A) Alt toons with 1 life put in them are never going to be worth much, and can not keep up with the content of power creep.

    B) Alt toons with 1 life, good gear, a solid build, can still be worth playing and polishing to the top, because they can still handle the hardest content the game has to offer
    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post

    Just as I thought.

    The silence says it all.

    Why is that?

    Because Alt Toons are dead, useless, pointless, and incapable of beating a good reaper 10 quest, even with gear and all!
    lmfao! Do you truely not comprehend the rediculousness of your "challenge?"

    If a first life character can do the hardest content in the game (the very scenario we had pre-Reaper that led to asking for more challenge), what is there to aspire towards? What would be the benifit, point or even purpose in building beyond that first life?

    Not being able to run Reaper 10 skull on a first lifer doesn't mean alts are dead; however a first lifer running Reaper 10 Skull (successfully) would mean that the Reaper implementation was even worse than it is.

    What's more: I'd wager that if one person posted a screen shot of meeting your challenge you'd then either dismiss them as being a single outlier case rather than what's achievable for everyone in your opinion, or attempt to discredit them by claiming the used tricks & cheats to achieve it.
    Last edited by PermaBanned; 02-15-2017 at 12:24 AM.
    I would still like to see... Something that tests character versatility and player adaptability rather than character focus strength and quest knowledge.
    I play the quests for the content of the quests not just as an XP/min merry-go-round.
    Actual play experience is worth infinitely more than theorycrafting...

  4. #4
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Is the OP joining the discussion on equal footing, and making their own videos of both scenarios with the same players, or are they challenging others to do all the work while they demand evidence and declaring victory after less than 5 hours pass?
    Last edited by Chai; 02-15-2017 at 12:41 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    This challenge is to PROVE that

    A) Alt toons with 1 life put in them are never going to be worth much, and can not keep up with the content of power creep.

    B) Alt toons with 1 life, good gear, a solid build, can still be worth playing and polishing to the top, because they can still handle the hardest content the game has to offer.

    The problem. It takes too much time to build a good toon to invest time building 2. Some people do it, but they pay a price for that, losing a lot of time in their life, maybe they had nothing else to do. But most of us have lives! We are not going to spend 5 years making a good toon, then 5 more for another, after spending 5 years on a toon, most of us will by then stay on that toon, and never consider another. MOST.

    So the problem is that alts are becoming pointless I say.

    This test is to either prove or disprove me!

    Take 1 life toons only... beat a raid and a well known challenging reaper 10 quest... slavers or so... one of those "it took us 6 hours, 1000 scrolls, all our best toons, but we did it" quests, not some chumpy easy one.

    Get your best losers ready to win... to prove alts aren't a lost cause!

    Oh, and someone's gotta make a video of this sorrow attempt to disprove me.. so I can laugh when you all get killed so badly, run out of scrolls, and feel the toll of your pride breaking as you committed yourself to trying to disprove me and now your loser toon is dying and your will is breaking... Please make a video!!!

    Ill even join if you want, I got plenty of 1 life toons ready to go, you name the server... Im already there with level 20 waiting to make it happen. I will join in the pain and try my best. That is entirely optional.

    If you lose I laugh.

    If you win I smile. Because that would validate a reason to keeping up with first life toons. I just dont have the energy or time to TR them at all, I got children, responsibilities, and a life like normal people and don't have time to make my collection shine. And if it can't keep up with the end game challenges (reaper 10 epics), it aint shining. Since it isnt much fun collecting a bunch of not shining losers, I wont bother. But if they do shine, if they can beat the reaper 10, if they are NOT all absolutely doomed to trivial mediocre stuff while mains are enjoying the most epic fights and they will just have to miss out... then they are still worth playing and I will keep my collection and polish it off.

    Also, the results of this challenge can be used in future debates. It will provide objective evidence to support or abolish my claim!
    So you reckon you could make a character in WoW and solo dungeons to level 110 and then go straight in to solo'ing Mythic dungeons and raids?


