Reaper is supposed to be a challenge but in less than a week some groups completed r10 raids.
Several r10 groups completed in the first day.
Absurd grind for the reaper enhancs.
Make us refarm and recraft slavers for new reaper items is unbelievable.
Groups excluding 1 playstyle(melee) because it's easier to kite it with ranged/casters.
Annoying fear reapers that gives a stack damage even if you are not close to the reaper.
Mobs can 1 shot you if they are champs even in r1 with spells that hits the target multiple times like magic missiles and meteor swarm.
Self heal reduce in reaper is specially punitive for melees and most of ppl don't play healers even if their class icon is cleric or fvs.
They are tanks or casters not healers, make us sit and wait for a healer is bad.
Require a cc caster is fine but sometimes it takes long to find a good one.
Re-apply the death timer when you move away from you stone is a huge fail.
Quests are getting locked out if the groups are full and someone leaves or dc nobody is able to get inside the quest.
I've been playing this game for 8 years, i had 2 raid healer(a cleric and a fvs) for 6 years but tr'ed then into warlocks because there's no point to have a raid healer if people are taking 24k damage in 1 hit.
I'm not quitting the game yet but every update makes me play less, it makes the game more annoying for me.
I'm playing mostly r1 because it's not really hard but the self heal reduce is really annoying if you solo.
Don't tell me that i should be grouping, i like to solo and i should be able to do so.
I'll never spend a dollar in this game again if melees continue to be treated as second class like this.
I'm not a native english speaker here sorry for typos and all.