So, i really really REAAAALLLY struggle trying to put the kid gloves on/be uber nice to everyone. It really is turning a new leaf for me, though it is a struggle. Last two days we have had this new fangled reaper mode. I decide to TR my main toon back to 1 and hit all the reapers i can fit in. All is dandy really, except folks hitting my reaper lfms are coming completely...and i mean completely unprepared. Im getting like 97-100% of the kills making multiple trips back to shrine to raise folks. trying to keep them healed with a healing hire. yadda yadda. in the end i PUG 1 or two quests and take 5-10x longer than norm. split from group and solo 4-5 quests fast just..then repeat.

I would be all for this new teamwork orientated play, strategy, hard/slow questing...but the only dynamic i've really gotten so far is, prepared folks carry completely unprepared folks repeatedly and cannot mention fact they are carrying because its not their business. should i just not LFM it/give up? i tried to get some groupers to wear some gear to improve their chances today and was met with snarky 'ill play my toon' type attitudes. okie dokie, keep sucking completely?

maybe i should zero in on some channels again, the pugs i tried to put together today where disheartening