  6. #6
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    What's more: I'd wager that if one person posted a screen shot of meeting your challenge you'd then either dismiss them as being a single outlier case rather than what's achievable for everyone in your opinion, or attempt to discredit them by claiming the used tricks & cheats to achieve it.
    Yeap. Wouldnt be too hard to amass some first life warlocks, shiradi zombies, and a first life cleric, and knock this one out, but the goal posts would surely be moved, accusations of cheese builds abound, etc, etc...

    The fact that reaper difficulty nerfs toons 90+% in some aspects already defeats the OPs claim handedly. All the PLs and EPLs in the game dont account for anywhere near 90% of the character power.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  7. #7
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    Warlocks, sure. Put it together how you want it. First life only.

    Can you do it or not?

    Im not here to debate anything.

    Are we all clear what the challenge is?
    Last edited by Wonedream; 02-16-2017 at 08:12 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    Let me put it this way...

    Or let me put it that way :P :P :P
    Last edited by Wonedream; 02-16-2017 at 08:12 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    This challenge is to PROVE that

    A) Alt toons with 1 life put in them are never going to be worth much, and can not keep up with the content of power creep.


  10. #10
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    Think of this as a science.

    This challenge is a theory.

    And like any good theory you only need to disprove one time to eradicate it.

    Once again, outside of that, I am not going to debate philosophy now.

    My theory is that first life toons cannot possibly beat reaper 10.

    Am I right?

  11. #11
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    Oh I will join on equal footing alright!

    I don't have a program for video recording my quests. If someone could conveniently tell me where a good free program is Ill see it its not too much a pain in the butt with gimicks and sign ons to install, and if it is clean I will install it and use it to make a video.

    But I ain't gonna do it alone!

    Do I really want to go try and solo a raid or tough quest alone with a first life toon when I already know **** well what will happen? No.

    But if others insist I come along and help, I will be happy to. And I will do my best to WIN. To destroy my own challenge. To see it happen.

    And it made me laugh when Perma, you said if it does happen it means reaper 10 isn't working right. So, the mechanics are intently made so power creep shuts out first life toons from final game fun?

    How much time are we expected then, to invest in ANY toon that it is ready for final game fun? 3 years? 5?

    I am not opposed to this. But I am saying in all honesty it means too much torture repetition for me to even begin to consider making an alt that good. And if I can't make it that good, why bother making it at all, investing valuable time that could be spent making my main toon uber uber insane uber oho my god uberly uber!!! And enjoying a build that isn't gimped instead of gimping it?

    I suppose it is a matter of human psychology, desire, motivation, and time/energy that determines how appealing it is to play alts, repeat everything just to have 2 complete toons handling finals... but honestly, I think the people who would do that are a small minority with a monopoly on fairness denying a majority that won't be spending years on two different toons.

    So or so Reaper is tons of fun! Loving the game! My main toon is busier then ever! He is even beginning to craft now, since there is no point in alt crafters, logging back and forth, and all that. My other toons are.. pretty awesome mules :P... that, I won't ever play with now. But they can hold stuff for my main. So I guess they are not totally useless, just no longer fun to play, the carrot is too far away :P

  12. #12
    Community Member Mofus's Avatar
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    Why would you take a first life toon through reaper 10? Reaper is supposed to be for experienced players who have op toons and are looking for a more challenging experience. Just because you cant run reaper 10 on a first life toon doesn't mean that alts are worthless. Most veteran players have a lot of alts, some first life. That doesn't mean that we espire to run them all through reaper 10 quests. There are 10 levels of reaper to choose from as well as casual, normal, hard and elite. Run your mains through higher level reaper and alts through lower levels until they are ready to advance in higher level skulls.
    Darkwinn, Milkus, Terismina, Gothmawg, Dreylock, Drunarah, Bigbhamboo, etc on Sarlona / Brixlynn, Mofus, Curgoth, Deidlit, etc on Ghalanda.

