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  1. #1
    Community Member Ryethiel's Avatar
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    Default Is the Drow Spell Resistance SUPPOSED to stack with items? Because it's not.

    Friend of mine started leveling a Drow, and we noticed that the Drow Spell Resistance isn't stacking with Spell resistance on items.

    I thought it was supposed to, but am having trouble finding a solid answer. Soooo?....
    Last edited by Ryethielnas; 02-05-2017 at 12:01 PM. Reason: typo(s)
    ||| Ghallanda - Ryethieldus |||

  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Drow SR has never stacked with Enhancement-based SR like monk SR, the SR spell, and older SR gear. This is WAI, AFAIK.

    However, it (probably) ought to stack with Insightful SR gear but doesn't, which means it's (probably) bugged.

    IIRC, drow SR will stack with Serenity (GMoF) and Spellshield Aura; I've seen posters claim it will stack with Occult Slayer capstone, but I don't have any drow barbs I can confirm that on.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. #3
    Community Member Ryethiel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Drow SR has never stacked with Enhancement-based SR like monk SR, the SR spell, and older SR gear. This is WAI, AFAIK.

    However, it (probably) ought to stack with Insightful SR gear but doesn't, which means it's (probably) bugged.

    IIRC, drow SR will stack with Serenity (GMoF) and Spellshield Aura; I've seen posters claim it will stack with Occult Slayer capstone, but I don't have any drow barbs I can confirm that on.
    Thank you. To be absolutely sure, I quickly slapped together a Deep Gnome, and threw a SR belt on him. Sure enough, it didn't stack, so I guess it's not just a Drow thing and is WAI.

    Ah well.
    ||| Ghallanda - Ryethieldus |||

  4. #4
    Community Member Smokewolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Drow SR has never stacked with Enhancement-based SR like monk SR, the SR spell, and older SR gear. This is WAI, AFAIK.

    However, it (probably) ought to stack with Insightful SR gear but doesn't, which means it's (probably) bugged.

    IIRC, drow SR will stack with Serenity (GMoF) and Spellshield Aura; I've seen posters claim it will stack with Occult Slayer capstone, but I don't have any drow barbs I can confirm that on.

    WAI or not, this totally gimps both races and as such why I've only played them once. (each) Should this be *fixed* so either normal SR or Insightful stacks, then they'd be worth the effort to play again.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Invalid_103 View Post
    WAI or not, this totally gimps both races and as such why I've only played them once. (each) Should this be *fixed* so either normal SR or Insightful stacks, then they'd be worth the effort to play again.
    Drow SR is not gimped in Heroic Elite. I'm leveling a TR now at 7 and I see the blue shield all the time on opposing casts and I haven't even taken the boost to SR in the racial tree. I'm doing HE from level to two above including the Elite choice, so the last level most of the instances were 5 to 7 and then bumped 2 for Elite. The last instance in the Splinterskull Chain was 7 base and 9 at Elite and I wound up beating it with a dead hireling with the blue bounce a big part of the deal.

  6. #6
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    Yes, monk SR also doesn't stack. The formula seems to be:

    Spell Resistance = MAXIMUM( Racial SR, Monk SR, (Enhancement Bonus + Insightful Bonus + Quality Bonus) ) + Untyped (serenity, paladin aura, ?)

    If I was a dev and had some free time I'd strongly consider changing that formula to:

    Spell Resistance = MAXIMUM(Racial SR, Monk SR, Enhancement Bonus) + Insightful Bonus + Quality Bonus + Untyped

    Or just instead of having them in a separate list like that, type the racial SRs (drow, deep gnome) and monk SR as all being "enhancement" bonuses and make it like other formulas in the game without the special clause.

    If the current functionality is desired to continue, then if I was a dev and had just a little free time, I'd clarify the tooltip, because people ask this question every couple of weeks on the forum and a lot of other players in game who don't want to post here would also be confused by the sometimes non-stacking nature of SR.
    Nistafa on Khyber

  7. #7
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    Having racial SR be just a normal enhancement would be the right move. They just need to re-type the racial bonus to do what the item enhancement does.

  8. #8
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    Default Racial Spell Resistance AND Enhancement bonus Spell Resistance __BUG ????

    LOL.. I was just going to post…..

    Racial Spell Resistance AND Enhancement bonus Spell Resistance __BUG ????

    I have an 8 level Drow thus 18 Spell Resistance.

    I just got a Ring of Spell Resistance but when equipping this Ring nothing changes on the charter Sheet.

    Is this a Display Bug?


    Is the Drow Spell Resistance not a Racial type?

    I thought that different types should stack.


    Is the Ring not working?


    Did Update 34 Patch 3 break / change something with the “corrected several ‘effect stacking’ issues” statement?

    I can provide more detail and pictures if needed.

    I guess Drow are just out of luck not being able to use Spell Resistance items : (

  9. #9
    Community Member Smokewolf's Avatar
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    Whats supposed to be a major selling point for the Race ends up being fluff instead.

    IMO it's situations like this that are forcing players into cookie-cutter builds, rather then promoting a deeper game diversity.

  10. #10
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    I don't understand why insightful, quality etc would not stack. Enhancement bonus or whatever bonus type the racial is, sure, but the others, intuitively, should stack. Please fix, SSG!
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  11. #11
    Community Member Smokewolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    I don't understand why insightful, quality etc would not stack. Enhancement bonus or whatever bonus type the racial is, sure, but the others, intuitively, should stack. Please fix, SSG!
    Racial SR doesn't stack and was one of the main reasons why i quit playing the Drow.

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