Well most people are complaining about codex runes all the time so i think that these few suggestipns should be looked into a bit.
Im thinking 1 out of the 3 possible choices myself out of the ideas ive heard over the server for suggestions
1: make codex runes 2.5k for a immortal heart. This would be great in the case of making it not to hard as a goal so its not that time consuming but also it makes it so u have to do a gold chunk of runs. 5k runes is just alot especially if u have alot of characters or u want to make 8 lgs thats 40k runes lol. Thats alot of runs to the point people will give up on shround completely to have a set. Atleast 2.5k will make it half the time

2: male the runes tradeable. Its kinda silly but the possibility of people passing u runes laater on after people run to help others will help in the long run to get the 5k runes for the hearts or the mass ammounts of weapons people make now adays for every occasion

3: upgrade how many runes per shround run and possibly the flagging quests. Maybe on elite shroud like 500 codex and the flaggers about 20 atleast then ull be doing 10 runs for a immortal heart for an elite shroud instead of i think 17 ? Something like that

But im just one person spouting off some suggestions id love to see whoch people like the most to be honest (since this is my first post) just pic a number or give some feedback why or why not and hopefully the devs take a gander and what we say about this subject ty for the patience