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  1. #1
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Default Premium Point System (VIP Benefit enhancement system for premium players)

    Many premium users do not see a good reason to switch to VIP as they own too much of the game access.

    I've come up with a solution for this and would like to see opinions on such!


    *Create a system that generates a score based on how much a premium player has purchased out of what all can be purchased (Account upgrades only)

    *Give extra VIP benefits based on the score generated

    Possible VIP Benefit Changes

    *Free VIP Item of the month (Like the Alabaster Lioness Hireling Summon VIPs got this month)

    *Free Astral shards each month based on a player's premium score

    *Discount to cost of required cannith crafting mats for a recipe (Refunds some of your crafting materials (50% of the required rare Collectibles) after crafting a shard)

    *Extra turbine points based on Premium score

    *Daily dice roll bonus based on Premium Score (Adds a bonus to your daily dice rolls, +35 to dice roll max)

    *Number of free chest rerolls each month based on premium score (Maximum of +10 free rolls)

    Why do I think DDO should do this?

    Simple, to encourage the players to make the maximum financial contribution they can so that DDO can afford the cost of creating better game content!

  2. #2
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Since the invention of the bad video game idea, there have only been five bad video game ideas that were rated the most game wrecking, the most evil.. This one leaves them all behind.

  3. #3
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    On one hand, the idea is an extremely gimmicky one one.

    On the other... It would bring in money for the game.

    If this were to come in, however, you'd need to be able to buy content with tp while VIP, to increase your own score.

    I'd not keep the CC discount, but I'd definitely say yes to AS, bonus experience (10% - 50%), daily dice, chest rerolls, town movement speed, and gimmick items as a redeemable toy (5/day teleport clicky, in-town rest shrines, 3/day greater teleport clicky)

  4. #4
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doubledge View Post
    On one hand, the idea is an extremely gimmicky one one.

    On the other... It would bring in money for the game.

    If this were to come in, however, you'd need to be able to buy content with tp while VIP, to increase your own score.

    I'd not keep the CC discount, but I'd definitely say yes to AS, bonus experience (10% - 50%), daily dice, chest rerolls, town movement speed, and gimmick items as a redeemable toy (5/day teleport clicky, in-town rest shrines, 3/day greater teleport clicky)
    I'd have to agree with you, Cannith Crafting discounts would be unnecessary and perhaps provide too much longevity to one's crafting capabilities. Perhaps the monthly item could occasionally be a small stock of random collectables equal to what a close friend might give you in the game without feeling a loss.

  5. #5
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobgoblin View Post
    Since the invention of the bad video game idea, there have only been five bad video game ideas that were rated the most game wrecking, the most evil.. This one leaves them all behind.
    LOL, how so? The game would still be free to play, it would simply have more revenue to increase the quality of the game.

    Think of it sociologically, people who are well off in resources in DDO often tend to become more generous to new players (Like when I passed out a ton of Meteoric Star Rubies I bought from the shard exchange before I realized how rare they actually were). While simply being a VIP does not offer much of such power as it is now, updates on the benefits like what I proposed would benefit everyone. How much free stuff do you think people get from friends who are running low on inventory space?

  6. #6
    Community Member Requiro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lokeal_The_Flame View Post
    Many premium users do not see a good reason to switch to VIP as they own too much of the game access.

    I've come up with a solution for this and would like to see opinions on such!


    *Create a system that generates a score based on how much a premium player has purchased out of what all can be purchased (Account upgrades only) No.
    What Devs should consider?

    Give extra VIP benefits based on the month that VIP stay VIP.

    Possible VIP Benefit Changes

    *Free VIP Item No, this should be occasional.

    *Free Astral shards each month (+1AS), unlimited
    After 1 Month: 1 AS
    After 6 Month: 6 AS
    After 12 Month: 10 AS
    After 24 Month: 24 AS
    After 60 Month: 60 AS

    *Extra turbine points - extra 10TP every month, unlimited
    Base: 500TP
    After 1 Month: 510 TP
    After 2 Month: 520 TP
    After 3 Month: 530 TP
    After 4 Month: 540 TP
    After 24 Month: 740 TP
    After 60 Month: 1100 TP

    *Daily dice roll bonus -
    Base: Free Gold Roll every 7 Days
    After 12 Month: 2 Free Silver Roll per Day
    After 24 Month: Free Gold Roll every 6 Days
    After 36 Month: 3 Free Silver Roll per Day
    After 48 Month: Free Gold Roll every 5 Days
    And so on.

