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  1. #1
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Default Feindish grandmaster

    New build for heroic reaper racial tr xp zerging been getting positive feed back so going more in depth

    Lawful neutral 18 Fiend warlock 2 monk

    Races Human and all the rest

    Tomes full set of 4 tomes fine for heroics

    1-3 lock 4-5 monk reaper ready at 6

    Stats 18 charisma, 16 con, 14 dex, 12 intel

    Feats Maximize, empower, completionist, deflect arrows, dodge, extend for buffs feat swap out at 15 for quicken, adept of forms, master of forms, wiz pl, grandmaster of forms

    Skills 2 pts in jump, 10 in umd, Max balance on monk levels up to around 30 great for heroics, spell craft, perform, concentration

    Spells jump, shield, blur, displace, fire ice shield great defensive buff for reaper, Webs, tentacles main cc dump spell pen not needed

    hurl your main insta kill, fod your backup, wail or mass hold if you want more cc

    Enhancements mostly ts until lvl 12 chain blast, utterdark mainly, 12 on es, ts shining through, staunch, bursts, 17-20 monk prr is nice if you can fit it in

    Main weapons dual wield cc crafted spell kamas at 12 max radiance, combustion or lvl 16 luminous truth staff is easy to farm off spinner

    Perma centered in water or earth for max dodge, saves, prr, 30-35 dodge with no fail evasion, 100-120 prr easy to hit in robes

    Reaper points starting out should all go into Con, dodge, saves boost tree when you have those maxed then start working on your caster tree
    Last edited by mr420247; 03-29-2017 at 11:01 AM.

  2. #2
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Based on the build I would go great old one rather than fiend. While the utility of hurl is nice, there are too many fire immune /resistant mobs especially when you get to higher heroic levels and will saves are generally lower than fort saves so you will get more damage.

    Overall concept is nice but going with evasion vs mrr isn't a slam dunk choice in my mind. Warlocks have high MRR as a class trait so that combined with a high reflex save is a large chunk of mitigation (making reflex save plus 100 MRR is 75% mitigation). I don't think what you are doing is wrong, but choosing evasion over MRR means you lose the capstone and it means you miss the opportunity to learn how to mitigate trap damage effectively without evasion. There are a few places where evasion is superior, but overall I think the capstone is better at epic levels (any of the 3).
    Last edited by slarden; 02-08-2017 at 10:11 AM.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  3. 02-08-2017, 10:06 PM

  4. 02-08-2017, 10:11 PM

  5. 03-01-2017, 10:00 AM

  6. #3
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Updated the build for any that like it or have any questions
    Damonz Cannith

  7. #4
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Based on the build I would go great old one rather than fiend. While the utility of hurl is nice, there are too many fire immune /resistant mobs especially when you get to higher heroic levels and will saves are generally lower than fort saves so you will get more damage.

    Overall concept is nice but going with evasion vs mrr isn't a slam dunk choice in my mind. Warlocks have high MRR as a class trait so that combined with a high reflex save is a large chunk of mitigation (making reflex save plus 100 MRR is 75% mitigation). I don't think what you are doing is wrong, but choosing evasion over MRR means you lose the capstone and it means you miss the opportunity to learn how to mitigate trap damage effectively without evasion. There are a few places where evasion is superior, but overall I think the capstone is better at epic levels (any of the 3).
    Great old one cannot be lawful, so no monk.

    TRing at cap means you have the capstone for as long as it takes to empty your TR cache. Actually, I usually don't even spend the last 8 points, but that's just me.

