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  1. #21
    Community Member Phil7's Avatar
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    Can you post the updated list now with reaper Grynberg? TY man

    Would also like to add Info is Key R1 for levels 1-4, And the Dead Shall Rise R/E/H (4-5 mins) and Shadow of a Doubt R/E (invis and zerg it till the end)

    propably a few more zergy quests that I can't remember right now, will edit if I do.

    Btw how do u zerg level 1-3 on warlock? Fighter hire and eldritch chain are still too **** slow
    Level 4 I switch to ES cleave cause it still 1 shots everything, around level 8 cone becomes faster and level 12+ double ES cleave
    Last edited by Phil7; 04-23-2017 at 03:37 PM.

  2. #22
    Community Member Grynberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil7 View Post
    Can you post the updated list now with reaper Grynberg? TY man

    Would also like to add Info is Key R1 for levels 1-4, And the Dead Shall Rise R/E/H (4-5 mins) and Shadow of a Doubt R/E (invis and zerg it till the end)
    Yeah I found that dead shall rise is good XP as well. Info is the key can be tad long for the XP it gives and I haven't tried shadow of doubt myself. Was it level 15? I already have more then enough xp for levels 15-17 but I'll go check it out next life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil7 View Post
    propably a few more zergy quests that I can't remember right now, will edit if I do.

    Btw how do u zerg level 1-3 on warlock? Fighter hire and eldritch chain are still too **** slow
    Level 4 I switch to ES cleave cause it still 1 shots everything, around level 8 cone becomes faster and level 12+ double ES cleave
    I don't bother with ES blasts until level 12 to be honest. Cone is already a complete overkill on low levels. Point and kill.

    I swapped some of the quests out of my earlier list since reaper xp is so much better and I measured the times from the end of one quest to the end of the next one. This means they also include run times through wildernesses, leveling up, swapping gear etc. I added explanations for the levels 1-3 as requested. Last life took about 15 hours or so. There's room for improvement if I get a decent groupmate but the chances of that in pugs are miniscule. So I just save myself the trouble and run solo.

    Levels 1-6
    Stealthy reposession RRREHN, 12 minutes, 25k xp. Take level 2 after first few runs. Grab invis scrolls from market and greater heroism potions from eveningstar to boost UMD. Persuasion etc helps if UMD is on the low-end. Invis through, 0 kills needed. There's a safe recallspot at the end even in red alert. Grab eldritch chain on level 2. This one can be annoying if reapers pop up but just kill them and try to maintain alert.
    Durk got a secret RRREHN, 12 minutes, 24k. Invis to the brothers and kill them with basic eldritch stuff. Safespot to recall out at the right brother. Grab level 3.
    Kobolds new ringleader RRREHN. 15 minutes, 31k. Grab level 4. Pick invisibility as the spell, reset enhancements and swap to cone. Ready for master zerg.
    Waterworks R, 25m, 54k
    Deneith depths R, 16m, 25k. Grab level 5
    Ruines halls, Lair., both REHN. 17min, 44k.
    Delera 1 R. 7 min, 13k. Grab level 6. Enhancements should have cone+utterdark blast now.

    Levels 7-8
    Basically 3BC farm.
    Stones run red REHN. 19m, 74k.
    Legend of tobias R. 9min, 34k. Grab 7
    Troglodytes R. 4m 18k
    Prove your worth R. 10m, 28k.
    Ghost of a chance REHN. 17m, 69k
    Brood of flame R. 6m, 16k
    Old grey garl REHN. 17min, 62k. Grab level 8. Cone+utterdark+first eldrich cleave. Work towards the bonus light damage on blasts at the ES tree.

    Level 9
    Delera 2-3. R, 27min, 82k. Grab level 9.

    Level 10-11
    Spies REHN. 45m, 158k. I usually run solo on these levels so I ignore the traps and only grab the 8-10% barrel bonus.
    Shadow crypt RRREHN, 52m, 158k. Solo paths, takes a minute or two longer per run, duo would be faster. Grab level 10
    Von 2, R. 7min, 24k. A level filler. I'm usually a bit short, depending how I get the optionals/slayer/monster manual XP. Grab 11

    Level 12
    Von3, RRREHN. 73min, 336k. Rogue hire for traps. Grab level 12. Reset enhancements. Cone + 2x blasts.

    Level 13
    Shrine, 3xTombs, Mines, OOB R. 44min, 210k. Grab level 13. Should have cone+utterdark+2 blasts by now. Pew.

