Reaper at level.. scaled challenges for non-over level and non-capped toons who don't want to run higher level content.
Reaper rewards and enhancement tree for levelling toons...

Not even close to what I thought we were getting..
not the challenge content for capped toons to keep them engaged for endgame focussed players.

Problems I see..

1. Further dividing the TR hardcore players from the general population.

2. More bank space required.. TR reaper gear vs multi-range ideal gear...
TR players tended to run 4-8 levels before swapping out gear items.. Reaper will likely tighten this range.
What is the binding status of Reaper bonus gear.. BTA.. BTC... does it have craftable base potential..

3. Reaper XP does it reset on TR's?
TR lifers wont bother with Reaper if they are recycling TR lives.. instead opting for the zerg levelling elites and dailies which have no over level lockout.

4. lockout issues.. normal/hard/elite doesn't lockout over level players.. but Reaper does.... and we have 10 levels of reaper..
Harmful to pugging... Reaper is going to be selective 1-10... thinning the player groups..

5. Capped players... do I really need to say much here..
We were already bored and annoyed with lack of high level content waiting with their tweaked and optimized endgame toons...
Many of these optimized builds are multi-class tweaked making them unsuitable for levelling reaper content.. so alts for levelling reaper??? or re-roll to suit reaper content..

6. 2 level lockout.. Dev's want to restrict low level farming due to reaper bonuses..
is this the intent.. Get good at level or don't get the reward...
Does the lockout make sense?
Its low level stuff that perhaps these players cant or don't care about running at level.
What does locking out over level players accomplish? relative to the entire player base experience...
The you cant get that loot because you are not reaper good enough..
Why wasn't this implemented for all content, not just Reaper..