I've been playing the game on and off since launch and am looking for a friendly guild who is interested in grouping. I currently have a 30 wf artificer (Kenran), a 28 warlock (Ironcast), 8/2 pally/Fvs (Vilica) that I am playing.
I've been playing the game on and off since launch and am looking for a friendly guild who is interested in grouping. I currently have a 30 wf artificer (Kenran), a 28 warlock (Ironcast), 8/2 pally/Fvs (Vilica) that I am playing.
I am currently 26th level and could group with your 28th level. When do you play? What expansions do you own? My in name character is Doomflayer, send me a tell to group sometime.
Hi Mordicai,
We are a medium size guild of friendly people, mostly mature, lvl 97 (pushing for 100), kraken with all buffs, largely US based but at least one UK guy (me!). Although not the most active at all times (there will be times when you're the only one on) we are part of the Ghallanda Fellowship, a most excellent group of guilds who group and raid together often. The guild itself is more active in the evenings and weekends but being in the Fellowship opens up your grouping possibilities. Our only rule for members is that you are helpful and respectful in all dealings.
If you're interested in giving us a try, reply below or send a tell in-game to anyone in Sons of Ares and tell them Sherm sent you - if an officer is online they'll throw you an invite.