Hi, I like to get help with builds...
Pretty soon I will be done with my current Cleric life. Its a caster and it has been fun...but once again I am itching to TR.
This toon named "Hireling" has completionist etc etc etc.
I already have 2 Bard lives. My first life was as a Warforged 15BRD/3ROG/2FTR Warchanter from 2009ish time period. He was a heavy pick user. This was super fun, but was obviously sub-optimal...but this toon ended up becoming my main.
Bard is probably my favorite class to play, so I don't want to mess this up. In fact, I actually plan on getting this to 20 and doing a few Epic TRs...and then burning a +20 Heart and Respeccing into a class that I do not enjoy, or that I am poor at playing (looking at fighter or barb...because I suck at those for the most part)
I would say about a year ago I got around to a second bard life and it was a Human 20 BRD. I was a Warchanter/Swashbuckler. I did Freezy stuff and was nailing my freeze move about 75% of the time on EE content. I did a few Epic TRs with him and the damage seemed great to me.
Also in my groups, I would fascinate and do other CC stuff.
Anyway here are the 3 options I can see doing...
A Shouting Spell Singer with lotsa CC, going full caster route. I have never played this version of a bard. I have played about 5 Sorc lives (I did a few melee lives as a WF 15SORC/5 whaterver and then +5 hearted) and 2 Wizard Lives though, so the whole nuking and CC thing I am familiar with. So my thought about this route is that it may play too similar to a Sorc or WIZ (and I still need 1 of each of those lives) Thus "wasting" my last Bard life.
I can do another Warchanter/Swashbuckler. I have a lotta named items set up for this build. Some nice Sickles and Shortswords (Shortswords for later...so I then have Improved Crit Piercing). I know this is a FUN build, but I don't want to miss out on playing a Spell Singer...if its so fun...
I have tried to make a Pure Warchanter (in the character planner) that Dual-Wields Heavy Picks, Deathnips specifically. I started farming Deathnips for my initial life, but never had them. I always thought the idea of having a STR-based Dual-wielding Deathnip user would be super fun! Only thing is, bard is tight on feats, especially when you try to fit in Completionist. Also, by being STR based, my Freezy move would be poor. Maybe a different build would be a more fun or better Dual-Deathnip user?
Anyone have experience with these builds?
Any advice? As always thanks for reading!