I am looking for inputs for good destiny choices after GMoF. I am a halfling, I know but took it for healing dragonmark, pure monk using wraps and shintao. Thanks in advance for any and all inputs and are greatly appreciated.
I am looking for inputs for good destiny choices after GMoF. I am a halfling, I know but took it for healing dragonmark, pure monk using wraps and shintao. Thanks in advance for any and all inputs and are greatly appreciated.
MAny melee monks run in legendary dreadnought.
Kil Glory
30 alchemist
For a pitty, i don´t got much fun out of GMoF, even with highest WIS stats. Take it with Vish, go DPSnought and Life will be a single promise again.
"It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"
Assuming this is your first ED:
Do you plan on getting an Epic Past Life this life?
If not (ie you are Iconic, or don't want to go to 30), I'd get LegDread 4, Shiradi 3, Primal Avatar 3 (Rejuv Cocoon and Balanced Attacks), then get each ED to 3 before switching to the next one. Spreading out the XP gives you Twist points faster.
If you want a Epic Past life; which do you want? You could easily get Martial my maxing out the other two Martial EDs. If you want Divine, switch to US as soon as you max GMoF, then do the other two Divine EDs. You should get to 6 mil in sphere by the time you reach level 30. The other two spheres would require wasting some XP, as you'll reach 30 before you get to 6 mil in the sphere.
The only ED I found to completely suck when I was getting EDs on my Monk was Magister - the others all had something interesting.
+1 What GeoffWatson said.
You want to make a beeline for Primal Avatar for Rejuvenation Cocoon. (So LD -> Shiradi -> It will change your life. This will be your main self healing twist).
FWIW, I run my unarmed monk in Divine Crusader, mostly because things die so quickly when I run with other folks, I can't really build a sustainable blitz.
Kodraith / Xanxibar / Xinibar / Lensgrinder :: Lava Divers of Khyber :: I'm a monk. I hit things; it's what I do.
I too prefer Divine Crusader, and Rejuvination Cocoon from Primal Avatar is a game changer, but you might want to consider staying in the Martial Sphere, and maxing out all three of those, so you can select the Dire Charge epic destiny feat at level 29.
Legendary Dreadnaught--Will give you the highest sustainable DPS
Divine Crusader-- Prefer to use this early epics. It's buggy as far as melee power goes, but castigation is awesome when fighting a large group of mobs.
Primal Avatar-- Is good for monks who are good at pulling ki moves to build up spirit, dark monk works best. AoN on boss fights is nice, even with few options to keep it up, monks keep it up better than other melee classes.
Unyielding Sentinel--Works best 20-22. Otherwise nada for monks
FotW-- Not a great destiny for a melee monk, but Adrenalized Fists of Iron help when leveling it.
Never tried Fatesinger on a monk, so nothing to report here, but I assume it's probably not too bad.
Last edited by adrian69; 02-07-2017 at 08:57 AM. Reason: To Be More Specific