Not so much to Level 28 gear, but to adjust the existing gear to the new realities. For instance:
Ring of the buccaneer, level 24, tier 3, dex 8 good luck 2, protection 7 green slot (also underwater action and swim that few give much of a **** about)
Compare, Cannith crafted level 23 ring, Dex 11, good luck +2 slotted in green slot, Charisma or Constitution 11, Insightful charisma, con or dexterity +5
If you happen to have an old yellow/colorless ring around as a blank, you could put both festive augments in it for dex 11, charisma 11, insightful con 5, festive int +2, festive wis +2.
Clearly this ring is obsolete, as is pretty much everything except the spyglass. My suggestion for a refit is as follows
Buccaneer ring L24 , Dex 12, Good luck 2, Protection 9, green slot, underwater action, swimming 18
People might occasionally slot that into their gear even though it would honestly still be inferior to cannith most of the time. More importantly, they might want to run cove to get it.
L20, Dex 10 Good luck 2 Protection 8, green slot, underwater action, swimming 17
L24, increase insightful int to +5 Rest as best
L20, increase insightful int to +4
Epic Cavalry plate,
L24 and L20, make it treated as heavy armor for PRR purposes but as medium for proficiency purposes. If this is too hard, give it a unique bonus to PRR on the order of +5 for L20 and +10 for L24 (the delta between medium and heavy armor at level 30 is 15 prr if you have full bab). Upgrade resistance to +9 at Level 24 and to +8 at level 20.
People might occasionally use it then
Epic swashbuckler, improve insightful dex on l20 version to +4, improve to +5 on L24 version, the other stuff is ok in light of the excellent guardbreaking ability
Epic brawling gloves, upgrade strength to +12 on L24 version, upgrade it to +10 on Level 20.