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  1. #1
    Founder dg_evil's Avatar
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    Default Our ship is broken and customer support won't help?

    None of our ammenities have come back from the restarts this morning. Our guild leader opened a ticket to report the problem, waited a couple hours for a response, and the response was:

    "Wait 24 hours and if it still isn't populated, open another ticket and then we will help you"

    What kind of response from support is that? If they can help us in 24 hours, why can't they help us now?

    A lame response like that from support takes something that starts as an inconvenience and makes it much worse.

    If the message from SSG is that they love the game and want to keep it great, it starts by providing customer service training to support individuals so that those of us that are paying VIP members, feel like the people working for SSG do care about the game and the user experience.

    (Admin): +XXXXXXX+ tells you, 'Give it an additional 24 hours. If your airship is still empty, submit a new ticket and we will be happy to take a look. '

  2. #2
    Community Member Miow's Avatar
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    It is true it might take that long, chance are they will come back tomorrow.

  3. #3
    Founder dg_evil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miow View Post
    It is true it might take that long, chance are they will come back tomorrow.
    I know but that simply isn't an acceptable answer. We have a guild of paying VIPs with a high end ship with over 400 real dollars of upgrades that we can't use for a 1.5 days out of the week and we are simply supposed to accept that.?.? In my book, that is simply lousy service and I wouldn't be satisfied with that type of service out of any vendor.

    It also seems like a very poor strategy for a start up studio that needs to not only stop the bleeding of its current player base, but also find a way to expand that player base. Its a great game, but the total customer experience needs to be great as well.

  4. #4
    Community Manager
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    What server are you on? I heard from someone on Khyber that they were having this issue, wondering if it's the same guild/ship. My recommendation is to make sure no one is on the airship or gets onto it for a half hour or so, to give the private instance time to reset, and see if that corrects your issue.
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  5. #5
    Founder dg_evil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    What server are you on? I heard from someone on Khyber that they were having this issue, wondering if it's the same guild/ship. My recommendation is to make sure no one is on the airship or gets onto it for a half hour or so, to give the private instance time to reset, and see if that corrects your issue.

    Hi Cordovan,

    We're on Khyber and PJ passed on your message to us. Thanks for that. Unfortunately there is one member AFK that we can't get off the ship to try, but we will as soon as we get his attention.

  6. #6
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dg_evil View Post
    "Wait 24 hours and if it still isn't populated, open another ticket and then we will help you"

    What kind of response from support is that? If they can help us in 24 hours, why can't they help us now?

    A lame response like that from support takes something that starts as an inconvenience and makes it much worse.
    That is not a lame response.

    There have been occasions like this before, where amenities respawned after people had added new ones, and that caused a lot worse problems.

    Better to wait a few hours more then, and not have the amenity points locked and inaccessible forever.

    Quote Originally Posted by dg_evil View Post
    I know but that simply isn't an acceptable answer. We have a guild of paying VIPs with a high end ship with over 400 real dollars of upgrades that we can't use for a 1.5 days out of the week and we are simply supposed to accept that.?.? In my book, that is simply lousy service and I wouldn't be satisfied with that type of service out of any vendor.

    It also seems like a very poor strategy for a start up studio that needs to not only stop the bleeding of its current player base, but also find a way to expand that player base. Its a great game, but the total customer experience needs to be great as well.
    How happy would you be if replacing the amenities too soon broke your ship completely?

    They are telling you to wait because they know that is the best way to handle it.
    Last edited by Dragavon; 01-26-2017 at 04:34 AM.

  7. #7
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dg_evil View Post
    What kind of response from support is that?
    One that takes the practical reality of the situation into consideration.

    If they can help us in 24 hours, why can't they help us now?[/I]
    Why? Well, maybe because if they helped every guild in the game immediately with a bug that is known to take a long time to self-correct, they would have a LOT less time to do anything else.

    Put up a Guild Message that reminds people to NOT log out on the ship Tues nights, and that will go far to avoid the situation in the future.
    Last edited by C-Dog; 01-26-2017 at 02:06 PM.

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