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  1. #1
    Community Member Morroiel's Avatar
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    Nov 2007

    Post @Devs Please Read

    Death effects, including the Warlock Feat Hurl Through Hell and the spell Trap the Soul, are now properly blocked by death wards. These effects will continue to work on undead or monsters who are only protected by their own racial traits, genius, or other effects, but will be specifically blocked by death ward effects. Additionally, Hurl Through Hell now has a spell point cost of 20 Spell Points.
    Before you misjudge me because of the warlock build in my signature. You should be easily able to pull up my toons on live. While I used to play a lock, I am not currently playing a lock nor do I have plans on playing one in the near future. I am arguably one of most experience fiend/hurl warlock players in the game at the moment. That is not me bragging. It is fact, and I bring it up so as to bring credibility to my argument. Is it deathward or deathblock that these spells no longer bypass? Did everything is nothing, prismatic spray/ray (green and violet), devour the soul, and void strike on critical get similar treatments? Or do you just hate dc fiend warlocks? Are you basing this off of sam's comments? Why the 20 spell point cost? Are you considering Hurl through Hell an actual spell like ability now? Those are my questions. These are my scenarios that I want you to consider:

    Scenario A:
    1) You leave the hurl with the changes to death ward you just put through.
    2) All those DC locks that you hate either switch to fey locks or dc sorcs (if prismatic ray/spray havent been similarly nerfed)

    Scenario B:
    1) You leave hurl nerfed but you give compensatory buffs and treat it like an actual sla: i.e. focus feats, enlarge, quicken work now. (IF YOU MAKE IT COST SP, METAS HAVE TO BE APPLICABLE - PERIOD)
    2) Greater diversity of dc casters as there's actually a decision to be made and fiend warlocks dont feel like you directly screwed them over (ESPECIALLY THE PLAYERS WHO DIDNT WANT REAPER IN THE FIRST PLACE - which you promised wouldnt impact the non-reaper game)

    Scenario C:
    1) You undo the nerf to hurl, and nerf it in a different way. Might I suggest a reaper specific champion buff, dimensional anchor - maybe even attached to deathward. Think idk some fancy name compilation that I'm not good at doing. dim anchor + deathward -> replace with deathward on some of the reaper champs but not all. AND of course still fix devour the soul. This dimensional anchor should ofc also block violet prismatic ray, void strike, and everything is nothing.
    2) Casual gamers don't hate you. Generally people don't hate you. Also, it fixes your issue with hurl being "apparently too op in reaper" though I honestly don't believe it. While also giving you a lever to control the % of champs with this buff in the future to make it harder or easier for people with hurl.

    Reaper Level Entrance Changes
    sorry if it seems like an echo chamber but this needs to go away somehow someway. Whatever you can justify it. I dont give a rats arse about leveling reaper content. None of my friends or guildmates level for fun anymore. I only level for changing a build out, and when I do it its torturous boredom. My suggestion - allow all characters into reaper levels 1-30. Dial all of them up to 11. Korthos island should hit as hard as shroud. Now certainly korthos will end up being easier and run less than shroud simply because its shorter the game mechanics are simpler but you get my point. Or maybe break it down like another poster said: 3-4 base level range + 2*(skulls) - with the exception of raids, double it. I was looking forward to running abbot on 10 skull. If you have to make it so we cant get gear. To be honest I dont think thats going to be an issue - gear power creep from cannith crafting is already OP.

    Great Changes - lets non humans compete for non-casters/non throwers/monkchers

    Epic Destinies
    I've been waiting for this since epic destinies came out. Please keep on doing this for more abilities with each update till all the epic spells' dcs are fixed

    Reaper Enhancements
    I really like the caster clicky for mana efficiency. That's about it. I think cool abilities that can only be used in reaper that are "utility or unique" would be best. Don't give me a bunch of power creep stat boosts imo. There's +15 spell pen for instance. I'd much rather have an option to freeze a red name for 1 second or something silly like that. Nothing broken but something broken and unique. Stat boosts are just going to lead to better builds / easier content which is going to outdate reaper 10 faster.
    Last edited by Morroiel; 01-25-2017 at 01:10 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    A new harder difficulty is likely to just be that: harder, without giving commensurate power...Ideally, at the very hardest edge of difficulty, we would not know how long it would take until all quests are completed on that difficulty.

  2. #2
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  3. #3
    Community Member Morroiel's Avatar
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    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    better? :P
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    A new harder difficulty is likely to just be that: harder, without giving commensurate power...Ideally, at the very hardest edge of difficulty, we would not know how long it would take until all quests are completed on that difficulty.

  4. #4
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morroiel View Post
    better? :P
    Yes the aqua blue is better, thank you.

  5. #5
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Morroiel View Post
    better? :P
    Much. Thank you.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Oct 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Morroiel View Post
    Death effects, including the Warlock Feat Hurl Through Hell and the spell Trap the Soul, are now properly blocked by death wards. These effects will continue to work on undead or monsters who are only protected by their own racial traits, genius, or other effects, but will be specifically blocked by death ward effects. Additionally, Hurl Through Hell now has a spell point cost of 20 Spell Points.
    Before you misjudge me because of the warlock build in my signature. You should be easily able to pull up my toons on live. While I used to play a lock, I am not currently playing a lock nor do I have plans on playing one in the near future. I am arguably one of most experience fiend/hurl warlock players in the game at the moment. That is not me bragging. It is fact, and I bring it up so as to bring credibility to my argument. Is it deathward or deathblock that these spells no longer bypass? Did everything is nothing, prismatic spray/ray (green and violet), devour the soul, and void strike on critical get similar treatments? Or do you just hate dc fiend warlocks? Are you basing this off of sam's comments? Why the 20 spell point cost? Are you considering Hurl through Hell an actual spell like ability now? Those are my questions. These are my scenarios that I want you to consider:

    Scenario A:
    1) You leave the hurl with the changes to death ward you just put through.
    2) All those DC locks that you hate either switch to fey locks or dc sorcs (if prismatic ray/spray havent been similarly nerfed)

    Scenario B:
    1) You leave hurl nerfed but you give compensatory buffs and treat it like an actual sla: i.e. focus feats, enlarge, quicken work now. (IF YOU MAKE IT COST SP, METAS HAVE TO BE APPLICABLE - PERIOD)
    2) Greater diversity of dc casters as there's actually a decision to be made and fiend warlocks dont feel like you directly screwed them over (ESPECIALLY THE PLAYERS WHO DIDNT WANT REAPER IN THE FIRST PLACE - which you promised wouldnt impact the non-reaper game)

    Scenario C:
    1) You undo the nerf to hurl, and nerf it in a different way. Might I suggest a reaper specific champion buff, dimensional anchor - maybe even attached to deathward. Think idk some fancy name compilation that I'm not good at doing. dim anchor + deathward -> replace with deathward on some of the reaper champs but not all. AND of course still fix devour the soul. This dimensional anchor should ofc also block violet prismatic ray, void strike, and everything is nothing.
    2) Casual gamers don't hate you. Generally people don't hate you. Also, it fixes your issue with hurl being "apparently too op in reaper" though I honestly don't believe it. While also giving you a lever to control the % of champs with this buff in the future to make it harder or easier for people with hurl.
    I have no problem with any and all warlock nerfs in general, but I like the idea of a separate dimensional anchor buff that is on some of the same and some different champ templates as deathward (would also prevent banishing I guess, as if anyone ever achieved that on a high difficulty given it's based on CR). More variety is good.
    Nistafa on Khyber

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