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  1. #1
    Hero apocaladle's Avatar
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    Sep 2010

    Default More slots for Iron Defender and Wolf pets.

    As is end game they are very underpowered and take quite a few resources to try to build them up, I was thinking along with wep/armor slots if they could get necklace and trinket slots or parhaps a feat that lets you put more stuff on your pets not to give power creep.

    I would like to build a summoner and dont mind giving up main toon power to have a decent end game summon.

  2. #2
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Quite honestly, pets right now are so terrible that I see no reason NOT to do this.

    For what I can imagine giving the pet:

    Two ring slots

    Belt slot

    Necklace slot

    Those four slots make the most sense thematically, although I wouldn't disagree being able to just dress the entire thing up like an entire character. However, you need to realise that defenders and wolves lose their inventory if you TR; further investment might cause you significant grief if you're not careful.

    So yes, Rings definitely, belt maybe, necklace, definitely.

    (I want TOD rings on mah dog!)

  3. #3
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    I see no reason why a pure arti/druid's pet shouldn't get some kind of extra slot at particular break points (e.g. 5 10 15 20). The question would be which slots, and how many.

    Don't think necklaces, gloves or belts are a good fit (already got collars, they need their claws free for slashing at stuff, and they don't really have a waist, though I guess you could wrap it round the ribcage like a sash). Cloaks and helms are also obviously not going to work, and nor are rings

    So that leaves trinkets, bracers and boots. In the case of the latter.... would they get to wear two pairs? Not a fan of them getting 2 pairs of boots unless they also get hilarious visuals...
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  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by doubledge View Post
    However, you need to realise that defenders and wolves lose their inventory if you TR; further investment might cause you significant grief if you're not careful.
    Actually they might have fixed this. Not 100% sure but I vaguely recall being surprised.

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