OK, this is what I like about PUGs...
So, to boil it down from a 3 pager to a quick blurb. PUGing all morning, good groups, doing Heroic 15s EBB (Fresh Iconic TR, pure Fighter level 17, STR based PDK this life). Server restarts today so I figure get as many done before worlds go down. 30 minutes left, just finished Curse the sky, leader asks if we will try the next quest Creeping Death, silence...leader goes in, i follow, boom...game on! Race to the end...traps getting us along the way, but Natasha our trustee hire brings em back. 5 minute warning, last corridor, weapons broke, panic sets in..are we going to make it?
Get through the last oozes, running to the door..jump the fire traps, get BBQ'ued along the way...leader and I jump for the door boom...full on DPS on Garko...put him down, run for the chest...loot, recall...bam!!
Now that's how it's done!
4 man, 1 hire.
Thanks guys you all rock!