Thanks ya i know dusk is another broken ravenloff item they probly will never fix
And ya its mainly for max rad crits, skyvault is just when u really want to max that prr tank mode
Dps mostly dusk, mythic rod just for max force crits for pulse
Thanks ya i know dusk is another broken ravenloff item they probly will never fix
And ya its mainly for max rad crits, skyvault is just when u really want to max that prr tank mode
Dps mostly dusk, mythic rod just for max force crits for pulse
Damonz Cannith
New record just completed my first r1 strahd 0 deaths flawless victory
Damonz Cannith
Tweaked some feats n twists
Dropped empower, intensify, for greater necro, epic necro focus
Prefer permanent bonuses over clickies
Twists 4 Necro familiarity, 3 Necro Augmentation, 2 Necro dcs, 1 Reflexes or Will saves or sheath, 1 Rejuv
Epls dropped energy crits for arcane alacrity
Baseline 3100-3400 + hp, 177 prr, 135 mrr, Fort, Reflex 81, Will 67
Damonz Cannith
Got n 8 tome on the sale w twist for 110 cha on boss fights
2 more points for max reaper con 34 pts in dc tree all u need then all the rest in con
Now farming a mythic reaper ravenloff set work on slavers after that or dump it when the new stuff hits
Damonz Cannith
Learned something new Tsunami is amazing on the ravenloff golem fights
been forever since i seen anyone bother with it
Damonz Cannith
Tweaked some more enhancements dropped se completely for more blast dice
Max fire power and 3 more evoc dcs from drac
Last tweak if you really want the 5 mist and 5 slavers drop the skyvualt, mem hat for slavers hat n orb done
Damonz Cannith
Final dcs at 102 base charisma non reaper 41 points in es, 31 points in ts, 19 in drac
I use es displace to free a slot for dark discorp, shining through, staunch for healing so lgs aff not needed, free knockdown immunity
Fod 98, Hurl 81, Webs 89, Wail 99, Mass hold 90, Howl 90, Divine wrath 86, Circle of death 98, Sound burst 86, Flesh to stone 88
Can boost further with heighten and ts, reaper boosts.
EA Shadows upon you along with the Wiz pl with FTS still works quite well -12 saves debuff when you really need it
Last edited by mr420247; 07-03-2018 at 06:12 PM.
Damonz Cannith
New record completed our first R3 Baba on Cannith
Damonz Cannith
Just ran the mines pack first time picked up a legendary chieftan
Looks decent for cleric life Wis 18, Qual wis 4, spell saves 14, festive wis aug
Max will save when really needed now 78 + 6 maj twist, + 14 vs spells
98 wo insightful wis or fop
Last edited by mr420247; 07-23-2018 at 08:40 PM.
Damonz Cannith
Been comparing stuff w friends soon as mad pack goes on sale farming the mad armor dumping
Coat of traveler, n slavers trinket for mad armor n litany might craft a slavers neclace dm probly
Max wis w a 8 tome shd b 60 and then pots and or twists which should be enough for working frog
More prr but tier 8 spark needed w asf and asf aug
Dump 1 epic blast feat or both n maximize for heavy armor prof, tower prof, shield mastery
If you really want to tank up almost forgot need respec dump dex max wis probly hit 70 ish
Last edited by mr420247; 07-26-2018 at 01:59 PM.
Damonz Cannith
Leave froggin to the clerics and the monks
Kil Glory
30 alchemist
Community Member
The loot gods finally came through after 1000+ runs
Got a reaper litany memoirs hat cha 114 now to 116 if i ever make a lgs aff
Crafted slave lords neclace sheltering of qual mrr all other stuff was garbage so meh
At 109 wail dc not bad for an es lock take a hit heal through it and working dcs now just killing time till we get a real sorc pass
Lets hope its better then war priest
Last edited by mr420247; 07-31-2018 at 04:45 PM.
Damonz Cannith
Got a half decent pug static group cannith these days
can easily make 45k a day now r7 flawless victory zergs
Wo sov pots or vip
Mem, grim, sub, mom, ravenloffs, curse, amraths
Damonz Cannith
Community Member
Tweaked spell list again
Drop blur for command undead great for amber farming
5 witches 5 skeles-skulls n done
For heal amp swap in memoriam trinket 175
Last edited by mr420247; 09-23-2018 at 09:29 PM.
Damonz Cannith
New record
First r10 hox ever first reaper hox
12k rxp no pots
Dump dark discorp for charm
Damonz Cannith
Dumped spell pen for empower again i know lol
Really don't need it for reaper dailies or the raids i run
Better Cotq procs and heals for your DPS
1200 positive spell power, 35 crit
Did some fast r7 tests was seeing 7k heal crits on my barb with mass heal
Dps dies boss fights take longer then you lose xp per minute
Last edited by mr420247; 10-20-2018 at 09:39 PM.
Damonz Cannith
Upgraded the old club n sw set for the update
+ 4 mythic night nighmother, 4 piece otto, 3 cha, n 2 rare cha 4 mrr
Prr at 210-230, mrr will be at 155 good as it gets till i get better reaper gear
Almost at final goal 94 reaper points 2 capstones and 4 stat dex or wis for of course mass frog
Probably after tiefling if it don't get nerfed
Damonz Cannith
Recpeced tweaked some things got the new filigree 2 cha
Db 12 pts, es 41, ts 29, se 2, harper 7
Max cha now at 120, repeced ea for 20 less light damage
Those are the hardest hitting adrenaline champs so if it stops 1 shot great
Last edited by mr420247; 12-29-2018 at 07:06 PM.
Damonz Cannith
Tried my first fotp r1 pug that was bad
Learned alot basically invincible even with redswarm so thats not too bad
R1 specs with bard buffs were 3.5k hp, 250 prr, 175 mrr in DC mode
Last edited by mr420247; 01-06-2019 at 09:27 PM.
Damonz Cannith
Community Member
Community Member
Community Member