    Level 14
    Tomb of blighted REHN. 23m, 85k
    Dead shall rise REHN. 22min, 116k
    Sovereign/Invaders R. 25min, 63k. Probably need something better here to fill 14. Grab 14.

    Level 15
    Diplo chain R. 32min, 142k. I think I did some framework farming here last life. Not sure.
    Diplo chain 2 R. 41min, 146k. Grab 15.

    Level 16-17
    Gianthold R. 120m, 548k. I was loitering a bit here. Ran solo crucible, madstone etc. Usually takes half an hour less. Grab 16
    Grim+Subversion R. 19min, 106k. Grab 17.

    Level 18+
    Farming the good stuff. Grab 18 whenever possible, stay on level 18 until capped.
    Missing REHN. 20min, 117k.
    Sane asylum RRREHN. 25min, 143k
    Devils REHN. 28min, 141k.
    Wheloon R. 54m, 255k.
    Monastery REHN. 40min, 178k.
    Sins of attrition R. 10min, 58k. Tried this last life and it turned out decent xp. Might try REHN next life.

    I'm mostly using crafted gear because of how amazing it is now.
    Level 2 - crafted weapon 43 sonic 6% sonic crit, crafted weapon 43 force, 6% force crit. light armor with a colourless slot for VoM shard, featherfall boots
    Level 5/6 - Medium fort, old improved health belt, some random junk. Swapping weapons for sonic 64/9%, light 63/9% on level 6.
    Level 7 - Sacred Helm (deatjblock), stat items with +5 stats, heavy fort ring, old crafted greater health belt with medium guild slot for hp.
    Level 11 - swaps the whole equipment until level 20
    * Scales/Docent of Malice - ins con +2, vitality +19, prr 14, parrying 2, slotted heavy fort. Currently running a warforged life with the docent version.
    * Kundrak FoM boots
    * Crafted bracers - Str +6, Con +6, Ins Spellsight 6, slotted featherfall
    * Greensteel manacloak with lightning 2
    * Greensteel HP googles with conc op
    * Crafted gloves - Dex +6, Resists +5, Ins Radiance 40, slotted underwater breathing
    * Crafter helm - Int +6, Spellsight 13, Ins Int +2, slotted blindness immunity
    * Necro 3 necklace - Deathblock and absorbs neg effects
    * Crafted Ring 1 - Force 64, 12%, ins MRR 7, slotted VoM shard.
    * Crafted Ring 2 - Cha +6, PRR 15, ins PRR 7, slotted vitality from minos, Going to re-do this ring since I got scales of malice now for PRR and vitality.
    Level 13 adds head of good fortune and new crafted weapons with sonic 87/13%, light 87/13%.

    EDIT: That said. After THREE RTR-s I finally realised there's a whole new enhancement tree that has some fun stuff for reaper mode. I even had 10 points to spend in it! So I'm starting to look at the reaper XP and how to maximise it during RTR-s. Probably going to expand the quest list a lot so that I can run more quests once on R3-4 and on-level.
    Last edited by Grynberg; 04-25-2017 at 07:06 AM.
    Player of Garach - Triple heroic, iconic and epic completionist.

  3. #23
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    if want moar reaper xp your lvl needs to be equal the base lvl (not elite which is base +2) the drawback is you will need more quests/runs at higher lvls or at 14-15... so you can run wheloon and druid chains on elite once you stay at 18, amongst other options

    the things is looking at your playstyle/variety of quests, if you wanna get some nice reaper xp... it's in the opposite side (better running once and done being at base lvl) but you always can try to find another way around it
    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

  4. #24
    Community Member Phil7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grynberg View Post
    Grab level 8. Cone+utterdark+first eldrich cleave. Work towards the bonus light damage on blasts at the ES tree.
    I know but after cleaving twice you have about 3 seconds to hit with ur cone, until ur cleaves reset. Including the fact that the begining of the cone animation is always delayed, your cone should hit maybe max 4 times between these 3 seconds. Tried it, didn't like it, I'd rather cone from 4-11 and 12+ double cleave, but ty tho.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grynberg View Post
    Level 9
    Delera 2-3. R, 27min, 82k. Grab level 9.
    No Delera part 4? It gave some nice exp last time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grynberg View Post
    Level 13
    Shrine, 3xTombs, Mines, OOB R. 44min, 210k. Grab level 13. Should have cone+utterdark+2 blasts by now. Pew.

