New build for heroic reaper racial tr xp zerging been getting positive feed back so going more in depth
Lawful neutral 18 Fiend warlock 2 monk
Races Human and all the rest
Tomes full set of 4 tomes fine for heroics
1-3 lock 4-5 monk reaper ready at 6
Stats 18 charisma, 16 con, 14 dex, 12 intel
Feats Maximize, empower, completionist, deflect arrows, dodge, extend for buffs feat swap out at 15 for quicken, adept of forms, master of forms, wiz pl, grandmaster of forms
Skills 2 pts in jump, 10 in umd, Max balance on monk levels up to around 30 great for heroics, spell craft, perform, concentration
Spells jump, shield, blur, displace, fire ice shield great defensive buff for reaper, Webs, tentacles main cc dump spell pen not needed
hurl your main insta kill, fod your backup, wail or mass hold if you want more cc
Enhancements mostly ts until lvl 12 chain blast, utterdark mainly, 12 on es, ts shining through, staunch, bursts, 17-20 monk prr is nice if you can fit it in
Main weapons dual wield cc crafted spell kamas at 12 max radiance, combustion or lvl 16 luminous truth staff is easy to farm off spinner
Perma centered in water or earth for max dodge, saves, prr, 30-35 dodge with no fail evasion, 100-120 prr easy to hit in robes
Reaper points starting out should all go into Con, dodge, saves boost tree when you have those maxed then start working on your caster tree