  13. #13
    Community Member Mofus's Avatar
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    After going back and reading the ops additional posts, It looks to me like he/she is just looking for people to pug reaper quests with.....good luck
    Darkwinn, Milkus, Terismina, Gothmawg, Dreylock, Drunarah, Bigbhamboo, etc on Sarlona / Brixlynn, Mofus, Curgoth, Deidlit, etc on Ghalanda.

  14. #14
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    What a pointless thread...


    Tho if you have issues grouping roll a cleric with couple wiz levels, cast invis on yourself and be a healbot.
    Noone will complain and such a build can contribute in reaper.
    Case closed.
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    There is no shortage of content in this game for the weakest 5% of players.

    For most content, they have three difficulties designed solely for them, Casual, Normal and Hard.

  15. #15
    Community Member wonkey's Avatar
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    I think you guys are missing the most obvious point here.

    This may or may not be possible.
    It may or may not be a good thing for it to be possible.

    That's all secondary.

    The primary thing is that the OP seems to miss the fact that this is a game. We play it because we have fun doing so. He clearly thinks it is a job, and should not be playing the game. After all, as he says, he has a life!
    Not for everyone. But if you're looking for a fresh experience with a slower pace and tactical play, come check us out at You might just like what you see...

  16. #16
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Expecting a first life character to perform as good in reaper as more accomplished character is not a reasonable expectation. But keep in mind you can bring a 1st life character to a 6-person party on R10 and be valued and effective.

    Con Based Dwarf Cleric 17 / fighter 3 in unyielding sentinel - group healer. 20% hp from defensive stance and 20% hp bonus from unyielding sentinel on top of a con-build covers alot of sins. Take shield feats with fighter levels. Try for a workable dire charge.

    Make yourself known as a healing specialist, don't suck, you will find people that want to group with you for R10 runs.

    If you want me to prove it, bring competent people running tank, cc, instakill, trapper, dps and I will.
    Last edited by slarden; 02-15-2017 at 03:15 AM.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  17. #17
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post

    Honestly, I think the people who would do that are a small minority with a monopoly on fairness denying a majority that won't be spending years on two different toons.
    Yep, that's an objective open mind alrighty.

    Also do you really think phrasing your entire challenge like an 8 year old is the best way to get results here in DDO? 'Do this or you're chicken'? Really?
    Last edited by dunklezhan; 02-15-2017 at 04:07 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  18. #18
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    I issue a challenge and everyone thinks its a debate :P

    (I need to post a picture of the Joker now.. you all know the meme I am sure by now :P)
    Last edited by Wonedream; 02-16-2017 at 08:14 PM.

  19. #19
    Community Member PermaBanned's Avatar
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    So let me see if I understand the premise of your "challenge" correctly:

    You say alts are dead, and you can no longer enjoy 69 of your 70 characters because of Reaper. If however, someone (not you) defeats a Reaper 10 Skull quest on a first lifer - and proves it to you - suddenly alts are alive and you can then enjoy your other 69 characters?
    I would still like to see... Something that tests character versatility and player adaptability rather than character focus strength and quest knowledge.
    I play the quests for the content of the quests not just as an XP/min merry-go-round.
    Actual play experience is worth infinitely more than theorycrafting...

  20. #20
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    So let me see if I understand the premise of your "challenge" correctly:

    You say alts are dead, and you can no longer enjoy 69 of your 70 characters because of Reaper. If however, someone (not you) defeats a Reaper 10 Skull quest on a first lifer - and proves it to you - suddenly alts are alive and you can then enjoy your other 69 characters?
    And if someone dies in the quest, whether R10 is completed or not, or cant complete, that means alts are dead, because apparently R10 is the new benchmark and if it cant be flawless victory completed on an alt then theres no reason to run an alt.

    I find it kind of odd under these conditions that anyone else other than the OP has to do the challenge. If others responding enjoy playing the alts they have, and his terms are the only conditions under which he will enjoy playing alts, then he needs to pass his own test. Others passing the test is not going to bring the OP enjoyment of playing his alts. It will just show others doing what he claims cannot be done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

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