    *Number of free chest rerolls:
    For every VIPs: 1 Free Reroll per day
    After 6 Month: 2 Free Reroll per day
    After 12 Month: 3 Free Reroll per day
    After 18 Month: 4 Free Reroll per day
    And so on.
    Quote Originally Posted by stoerm View Post
    Player remembers. Player never forgets.
    I'm not native speaker

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    If you want the benefits of VIP - go VIP.
    If you want the benefits of Premium - go Premium.

    If you give the benefits of VIP to Premium players there is no reason to go VIP.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  8. #8
    Community Member Annex's Avatar
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    I would not mind an extra perk or two attached to a large purchase of points. For example, offer a free Premium Companion with the purchase of $100 US worth of DDO points.

  9. #9
    Knight of Movember
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    Quote Originally Posted by Requiro View Post
    What Devs should consider?

    Give extra VIP benefits based on the month that VIP stay VIP.
    I have advocated for something similar to this is in the past. Loyalty is something to reward.

    I have also said DDO should implement a "rewards" system for all players, Premium particularly. Warner Brothers originally had one but stopped it around the time they acquired Turbine. I believe Turbine never had the impetus to look into something along these lines. Now that SSG is an independent studio, I think it is again something worth them exploring.
    The evolution of DDO: Stormreach to Eberron Unlimited to Dungeons & Dragons Online
    -1--2 -3 -4 -5--6 -7 -8--9--10 -11-12 13 14! 15 16 17 years & still spawning kobolds
    From Turbine to SSG, who are the devs anyway? DDO Peeps Tracker

  10. #10
    Community Member archest's Avatar
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    Why buy packs over membership.
    Because they can not take away packs but they can lock your vip membership out of you go back to ftp.
    good deal at the right time and proper marketing of points could increase revenue.
    you have sale on packs this month......but not on points.
    its tax return month.....
    sale on both would increase revenue.
    I see 5000 points for $50.00
    affordable since its tax time.
    but not at the store........
    3450 for $40
    or 6300 for $60
    I spent $12.50 for a edition pack this year got 2000 points and access to evening star quests.
    +2 tombs for any and all my new characters 8 slots total and iconic access character creation.
    from the ddo online market. now it $49.00 again.

    Points is the key but i think you should be a little more liberal with them as they are used quickly at the costs for ddo store items.

    New Packs and Points will bring revenue in if its the right time for both.
    penny a point..........with a sale on packs in the store.
    during tax return time and Christmas.

    Who is the Target market?

    Nerds with a few bucks
    Kids who beg there parents to buy the stuff for them.
    and average people who played the paper game and find this as entertaining .
    Average people do not have expendable cash all the time.
    Kid's are only given stuff on Christmas and birthdays.
    Myself only play during ff work season hrs.
    Who are you selling to.
    Last edited by archest; 02-09-2017 at 10:46 AM.

  11. #11
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikarddo View Post
    If you want the benefits of VIP - go VIP.
    If you want the benefits of Premium - go Premium.

    If you give the benefits of VIP to Premium players there is no reason to go VIP.

    Reread the post because you most definitely read it wrong. The suggestion is on adding benefits for people with significant account upgrades when they decide to also be VIP. Please look into studies done on speed reading, if you use the technique your comprehension falters, so please don't do it when attending posts you reply to.

  12. #12
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by archest View Post
    Why buy packs over membership.
    Because they can not take away packs but they can lock your vip membership out of you go back to ftp.
    good deal at the right time and proper marketing of points could increase revenue.
    you have sale on packs this month......but not on points.
    its tax return month.....
    sale on both would increase revenue.
    I see 5000 points for $50.00
    affordable since its tax time.
    but not at the store........
    3450 for $40
    or 6300 for $60
    I spent $12.50 for a edition pack this year got 2000 points and access to evening star quests.
    +2 tombs for any and all my new characters 8 slots total and iconic access character creation.
    from the ddo online market. now it $49.00 again.

    Points is the key but i think you should be a little more liberal with them as they are used quickly at the costs for ddo store items.

    New Packs and Points will bring revenue in if its the right time for both.
    penny a point..........with a sale on packs in the store.
    during tax return time and Christmas.

    Who is the Target market?

    Nerds with a few bucks
    Kids who beg there parents to buy the stuff for them.
    and average people who played the paper game and find this as entertaining .
    Average people do not have expendable cash all the time.
    Kid's are only given stuff on Christmas and birthdays.
    Myself only play during ff work season hrs.
    Who are you selling to.
    Highly reasonable and well thought out, kudos!

  13. #13
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Requiro View Post
    What Devs should consider?

    Give extra VIP benefits based on the month that VIP stay VIP.
    You don't seem to realize that everything that we pay for is simply digital, free monthly gifts for vips can range quite vastly, heck they could even give something similar to the Raider's chest where when you click it you can choose from legendary greensteel matts, legendary raid runes, Dragon Phlogistons from the thunderholme raids etc.

