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  1. #1

    Default High Lords will host "Death to Suulomades" teaching raid extravaganza on Sat, Feb 11

    Our last teaching raid was a double feature in Thunderholme with Temple of the Deathwyrm and Fire on Thunder Peak. Click here to read about it and watch the live stream!

    This week is a triple hitter special event we call our "Death to Suulomades Extravaganza" with the theme of following Suulomades through all the raids he appears in. First we will delve into the Subterrane to hunt down Suulomades and kick his butt back to Shavarath in Vision of Destruction. Then we will follow him to Shavarath and pummel him again in Tower of Despair. And finally we will go back in time and defeat his forces once and for all in epic Chronoscope!

    The fun starts at 9pm EST on Saturday, February 11!

    All events in this series are for players new(er) to the raiding scene or players that are looking to learn raids better. First timers welcome! Dbags not welcome. Please have sound and be willing and able to follow instructions.

    The goal is to welcome newer players into the raiding scene, to teach people how raids work, to get players more comfortable with raids and to enhance the Sarlona community.

    There is no level cap for any of our teaching raids.

    If you are new to VOD and Chronoscope, there is no flagging required! You will need to have access to the Vale of Twilight and Devil Assault adventure packs. VOD is located in the Subterrane and is confusing to find for many players. We will start from the market and show you how to get to and open the way to the raid. Along the way we'll show you how to find Garamol, the Giant Chieftain skeleton rare who resides in a secret location and whose chest contains some really cool named items like Icy Raiment, Tira's Splendor and Luck Blade.

    If you are new to TOD, you will need to be flagged by running 4 quests in Amrath: Genesis Point, Sins of Attrition, A New Invasion and Bastion of Power. You will need access to The Devils of Shavarath adventure pack.

    New players may find some of my videos helpful for flagging:

    You will also want to acquire Boots of Anchoring prior to the raid. Boots of Anchoring prevent you from being banished out of the plane of Shavarath and out of the raid. The final boss Horoth can cast Banishment, and if you don't have some way to absorb spells, you will be teleported out of the raid faster than you can say "why am I suddenly in the marketplace?" If you get banished, you will not be able to re-enter the raid and get loot. You can acquire Boots of Anchoring by trading 1 each of the following ingredients Devil's Keepsake, Pure Shavarath Iron, Demon's Blood and Mysterious Artifact to the Planescaller Liella d'Orien in Amrath. If you cannot acquire Boots of Anchoring before the raid, we have some leftover ingredients that were donated from a previous teaching raid so we can help you get them before we start.

    Space is limited so reserve your spot ahead of time! If you would like to reserve a space in this Saturday's event, please contact me in game on Gingerspyce or preferrably Voodu, who I've been playing most lately.

    This event will be live streamed on my Youtube channel.

    Thank you to the community for all the support and special thanks to DDOCast and DDO Chronicle for mentioning our events. We hope to see you in raids soon!

    Much love,
    Gingerspyce and The High Lords of Malkier
    Last edited by Nachomammashouse; 02-09-2017 at 12:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Apr 2009


    I wish I could join you, I'll see if I find the will to play much and get flagged. They are fun quests from what I remember.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Apr 2006


    Regrettably I have plans for this weekend or I would enjoy joining you. I will have to watch for future events.

  4. #4


    Still space available for tonight's big event! If you're new to raiding, this is a great little cluster of raids to start with

  5. #5

    Default nice turnout for the oldies!

    We had a really solid turnout for our Sully butt-kicking old school teaching raid night. We had 7 people that were new to or still learning, including several first timers and a couple that had never even stepped foot into the Subterrane! Up to 30 viewers enjoyed the live stream as well, including many that were learning these raids for the first time too! It has been so cool to interact live with the viewers and that live streaming is increasing the reach of the events

    Next Saturday will be Caught in the Web, so get flagged and I'll post details in the Sarlona forum soon!
    Last edited by Nachomammashouse; 02-12-2017 at 06:02 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Dec 2007

    Default Awesome Runs!!!!

