Quote Originally Posted by boredman View Post
The Reaper tree buffs scale down with skull level? or you can get the 1700 hp for skull 1 or 2? If they give powerful buffs designed for reaper skull 10 they should scale down depending the skull lvl (for example 100% skull 10, 90% S9, .., 10% S1 or diminishing returns for higher skulls, etc)

About the hp bonuses applying equally no matter the type of build, I'm totally agree is not well designed. There should be penalties or restrictions of the reaper buffs depending the type of build ( the type of weapons they use (meele, ranged or caster)) and the main reaper tree invested, which brings another point of why can a build get all reaper trees enhancements (it shouldn't be main tank or main dps or main spell but not all trees at the same time?)
For example ranged dps builds should get at least a 50% penalty of the tank tree buffs (spell tree as well), 25% hp penalty just by being ranged. Melee builds should get something like 25% tank and spell tree penalties if spec into dps tree. ( I mean builds should get only a main reaper tree focus, then get penalties into other trees)
(Other option is just restrict the number of enhancements you can take so you can invest only into one main reaper tree and half other, having the option to respec enhancements when you change your build)
Yes, I don't really understand the reasoning behind being able to take every single reaper enhancement, including core 6's and tier 5's. The vast majority of the HP isn't coming just from the tank tree (<1000 available from tank tree only) It's coming from the +10 hp for every. single. point. spent in the other trees. At the very least, if the power creep is going to be retained, I'd like for caster to change to +5/10 sp per point spent and weapons to be changed to +1 PRR or +1 AC or something, just break up the homogenization in some way.