Characters cannot enter a quest on Reaper Difficulty if they are more than two levels of the base challenge rating of the dungeon or raid. Characters also cannot enter Reaper dungeons if they are Epic level and the dungeon is not.

Why oh why is this in place? You just gave us a new hard mode, but you make this overlevel penalty forcing us again to run the same dozens of quests that we have been running for the past two years? Why? We were looking forward to run quests that were fun TO US, not being forced into running the same ones all over again.

I was looking forward to quests such as WGU, Abbot, ToD, Chronoscope, ADQ1, Partycrasher, Lord of Blades, MA, heck even Dreaming Dark and the many others that have been rendered dull due to powercreep, instead you are making us run Slavers all over again? And Shroud?

This is just honestly a gigantic fail in my eyes, and completely killed any interest that I had in this mode.