  8. #5
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    This is for heroic zergs your never going to see the capstone for 30 racial trs

    Slardens was an old post its now updated
    Damonz Cannith

  9. #6
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    For HTR-only builds the issue isn't the capstone; it's giving up your lvl 18 enhancement when you presumably park at 18 to XP-farm your way to 20. If you're going T5 ES, having Celestial Spirit is pretty nice for the extra light dmg, faster aura procs, and KD immunity. Plus switching to pure warlock means being able to go GOO for the reasons slarden cites.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  10. #7
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lonnbeimnech View Post
    Great old one cannot be lawful, so no monk.TRing at cap means you have the capstone for as long as it takes to empty your TR cache. Actually, I usually don't even spend the last 8 points, but that's just me.
    You are right on alignment - was not thinking of the restrictions when I posted and was also mixing pure 20 in vs 2 splash. Racial TR definitely changes things - my post was before racial TR was available and running epics for first time bonuses made sense for rxp. That is why I specified it was helpful at epic levels. As for the MRR vs evasion trade-off for racial TR it really boils down to whether you can get a workable reflex save. With all the gear options I would say it's definitely very do-able now.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  11. #8
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    No fail saves are no problem even without the reaper boosts even with a dex of 14 and a 4 tome n any junk gear u find

    I basically use the doj bracers at 13 armbands of the silenced ones with fort augmented sure you can cc better

    Right now perma centered at level 12 saves are 33 fort, 30 reflex, 32 will then boost with gh for 4s then reaper and human saves boosts for 13

    If you really want overkill on your saves

    When you hit 18 your just tring as soon as you cap anyways so the core is really not needed or used

    And with the monk levels and maxd out balance you wont miss the knock down immunity either

    lots of mobs like to trip that helps from level 6 on not just 18
    Last edited by mr420247; 03-29-2017 at 07:05 PM.
    Damonz Cannith

  12. #9
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Couple notes for new players mainly robes, cloaks, rings

    Early levels try and max your elemental absorbs with guards alot more defense a little more dps

    Mid levels max absorbs with heal amps for better self healing

    Fire, ice, acid, lightning, sonic it can help alot on some of the stacking reaper dot damage

    Poison, un typed damage, and 1s can still kill you if your not prepared

    Mainly knowing when to kite and when to tank adapt the play style to the quest
    Damonz Cannith

  13. 04-29-2017, 02:20 AM

  14. #10
    Community Member alvarego's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr420247 View Post
    New build for heroic reaper racial tr xp zerging been getting positive feed back so going more in depth ...
    Built a rogue version for this, cause traps deserve respect ...

    Can see it here: Feindish RogueMaster
    Under and behind and inside everything this man took for granted, something horrible had been growing.

    Server: Cannith - Toon: Holamdar - Guild: GODS

  15. #11
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Default Post Nerf Apocalypse Update

    Just completed Tempest spine R5 at level 3 man team

    Notes Dps is down i recommend any new players running this build go Fey

    Less immunes faster early mid game runs

    R3 bursting is still fine just play more aggressively

    R4s are still easy if you stay on top of CC and range kite if u need too

    Scaling peeps keep telling me is bad double hp and damage mobs so

    Run with max 3 man teams faster rxp runs

    Any questions will answer
    Last edited by mr420247; 07-21-2017 at 09:25 PM.
    Damonz Cannith

  16. #12
    Community Member Phil7's Avatar
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    nice to see you sharing builds Dam... IT'S SPREADING!!!

    Well we've already talked about this anyway, I like your build it's super safe for reaper zerg. Would definetly recommend it.
    Me like other players prefer to stick to pure warlock GOO and cover my butt with Fire Shield scrolls, past lives and high MRR. But with pure warlock you can sometimes get rekt from champ fire/water elementals in R3+
    I'd say as a pure warlock you have to be a bit more careful and insta-kill the dangerous champs.

    At level 14 I use Fanion to double my MRR against damage than can be affected through Reflex Saves. (
    The saves are really high anyway from PLs and reaper tree (30+ and more than 40 with reaper clicky)
    Especially in boss fights where Mutilator of Mind is mostly useless for boss DPS. At level 14 as pure lock the MRR is 60-80 depending on gear and reaper enhancements so double this and you are good to go.
    Last edited by Phil7; 07-22-2017 at 08:29 AM.