    Monthly VIP freebees don't have to be non-consumable, non-stackable, and non-bag-able, they just have to do a damned good job at enticing people to pay for the VIP service frequently enough for people to suddenly give up on paying the higher price for a single month at a time. It's like this, I saw the free summon item, so I signed up for VIP even though there is not a single race, class, or quest I don't have access to on my account without VIP. VIP is no longer expanding my shared bank slots, the lack of benefits for being a VIP is just sad frankly, especially when you are a premium of my calibur. But regardless DDO needs more revenue and they are only getting so much from Premium users through a few burst purchases once in a blue moon, and once a premium user buys a pack, they won't be paying for vip to access it that's for sure. Enticing Premium players and NOT punishing them when they take a vacation from the game is important, DDO loves it when people pay for their digital goods, the more that is spent on a single account the better and what better way to increase revenue than to create a system that encourages people to both pay for vip and buy the packs?

  14. #14
    Community Member Sehenry03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lokeal_The_Flame View Post
    *Create a system that generates a score based on how much a premium player has purchased out of what all can be purchased (Account upgrades only)

    *Give extra VIP benefits based on the score generated

    Possible VIP Benefit Changes

    *Free VIP Item of the month (Like the Alabaster Lioness Hireling Summon VIPs got this month)

    *Free Astral shards each month based on a player's premium score

    *Discount to cost of required cannith crafting mats for a recipe (Refunds some of your crafting materials (50% of the required rare Collectibles) after crafting a shard)

    *Extra turbine points based on Premium score

    *Daily dice roll bonus based on Premium Score (Adds a bonus to your daily dice rolls, +35 to dice roll max)

    *Number of free chest rerolls each month based on premium score (Maximum of +10 free rolls)

    Why do I think DDO should do this?

    Simple, to encourage the players to make the maximum financial contribution they can so that DDO can afford the cost of creating better game content!
    This would make me quit as a VIP in a heartbeat. Explain why someone who has purchased content and not paid a monthly fee suddenly have an option to pay a monthly fee and get MORE then what I who have been subbing for 11 years has been getting? We can add up what we spent and I bet I have put more money into the game by subbing then you have by purchasing content.

    In no way should anyone get special VIP benefits over those that have already been VIP for years. Equal is fine and I have no issues but getting more would mean a loss of my account and I have put more into this game then almost anyone and yet I don't ask for anything extra over other people except the existing VIP benefits.

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  15. #15
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    Most of these suggestions are so good, you would lose vips that wanted these benefits. They would be better off dropping vip and purchasing packs.

  16. #16
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sehenry03 View Post
    This would make me quit as a VIP in a heartbeat. Explain why someone who has purchased content and not paid a monthly fee suddenly have an option to pay a monthly fee and get MORE then what I who have been subbing for 11 years has been getting? We can add up what we spent and I bet I have put more money into the game by subbing then you have by purchasing content.

    In no way should anyone get special VIP benefits over those that have already been VIP for years. Equal is fine and I have no issues but getting more would mean a loss of my account and I have put more into this game then almost anyone and yet I don't ask for anything extra over other people except the existing VIP benefits.
    People like you really need to learn how to read properly, further benefits would not be given unless someone was both a premium user and a vip AT THE SAME TIME and the extra benefits would be scaled based on maximum possible upgrades and how many of the maximum possible upgrades were actually bought (Hence the means of generating a score). As for the money I've put into this game, I find it laughable that you spent more paying for VIP unless that is you paid the highest price since the very start of DDO, and even then I have doubts but would be happy to crunch some numbers if I could find a history of the price for membership throughout DDO history. What I've spent on this game is in the thousands, hence one reason why I am so stubbornly sticking to this MMORPG, however I don't know how much of that was spent on actual upgrades and how much was spent on cosmetics, crafting, hearts of wood, and tomes. People should be incentivised to spend the maximum on this game, hence to contribute to the development and stability of this game. Sorry but you don't spend around $165 to $550 a year on a VIP account, only premium fanatic users tend to go that far.

  17. #17
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cantor View Post
    Most of these suggestions are so good, you would lose vips that wanted these benefits. They would be better off dropping vip and purchasing packs.

    The benefits would only be given to people who BOTH own packs and have an active VIP subscription, if someone owns every upgrade in the game it would not matter unless they were also VIP as only with both would they receive benefits. If you ever played the game with all classes, races, and quests purchased and with every tome purchased for your main character who happens to have multiple past lives, you begin to understand the appeal for VIP subscriptions that is lost to premium players. This is the problem that my post is suggesting a solution for, as lost revenue for DDO hurts everyone.

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