    Level 14
    Tomb of blighted REHN. 23m, 85k
    Dead shall rise REHN. 22min, 116k
    Sovereign/Invaders R. 25min, 63k. Probably need something better here to fill 14. Grab 14.
    Hehe, I tried Tomb of the Forbidden last life with hire, did the unlock lever trick, pulled both simultaneously, cleared only my side from trash, but the center gate wouldn't open. I waited around 8 mins then just quit. Doesn't seem to work anymore

    Tomb of the Unhallowed was way too long for the exp, I guess that's why you removed it from the list aswell.

    I ran Wiz-King R/E/H instead and the exp is top-tier, definetly worth it. I'm surprised you dont include a farm for it.

    I don't run Invaders for speed anymore, don't like the random ''held'' on 1 and Cyclone Blast spam from champ hounds. Too troublesome for zerging, would run only for the challenge on higher reaper.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grynberg View Post
    Level 18+
    Sane asylum RRREHN. 25min, 143k
    Wheloon R. 54m, 255k.
    I am not sure if second+ run reaper gives more exp than second+ run elite. I don't think so, but it might indeed be faster due to reaper enhancements and Lost Souls for free SP and spell spam. Good idea!

    Would also like to comment on Mirror Farm. Even without group it's kind of like wiz-king. Do all optionals except from Hound-Trainer and Assassin and u get a ton of exp.
    I think it's really worth farming.

    Also give Good Intentions (invis) and Shadow of a Doubt (invis) a try. In good intentions check for the optionals in the begining to see if the Dog will spawn and if so lure it to the boss at end fight and kill both using safe spot (upstairs) and cone.
    Both give very nice exp.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grynberg View Post
    EDIT: That said. After THREE RTR-s I finally realised there's a whole new enhancement tree that has some fun stuff for reaper mode. I even had 10 points to spend in it! So I'm starting to look at the reaper XP and how to maximise it during RTR-s. Probably going to expand the quest list a lot so that I can run more quests once on R3-4 and on-level.
    This is a big work in progress, long debates on what is worth running, what to skip , what to run on R3, what on R1 and what on R5-6.
    You can get massive reaper exp from quests like Lords of Dust, Vol, Cabal or Gianthold Walkups on r5-6 at level, (~2k rxp per quest) and the completion time is not that much slower than R1 at +2 levels. These are examples of very easy, low-scaled quests that can be easily soloed on r5 with pure warlock.

    Some also argue that running higher than R1 at low levels is not worth the trouble, as you get so little reaper exp at those levels anyway, so 50 or 60 more rxp in exchange for a few minutes is not a great deal.

    It is also important to consider multiclassed-past life builds. 10#/10warlock builds will struggle more on higher reaper skulls and in quests where insta-killing shines.
    Example, IQ2 (excluding Dreaming Dark) where pure necro-lock (DC max CHA) can run the quests on r3-4 in 5ish minutes and get a ton of rxp, but low heroic exp.
    Multiclassed build or thrower/repeater or dps build will need at least 10 mins for each quest due to 10k HP mobs.

    To make our lives easier, I would just set the standard build as pure warlock (max DC max CHA) and start from there.
    That means mostly doing R3+ at level during Racial Past Lives and focusing more on zerging R1/farm during random multiclassed past lives/iconics.
    One can also alternate between lives and make TRing a bit more interesting.
    Last edited by Phil7; 04-25-2017 at 02:59 PM.

