I would probably start 17 / 11 / 16 / 8 / 8 / 16; i.e., dump WIS & INT, lower DEX, more STR/CON/CHA.
I think you spent too much on KotC; I wouldn't go beyond 24 APs (Empowered Smite + 2nd heal amp) and even that's iffy. I'd definitely want 8 APs Shintao for +20 PRR/MRR, particularly since you're not going monk 6 for Shadow Veil. I'm not convinced LoHs provides enough healing on a pal 6 build to be worth it, but that's easy to fix. Maybe 33 Kensei / 23 KotC / 8 SD / 10 Shintao (Iron Skin + Fists of Iron) / 3 Henshin (Elegant Crane) / 3 PDK.
So something like this:
12/6/2 Fighter/Paladin/Monk
Lawful Good Purple Dragon Knight
Level Order
1. Fighter 6. Paladin 11. Fighter 16. Fighter
2. Paladin 7. Paladin 12. Fighter 17. Fighter
3. Paladin 8. Monk 13. Fighter 18. Fighter
4. Paladin 9. Monk 14. Fighter 19. Fighter
5. Paladin 10. Fighter 15. Fighter 20. Fighter
36pt Tome Level Up
---- ---- --------
Strength 17 +2 4: STR
Dexterity 11 +2 8: STR
Constitution 16 +2 12: STR
Intelligence 8 +2 16: STR
Wisdom 8 +2 20: STR
Charisma 16 +2 24: STR
28: STR
1 : Power Attack
1 PDK : Cleave
1 Fighter: Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning
2 Deity : Follower of: Silvanus
3 : Two Handed Fighting
6 : Great Cleave
7 Deity : Blessing of Silvanus
8 Monk : Dodge
9 : Improved Critical: Bludgeoning
9 Monk : Mobility
10 Fighter: Improved Two Handed Fighting
12 : Adept of Forms
12 Fighter: Weapon Specialization: Bludgeoning
14 Fighter: Greater Two Handed Fighting
15 : Master of Forms
16 Fighter: Greater Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning
18 : Grandmaster of Forms
18 Fighter: Stunning Blow
20 Fighter: Greater Weapon Specialization: Bludgeoning
21 Epic : Overwhelming Critical
24 Epic : Tactical Mastery
26 Destiny: Perfect Two Handed Fighting
27 Epic : Epic Damage Reduction
28 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting OR Elusive Target
29 Destiny: Dire Charge OR Deific Warding
30 Epic : Blinding Speed OR Epic Reflexes
30 Legend : Scion of: Astral Plane
Enhancements (80 AP)
Kensei (33 AP)
- Kensei Focus: Picks and Hammers, Spiritual Bond, Strike with No Thought, Power Surge
- Weapon Group Specialization, Haste Boost III
- Weapon Group Specialization, Improved Dodge III, Ascetic Training: Agility III
- Weapon Group Specialization, Athletic Mastery III, Strength
- Opportunity Attack, Weapon Group Specialization, Strike at the Heart
- Weapon Master, One with the Blade, Keen Edge
Knight of the Chalice (23 AP)
- Slayer of Evil, Courage of Heaven
- Extra Turning II, Extra Smite II
- Divine Might III, Exalted Cleave III
- Divine Sacrifice I, Vigor of Life, Exalted Smite I
- Censure Demons, Empowered Smite
Shintao (10 AP)
- Bastion of Purity
- Reed in the Wind III, Exemplar I
- Iron Skin III, Fists of Iron
Sacred Defender (8 AP)
- Holy Bastion, Sacred Defense
- Extra Lay On Hands III, Durable Defense III
Purple Dragon Knight (3 AP)
- Damage Boost
- Improved Recovery
Henshin Mystic (3 AP)
- Riddle of Fire
- Way of the: Elegant Crane
Destiny (24 AP)
Legendary Dreadnought
- Legendary Tactics III, Extra Action Boost III, Strength
- Momentum Swing III, Imp. Power Attack
- Lay Waste
- Anvil of Thunder
- Advancing Blows, Devastating Critical
- Master's Blitz, Pulverizer