Originally Posted by
This challenge is to PROVE that
A) Alt toons with 1 life put in them are never going to be worth much, and can not keep up with the content of power creep.
B) Alt toons with 1 life, good gear, a solid build, can still be worth playing and polishing to the top, because they can still handle the hardest content the game has to offer.
The problem. It takes too much time to build a good toon to invest time building 2. Some people do it, but they pay a price for that, losing a lot of time in their life, maybe they had nothing else to do. But most of us have lives! We are not going to spend 5 years making a good toon, then 5 more for another, after spending 5 years on a toon, most of us will by then stay on that toon, and never consider another. MOST.
So the problem is that alts are becoming pointless I say.
This test is to either prove or disprove me!
Take 1 life toons only... beat a raid and a well known challenging reaper 10 quest... slavers or so... one of those "it took us 6 hours, 1000 scrolls, all our best toons, but we did it" quests, not some chumpy easy one.
Get your best losers ready to win... to prove alts aren't a lost cause!
Oh, and someone's gotta make a video of this sorrow attempt to disprove me.. so I can laugh when you all get killed so badly, run out of scrolls, and feel the toll of your pride breaking as you committed yourself to trying to disprove me and now your loser toon is dying and your will is breaking... Please make a video!!!
Ill even join if you want, I got plenty of 1 life toons ready to go, you name the server... Im already there with level 20 waiting to make it happen. I will join in the pain and try my best. That is entirely optional.
If you lose I laugh.
If you win I smile. Because that would validate a reason to keeping up with first life toons. I just dont have the energy or time to TR them at all, I got children, responsibilities, and a life like normal people and don't have time to make my collection shine. And if it can't keep up with the end game challenges (reaper 10 epics), it aint shining. Since it isnt much fun collecting a bunch of not shining losers, I wont bother. But if they do shine, if they can beat the reaper 10, if they are NOT all absolutely doomed to trivial mediocre stuff while mains are enjoying the most epic fights and they will just have to miss out... then they are still worth playing and I will keep my collection and polish it off.
Also, the results of this challenge can be used in future debates. It will provide objective evidence to support or abolish my claim!