  5. #25
    Community Member Grynberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil7 View Post
    I know but after cleaving twice you have about 3 seconds to hit with ur cone, until ur cleaves reset. Including the fact that the begining of the cone animation is always delayed, your cone should hit maybe max 4 times between these 3 seconds. Tried it, didn't like it, I'd rather cone from 4-11 and 12+ double cleave, but ty tho.
    Mm. Cone is more of an introductory thing. I constantly run around with cone blasting away and when I approach a group, cone already takes them down to half health. Once I get close enough to jump in the middle, I hit 2 cleaves and its done. I admit that cone delay is annoying, but what else are you going to do while cleaves are on cooldown? It's really good AOE dps for heroics. Chain might be more convenient for the lazy folks but it only hits 3 targets and scales with 95% spellpower. Cone hits eveyrthing in front of you and scales with 130% of spellpower. Aura is completely useless on heroics unless you decide to go melee warlock. It just doesnt provide enough dps during cleaves cooldown.
    For example, the monastery run I did last life.
    R1 - I had to use the 2 cleaves after approaching with cone to kill most things. Sometimes even cone a few times after cleaves.
    E/H/M - no cleaves required. things died far before I even reached them to cleave. Just run along, blasting everyone to death with cone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil7 View Post
    No Delera part 4? It gave some nice exp last time.
    Yeah, a typo. I'm running part 4 as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil7 View Post
    Hehe, I tried Tomb of the Forbidden last life with hire, did the unlock lever trick, pulled both simultaneously, cleared only my side from trash, but the center gate wouldn't open. I waited around 8 mins then just quit. Doesn't seem to work anymore
    Tomb of the Unhallowed was way too long for the exp, I guess that's why you removed it from the list aswell.
    Quote Originally Posted by Phil7 View Post
    I ran Wiz-King R/E/H instead and the exp is top-tier, definetly worth it. I'm surprised you dont include a farm for it.
    Most of the quests in necro are either bad xp or are in the level range where I already have better xp. The only two things that are worth running for me are tomb of blighted and shadow crypt.
    Wizking takes too long solo to be effective. With a group of 3 decent player's, it's usually 6 minutes per run. When running solo, it takes 15+ minutes or so. First elite run cuts the xp in half and the extra time cuts the xp/min down below what I'd like. Waiting for at least 2 people to join for your sands R1 zerg might take 15-20 minutes at this point so that's not worth it either. The only few places I bother to put up ads are gianthold and wheloon because they just take longer and might attract people while I clean the quests.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil7 View Post
    I don't run Invaders for speed anymore, don't like the random ''held'' on 1 and Cyclone Blast spam from champ hounds. Too troublesome for zerging, would run only for the challenge on higher reaper.
    I usually have around 1000 hps (650+350 from shinng through) on level 14 in reaper. 35-40 saves, 75 AC and 75prr, 70mrr on top of that, plus greater harper pin to avoid the occasional mishap and ion stone/that beholder absorbtion necklace for swaps. I don't think I've been held in there yet or been in any danger.[/QUOTE]

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil7 View Post
    Would also like to comment on Mirror Farm. Even without group it's kind of like wiz-king. Do all optionals except from Hound-Trainer and Assassin and u get a ton of exp.
    I think it's really worth farming.
    It's great xp. This was one of my daily farms on epics. However, I'm usually at the cap there though so I never get around to farming mirror. I would skip wheloon and jump right into mirror farm but I'd have to buy the whole shadowell expansion to my alt account and flag him so nah. I did flag him for a number of things though and took all the quests I need for the runs so I'd never have to run around picking up the quests

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil7 View Post
    Also give Good Intentions (invis) and Shadow of a Doubt (invis) a try. In good intentions check for the optionals in the begining to see if the Dog will spawn and if so lure it to the boss at end fight and kill both using safe spot (upstairs) and cone.
    Both give very nice exp.
    This is a big work in progress, long debates on what is worth running, what to skip , what to run on R3, what on R1 and what on R5-6.
    You can get massive reaper exp from quests like Lords of Dust, Vol, Cabal or Gianthold Walkups on r5-6 at level, (~2k rxp per quest) and the completion time is not that much slower than R1 at +2 levels. These are examples of very easy, low-scaled quests that can be easily soloed on r5 with pure warlock.

    Some also argue that running higher than R1 at low levels is not worth the trouble, as you get so little reaper exp at those levels anyway, so 50 or 60 more rxp in exchange for a few minutes is not a great deal.

    It is also important to consider multiclassed-past life builds. 10#/10warlock builds will struggle more on higher reaper skulls and in quests where insta-killing shines.
    Example, IQ2 (excluding Dreaming Dark) where pure necro-lock (DC max CHA) can run the quests on r3-4 in 5ish minutes and get a ton of rxp, but low heroic exp.
    Multiclassed build or thrower/repeater or dps build will need at least 10 mins for each quest due to 10k HP mobs.

    To make our lives easier, I would just set the standard build as pure warlock (max DC max CHA) and start from there.
    That means mostly doing R3+ at level during Racial Past Lives and focusing more on zerging R1/farm during random multiclassed past lives/iconics.
    One can also alternate between lives and make TRing a bit more interesting.
    I put points into constitution on levelups and if someone saves a blasts here and there, I'll give them a medal and bury them with honors.
    I have exactly the same thoughts on reaper xp. I'm not going to bother with anything more then R1 until level 6 when cone+utterdark+new weapons start kicking in.

