Prices were determined using a formula based on how rare they are, how many recipes remain that i can use them for and get experience, and my current inventory level.
I can also pay in cannith essences. - Crafter Phrogg. ALIA: Evarius, Religast, Ralagim, Garolim, Polikala
I also make unbound shards (currently level 389) for free if you supply the ingredients (even if I get 0 xp). If I get xp, then I'll supply the cannith essence portion of your crafting cost.

Paying 150k each for:
encoded communique
planar talisman

100k each for:
scarlet cryptmoss
Aventuring Oratorio

75k each for:
shimmering spore pod
vial of dragon blood ink
blister beetle
token of the spinner

50k each for:
warehouse ledger
fractured femur
ornate charm
stone fetish
glowmoss spore
Archaic logbook

25k each for:
hairy trumpet mushroom
pouch of bone fragments