... Isn't it obvious... Cannith is the first server newer players join. By their second or third life they usually don't have the numbers of quests necessary to compensate for the extra xp required, so they will gladly run reaper 1 or 2 levels higher to get a reaper completion and then run elite later. I do it because after 6 or so Reaper points you can manage to actually be of value in R1 on just about any well-built toon... thats assuming you have a few tomes under your stat belt. Join their runs so they can catch up for crying out loud if you have the gear and pl's to run R3 or R4 at level then get a static group to run with. I give no craps about reaper xp since I am more concerned with heroic xp. Reason being is I don't have the PL's to ever have a chance of being of any value in R5+ and have no interest in farming 25 million reaper xp for the reaper rewards with my current character power. I've rolled mythic weapon boosts +4 on R2 runs so as far as gear improvements thats not too high on my list either. Frankly i wish they would get rid of the level penalty in reaper entirely to encourage more grouping with pugs.