    I've grown to hate the LoD chain to be honest. It was always something mandatory you'd have to run for sagas on EE right after spies/von3 farm and it was annoying.
    IQ is pretty bad xp anyway so I ignore that completely.
    I'll check out good intentions and shadow of doubt, though.

    EDIT: Reading back what I wrote I realize that I must sound like an elitist *******. My gaming time is pretty non-excistant right now and I probably play 6-7 hours as week, mostly on weekends. I'm a completionist by nature so I want to get those lives done quick
    Last edited by Grynberg; 04-26-2017 at 02:55 AM.
    Player of Garach - Triple heroic, iconic and epic completionist.

  6. #26
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grynberg View Post
    ...Lots of useful stuff...
    Just want to say thanks for taking the time to post this. Really interesting.

    I'm also on the RTR train - currently L12 on life 12. Getting a bit bored and decided
    to pump all points into SE. DPS is really good - so good it's not worth using anything
    other than Cone on trash and even bosses die super fast to stricken/consume -
    you can add stacks of vulnerability like a red crown champion if target is strickened.

    However, defence is nowhere near as good as ES and playstyle is more 'active'. It
    sounds like you have a better balance between the two.

    Also, how are you invis zerging? I've found since the aggro changes that I can't
    do this. Once I'm detected (almost instantly as most champs have TS) then I
    get the whole dungeon entrained with red DA quickly following.

  7. #27
    Community Member Phil7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arctigis View Post
    Also, how are you invis zerging? I've found since the aggro changes that I can't
    do this. Once I'm detected (almost instantly as most champs have TS) then I
    get the whole dungeon entrained with red DA quickly following.
    red Alert doesn't mean you can't invis. Also, zerging doesn't mean you must always invis. And crossbows are your best friend.

    I would like to post my slightly different version of the TR list, which is a bit slower (perhaps an hour slower), but is less repetitive and gets you to level 4 faster so you can use cone. All credits go to Grynberg as he did most of the fundamental work.
    Note that I am using an opener for various quests and tend to run solo and sometimes duo.

    This list is made for speed, but sacrifices a lot of reaper exp. If you don't mind repeating some quests a bit more, then I recommend following Grynberg's list ( and if you want max reaper exp/min, then you can just stop reading here.
    For those asking about reaper exp, I am using this list only for my class past lives (10 warlock/10#) so I can quickly get done with them and avoid struggling at higher levels.
    My Racial Past Lives I will run them as pure warlock on r3+ for max rxp/min, but I don't have a list for that yet.

    So here we go:

    1 (Expeditious Retreat, or Master's Touch if you have Quiver.)
    (Use Fighter Hireling, take dmg/hit enhancements + action boost and craft a lvl 1 Keen Falchion of Force or use the Crossbow from Collaborator.)
    Storehouse Secret EHN (~35 sec/run)
    Heyton Rest E
    Cannith Crystal E
    Collaborator EHN (1-2 mins/run)
    *I run the Korthos quests to combine exp and get the FREE ress Cake. If you have duped ress cakes then skip korthos

    2-3 (Jump, Stricken-1-shot bosses, Eldritch Chain)
    Bringing the Light R (1 min using crossbow, 2k exp)
    Stealthy Reposession REHNN
    Durk Secret REHNN
    Kobolds Ringleader REHNH

    4-5 (Blur, Cone-reset enhancements)
    (Use crafted radiance, acid and force gear)
    Info is Key RE
    Waterworks R
    Deneith Depths R
    Delera p1 R (skip levers, use jump - 4-5min run)
    Ruined Halls + Lair of Summoning REHN

    6-7 (Invis + Displacement, Utterdark + Web)
    Fire Caves p1 REHN
    Fire Caves p2 R
    Tobias R
    Troglodyte R
    Garl Tomb REHN
    Prove ur Worth R
    Ghost of Chance REHN

    Redwillow R (5 mins, 18k exp)
    Delera p2-4 R
    Tear of Dhakaan R (10 mins, 32k exp - no opts)
    Von2 R
    Spies REHN

    10-12 (Tentacles)
    (take ES cleaves and cone)
    Shadow Crypt REHN
    Von3 REHN

    Sands: Shrine, 3x Tombs, Mines, OOB, Vulkoor R
    (If you have a 3-man+ group who can split, then Wiz-king can be farmed on REHN, otherwise run only on R)
    Dead Shall Rise REHN (after killing boss, drop down 1 floor and kill the optional Mummy-Prince)
    Tomb of Blighted REHN (Use is your friend)
    Relic R
    Invaders R
    Diplomatic R
    Frame Work REHN (2-3mins/run)
    Eyes of Stone R