  17. #13
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply ya goo is good but charming could get hella nerfed

    And its good having a 3 man team to cover each others immunes

    My saves like a 40 base now closer to 60 with reaper boosts
    Damonz Cannith

  18. 08-09-2017, 04:45 AM

  19. #14
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Back to racials good lives now half elf 6 r pts dragonborn after free dragonbreath

    Notes monk splash 5-6 dump displace for enervation go fey till 17 max dps then feat swap free to hurl

    Stats str 8, dex 14, con 17 + 1 r, int 12, wis 8, cha 17 + 1 r

    Take half elf saves boost for no fail saves on 1s evasion now up to 55 base 64 ish w boosts
    Last edited by mr420247; 01-17-2018 at 06:27 PM.
    Damonz Cannith

  20. #15
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Dragonborn lives had some ideas thought i'd try something a little different

    Fiend pact with acid breath for all those low level immunes also works great with webs main cc

    Then if i can free feat swap to fire at level 13 ish
    Last edited by mr420247; 02-04-2018 at 09:01 PM.
    Damonz Cannith

  21. #16
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Just finished racials at 61 r points 11 r points

    Final life dragon born of course

    Stats str 26 dex 50 con 70 int 31 wis 29 cha 106 w ability n tod pots

    Gear main night mother sw beholder n cha, off hand dusk, sky vault still kickin ass take that from my cold dead fist

    armor coat traveler for now, gogs lgs fire crit multipliers or lgs hp set, hat memoirs, neclace resonation or lgs hp set,

    slavers trinket, ring spinner, bracers dex, resistance, spell craft, qual con, boots ravenloff n devil commanders n 3bcs fom

    belt burn scar dps or healer belt if ur lazy and want to raid heal, cloak mantle of fury

    Epic feat notes hell ball ruins suck it in the reaper so f them right bogw and elusive and scion should be necro

    Can hit 114 charisma with store pots n se capstone n ea ascendance
    Last edited by mr420247; 06-07-2018 at 03:57 PM.
    Damonz Cannith

  22. #17
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Upgraded the gear set for high skulls now running with a 3 piece slavers 5 piece mist

    Its not bad down like 2 dcs but you gain on prr, mrr, heal amp, spell power
    Damonz Cannith

  23. #18
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr420247 View Post
    Upgraded the gear set for high skulls now running with a 3 piece slavers 5 piece mist

    Its not bad down like 2 dcs but you gain on prr, mrr, heal amp, spell power
    Would you mind listing your gear - I am curious what you have. I am not entirely happy with my current gear set - am hoping U39 adds some useful things.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  24. #19
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Sure not gettin too much out for the 2 mist items skull ring gives me 1 stacking necro dc and the blood neclace gives me max mrr

    but the prr mrr heal amp bonus def nice note though the devil commander boots do not seem to be stacking properly with the set bonus

    Armor coat of the traveller, Head panosophic just cuz its an ez hat farm, neclace blood stone, resonation, lgs hp set, or strahd neclace max wis saves ac

    Goggles lgs fire crit multipliers, or 2'nd hp set

    cloak legendary mantle of fury was hoping to perma rage for stacking fort saves but that is not working either

    belt burnscar or silverthread with max heal amp n heal crits self healing on r7s should work

    Ring 1 spinner, ring 2 lantern, 2 skulled ring if u trap splash would go with the trap ring, gloves gauntlets of innate arcanum

    boots legendary soft soles, devil commanders, bracers crafted slavers dex, resistance, qual con, spell craft

    Weapons night mother, dusk, skyvault, mythic rod which covers all my bases
    Last edited by mr420247; 06-11-2018 at 05:18 PM.
    Damonz Cannith

  25. #20
    Community Member Gilga1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr420247 View Post
    Weapons night mother, dusk, skyvault, mythic rod which covers all my bases
    Gratz mate, well done!

    Some tips on weapons. In my experience Dusk is bugged... or the proc rate is really low. Imho it's not worth it.
    I'll suggest an LGS affirmation weapon as off-hand swap (+150 positive, +50 hamp, +70 hamp): +1000 temp hp are always handy and you can boost your hamp when healing is needed.
    Skyvault seems a poor choice for a lvl 30 toon... my 2 cents
    Tronko - Ascendance - Orien

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