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  1. #1
    Community Member Smokewolf's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Default Which is better and why?

    I've been messing around with wolf builds for some time now but have yet to answer (to my satisfaction), which would give more attacks per round, damage, survivability and why?

    1) Togg build (Druid-10, Ranger-6, Fighter-5) with all 3 Natural Fighting feats (Druid double strike bonus) SWF & TWF feats. This is the "standard" wolf build for its balenced combination of DPS, spells, and overall survivability. This build uses an Orb for it's secondary effects and augment slots. Hence no shield, allowing TWF / SWF to work together seamlessly. (Yes, yes... NOT "WAI")

    Note: Orbs avalible for Druids pretty much blow... Developers please take notice and make something viable in a future release.

    Link to Togg:

    2) Wolf build similar to Togg's but instead of using an Orb, it uses a Shield with both Shield-Mastery feats (8% dbl-stk) + Legendary Shield Mastery (7% dbl-stk) from (Unyielding Sentinel, tier 2) + Natural-Fighting (18% dbl-stk) + Doublestrike Epic-Past-Lives (9% dbl-stk for 3). Granted this would give up SWF for the use of a shield but allow for far better PRR / AC and secondary stats associated with the shield. In a nuttshell this feat swap could possibly survive a few hits the Togg may not.

    I figure that Togg's build allows for Double-Strike in the 50's while allowing for full SWF. This would top out around 80% with "1K cuts" active. The option I'm considering would see a potential max of 94% with 1K-Cuts. Keep in mind that this doesn't take into account dbl-strike bonuses from gear, with which 100% dbl-strike is more then doable.

    Now while I do realize that SWF adds to attack speed (50% max), tons of melee-power but NOT ability score bonuses. Just wondering if the overall loss of SWF feats would be greater then that gained from the extra dbl-strike and survivability of having a shield / mastery feats?

    Note: Can only use a small shield or buckler, non-metallic, while in wolf-form.

    Thanks in advance!

    Last edited by Invalid_103; 01-15-2017 at 03:37 AM.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    I believe the shield one will give you more attacks.

    That being said you want to keep in mind that the multiple fighting style feats that are stacking currently in Wolf form has been said to be something that is going to be reviewed with the Druid Enhancement Pass.

    Based on that and if you don't want to risk having to completely redo you might want to consider the close second of SWF.

  3. #3
    Community Member Smokewolf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    "Close second of SWF"... sorry dont really follow what you mean?

    Wood-chipper, SWF Druid / Monk / Fighter build?

    I realize that TWF feats maybe dead at any moment but honnestly SWF seams like a perfect fit for wolf builds not using a shield. Would hate to see that (SWF) go as well if thats what your implying?
    Last edited by Invalid_103; 01-14-2017 at 08:01 PM.

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