    Truly enjoyable set of runs. I want to thank Ginger and the rest of the High Lords for making this happen. With your organization and measured pace, you made it both a fun and educational experience. There was no pressure or stress, I never had the feeling I would get left behind.

    I plan on participating in as many of these Teaching Raids as I can.

    Thanks again,
    - Xiggs

  7. #7
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    At one point you said how VoD used to be incredibly tough at level and it got me thinking....What if you or someone else set up a 1st Life Lvl 15 Iconics with starter gear only VoD run? And then I thought...Can a Lvl 15 Iconic with starter gear get 65 Intim to be able to Tank Sully on Elite.

    It seems the answer is no as with PDK this is what I got...

    PDK Fighter/Paladin 13/2

    Str 14
    Dex 8
    Con 14
    Int 12 {+1 at Lvl 4}
    Wis 8
    Cha 18 {+1 at Lvl 8 and 12}

    Lvl 1: Shield Mastery, Skill Focus: Intimidate, Force of Personality
    Lvl 2: Imp. Shield Bash
    Lvl 3: Toughness
    Lvl 4: Combat Expertise
    Lvl 6: Heavy Armour Combatant, Exotic Wpn: B-Sword
    Lvl 8: Weapon Focus: Slashing
    Lvl 9: Imp. Crit: Slashing
    Lvl 10: Imp. Shield Mastery
    Lvl 12: Heavy Armour Training, Heavy Armour Master
    Lvl 13: {Paladin} Favored by Helm
    Lvl 15: Shield Deflection

    Intimidate 18, UMD 9, Balance 8, Jump 7, Swim 7, Heal 4, Tumble 1

    SD: 28
    Vanguard: 25
    PDK: 3

    Freebie Skill Tomes
    +3 Intimidate, +3 Balance, +2 Tumble

    Total Intim 55 so with a GH it could hit the 57 required for Hard.

    DPS would be an issue as even if an Arti was in group the Starter PDK Sword would still not break his DR as Silver+Good is required not just one of them. {Frankly not sure the build would be able to hold aggro in between Intims anyway.}.

    I think someone in group would need to be able to craft specific items at least for the Tank and possibly for others in the group too to be able to do Elite - PDK Starter Gear has +13 Intim so if you can craft a +20 item for Lvl15 that would along with a GH and Bard songs hit the Elite 65 requirement.
    The tank would also probably need a Silver+Holy B-Sword.

    With Iconic only unfortunately H-Elf second intim is not available.

    Oh and yes I had the free skill tomes from MotU and Shadowfell that gave me an extra +3 Intim.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cold_Spike View Post
    Truly enjoyable set of runs. I want to thank Ginger and the rest of the High Lords for making this happen. With your organization and measured pace, you made it both a fun and educational experience. There was no pressure or stress, I never had the feeling I would get left behind.

    I plan on participating in as many of these Teaching Raids as I can.

    Thanks again,
    - Xiggs
    Second this 100%. Has been the case for all of these events I've been in; it's great to get a feel for what's going on without the risk of screwing something up and wiping somebodies raid.

    Thanks for hosting these, both the ones I've been in and those going forwards,

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    At one point you said how VoD used to be incredibly tough at level and it got me thinking....What if you or someone else set up a 1st Life Lvl 15 Iconics with starter gear only VoD run? And then I thought...Can a Lvl 15 Iconic with starter gear get 65 Intim to be able to Tank Sully on Elite.
    A couple years ago we did a permadeath event with iconics and went into VOD and got our butts kicked. Can't remember how many of us there were, maybe 9ish, but we got served

  10. #10


    Ally and Xiggs, glad you had a good time and ty for saying!

  11. #11
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Nachomammashouse View Post
    A couple years ago we did a permadeath event with iconics and went into VOD and got our butts kicked. Can't remember how many of us there were, maybe 9ish, but we got served
    Ah but you didn't have Smurfs or Locks back then.

    Still think the Tank is the sticking point though.

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