    Memoirs R
    Plaza chain R
    Gianthold R
    Grim R
    Subv R
    Necro 4: Vol REH, Inferno RE (tons of exp, but annoying quest), Ghost R

    Litany REHN (skip if no sigil)
    Missing REHN
    Fear Factory R
    Shadow of Doubt RE (HN as exp filler)

    Sane Asylum REHN
    Mirror REHN (even better with split, do opts & ignore Assassin and Hound Trainer)
    Running REHN
    Monastery REHN (farm with buddy, one uses safe-spot with boss aggro, the other solves puzzle)
    Enter Kobold REHN
    LoD R
    Lord of Stone R (use invis)
    Mask E
    Outbreak R
    Overgrowth R

    (I usually cap arround Mirror and Monastery).

    *A lot of people ask about heart seeds and tokens of the twelve and how to farm them quickly.

    For Heart Seeds I run:
    Impossible Demand EE/EH/EN/EN (8 seeds)
    Mask of Deception EH/EN/EN (6 seeds)
    Outbreak + Overgrowth EH/EN/EN (12 seeds)
    Tavern Brawl EH/EN/EN (6 seeds)

    That gives us 32 seeds so far and between level 20 to level 30 you will most likely have more than 1200 Commendations to turn into Heart Seeds.

    For Tokens of the Twelve I simply run Lords of Dust on EE which gives 1 token on the end chest (ransacked chests do not give tokens).
    I always post an LFM "EE token farm" and ask friends and guildies if they want to come along and almost always someone will join and help you out. Using a Shiradi Warlock with Hellball and 2x Ruins at level 30 the quest takes 5 mins on EE.
    Last edited by Phil7; 09-03-2017 at 12:38 PM.

  8. #28
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    How long does it take for you guys to get to L20?

    I'm finding it's taking about 3 weeks (3-4hrs per day) for doing new quests on R1.
    Not a completionist and no xp pots and not VIP and no alt toons to keep a quest open.
    It's a bit too long for me.

    I'd like to streamline it down to 1 week.
    Will the above examples take about a week?


  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grynberg View Post
    Shadow crypt RRREHN, 52m, 158k. Solo paths, takes a minute or two longer per run, duo would be faster. Grab level 10
    If my opener is level 10 and he opens the quest, we go in.
    If my opener then leaves the party does the reaper xp get nerfed because the opener opened the quest, regardless of whether or not he left?

  10. #30
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hostyle View Post
    If my opener is level 10 and he opens the quest, we go in.
    If my opener then leaves the party does the reaper xp get nerfed because the opener opened the quest, regardless of whether or not he left?
    Iirc, it's based on the highest level of any character who entered the quest. If s/he was in the party but didn't enter, no penalty.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    Iirc, it's based on the highest level of any character who entered the quest. If s/he was in the party but didn't enter, no penalty.
    This is correct. If a quest must be entered via an npc, the opener must open it, and you will take the penalty. Otherwise if you can enter the quest via a non-npc (such as a door), you can enter it yourself on elite as long as one of your party members has the quest active and could have gone in first before you, and you won't take a penalty.

    A good display of this is for the Collaborator, which has two ways to enter it.
    If you enter it with the bartender, your party member must enter it on elite.
    If you enter it with the doorway in the corner (that is also the exit), you can enter it on elite without your party member.

  12. #32
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    Apr 2009


    If you find youtube level commenting funny, like I do, then DDO Vault is a funny place. So, at present it seems like Sorc and Lock are running neck and neck for best RTR leveler, so just if you don't want lock, there is an option. Also, get Roderick's Wand, it's pretty handy for those early levels when you can't do much. These Risia events for example can give you some extremely powerful level 1 wands, and also at various points around the year there are level decent level 1 usable release creatures like Elementals gems.

    All of these things tail off in Reaper by about level 4, and it's not like you can fire and forget, they are just a distraction, and don't use air elemental gems if melee because it will fling stuff all over the place. All of these things are better with druid lives. Sorc naturally benefits from cleric lives (+1 conjuration DC level). Melee's benefit greatly from Monk lives, while ranged from Ranger. So, there is a bit of a puzzle to all of this, pick something you like. Throwers and Mechanics and Repeaters do very well in early reaper heroics.

    Farm a level 1 vorpal weapon from Korthos, that's probably the biggest thing.

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